Edius will edit 7D footage in realtime, full resolution?! - Page 2 at DVinfo.net
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Old May 31st, 2010, 12:15 AM   #16
Inner Circle
Join Date: Nov 2005
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The question is would you want to ? The purpose of an intermediate like ProRes or Cineform is to convert the footage to an editable codec. It a big and common step in the process. I look at it like developing an still negative, and fixing it in a steady state so I can edit and render and rerender it to my hearts content, with a pretty clear picture about the predictability of the filters and effects applied. I stated, I can edit h.264 in Vegas, but I choose not to, because I want a different structure in my editing codec. I am curious how those that are using this process feel about that predictability.
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old May 31st, 2010, 07:34 AM   #17
Inner Circle
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There are good reasons for both workflows

If all you have to do is a few cuts and color correction, then straight out to BR or DVD, there is absolutely no reason for waisting time to transcode to an intermediate.

Now if you're working on a complex edit that requires moving your video in and out of your NLE for graphics effects, heavy grading, etc. in After Effects for example, than yes, I understand why you would use Cineform or, in our case on Edius, the Canopus HQ codec.
Ervin Farkas
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Old May 31st, 2010, 12:57 PM   #18
Inner Circle
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In Vegas, I have been using trying out the Epic plug in for the quick cut purposes. Still involves transcoding.

I downloaded the Edius trial a month ago. Wish I had more time to play with it. It has a very nice solid feel to it. Seemed steady as a rock and I was impressed with output. I was running on a core 2 quad on an off the shelf Dell XPS 420 If I was starting from ground up, I would consider this line...
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old May 31st, 2010, 09:09 PM   #19
Inner Circle
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It's never too late, Chris!

I switched over from Adobe about three years ago and never ever looked back. Edius is by far the most underrated NLE, it's a shame that Canopus is not investing more in advertising - even the little advertising they do, they do it in specialty magazines/websites only, sort of preaching to the choir. Now with these heavily compressed codecs finally the editing community is taking notice - after two years on the market, the Canon files are still edited with crutches by ALL of the NLEs even on mega monster computers... except Edius, that runs rock solid even on office computers.

I still have CS4 on my editing machine, and occasionally fire it up, but it is unlikely that I will ever go back. I know you're grounded firmly on Sony land (read hundreds if not thousads of your fine posts) but I still challenge you to give it some more thought; I don't see how you could be dissapointed.

And before anyone calls me an Edius fanboy, here is my statement: the day something better than Edius will hit the market, I will be the first one to switch. For now it fills all my needs, no workarounds, straight import of any format, no proxies, no transcodes, easy editing, straight export to virtually any format.
Ervin Farkas

Last edited by Ervin Farkas; June 1st, 2010 at 06:43 AM. Reason: Added comment
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