HDX-900 vs HVX? at DVinfo.net
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Old October 22nd, 2006, 06:37 AM   #1
Major Player
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Location: Surrey BC
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HDX-900 vs HVX?

I have been in pre production on a feature for so long that the camera choices expanded. from a DVX, to a SDX, then a HVX, but now there's the HDX and it looks like I may be able to shoot some footage by January, and perhaps the HPX 2100 will be out by the time I get to the bulk of it...so the question is, if I have a budget for renting, is the HDX a clear winner over the HVX in terms of overall quality--especially if I end up mixing camera formats with something else that comes along? I have interest in the project from a production company so if the trailer shows promise they may be able to up the budget and resources--I had already considered renting a F-900 (assuming I get a DP who can use it) for a single day to cover special footage. But right now it seems like the HVX and the HDX are the current options--with the HPX coming along.

There is a lot of night scenes--but I was planning to handle that by shooting most of it indoors to control lighting easier, using the 50s studio-bound approach--with some computer effects to make it more snappy.
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Old October 22nd, 2006, 02:02 PM   #2
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I haven't shot with the HDX, but I am fully expecting that the difference would be equal to the DVX100 vs. SDX900 difference, which is huge. The SDX is one of my favorite cameras and I personally would shoot with it over the HVX (and have). The 2/3 inch chip is a big difference, and the fact that you can put a real piece of glass in front of it gives you a huge image quality boost.

If you have he budget, I'd say go for it.
Barry Gribble
Integral Arts, IMDB

Last edited by Barry Gribble; October 22nd, 2006 at 08:46 PM.
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Old October 22nd, 2006, 03:32 PM   #3
Major Player
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Location: Surrey BC
Posts: 259
Thanks! That's just the type of expert opinion i was looking for. :)
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