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Old May 23rd, 2014, 10:01 PM   #31
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Re: I have had it with adobe

Originally Posted by Shaun Roemich View Post
To which I reminded him that PROFESSIONAL editors aren't the ones who install updates immediately upon release, preferring to wait to see what systemic issues might arise from them.
We, users, still come out ahead even if we don't update immediately. For example, under the old model of a big, ready-or-not CS upgrade every 12 months a cautious user might wait 2 months, for good measure, to see if anything unsavory pops up. If Adobe releases new features, say, every 4 months, users can wait 2 months to upgrade and we still end up with three upgrades in a 12 month time span w/CC vs one upgrade under the old model.
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Old May 24th, 2014, 06:32 AM   #32
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Re: I have had it with adobe

I do not understand why adobe would just let go of all these customers. You would think that they would at the very least maintain CS6 to sell as a box set for those customers that will not go the CC. If I could not afford to buy the box or needed all the extra stuff I would consider CC. I just do not need all that software and I sure do not need the headache that comes with being in the cloud. I also like to get my hardware and software working right then disconnect from the web and use that editor until it is time to upgrade both. Adobe should really listen to its clients before they are someone else clients. Adobe get your head out of the cloud or your a$$.
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Old May 24th, 2014, 09:27 AM   #33
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Re: I have had it with adobe

Originally Posted by Ron Little View Post
I do not understand why adobe would just let go of all these customers. You would think that they would at the very least maintain CS6 to sell as a box set for those customers
They do. You can still buy CS6 and Adobe is still currently maintaining it (i.e. bug fixes, security fixes, OS compatibility, etc.,).

I also like to get my hardware and software working right then disconnect from the web and use that editor until it is time to upgrade both.
If you buy the annual CC subscription you only have to connect it to the Internet once every 99 days.
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Old May 25th, 2014, 08:16 AM   #34
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Re: I have had it with adobe

Here is what Adobe says about CS6

Dear Adobe Customer, At Adobe, we’ve always been steadfast in our commitment to providing you with state-of-the-art creative tools. That’s why, effective June 1, we’re making Adobe Creative Cloud your exclusive source for all future creative licensing.
This means that Adobe Creative Suite 6 will be discontinued under our TLP and CLP licensing programs. All other Adobe products available under volume licensing, like Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Presenter, will be unaffected by this change.
Rest assured, we'll work with you to help make the move to Creative Cloud smooth and without disruption to your team's projects. If you prefer, you may still buy individual copies of CS6 on adobe.com; however, the apps will not have been updated since CS6 was released two years ago.
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Old May 25th, 2014, 10:51 AM   #35
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Re: I have had it with adobe

Originally Posted by Ron Little View Post
Adobe should really listen to its clients before they are someone else clients. Adobe get your head out of the cloud or your a$$.
Sadly, for a certain segment of editors (I include myself here...), Apple's move away from a traditional editing model (FCP7) to The New Paradigm of FCPX and AVID's steadfast determination that 4k will be conformed in post and not edited natively, Adobe was our last remaining hope.

I've tried working with other edit software and none of it does what I need for corporate and occasional broadcast. I need more than a picture editor; I need editorial, light colour correction, light duty compositing in a traditional managed-by-me media format that "plays nice" with 3rd party I/O devices.

A lot of editors working on narrative fiction never use more than three tracks of video - I ROUTINELY have 10 or more in my timelines due to clients needs. BMD is promoting their new Resolve 11 as an edit solution. Sure, if Media100 in 2000 is the control you need for an editor.

I don't want FAST, I want precise.

Adobe offers that but the subscription model is what I referred to when talking to the CC Rep at NAB as "forcing editors to keep suckling at the Adobe teat".
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster
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Old May 25th, 2014, 12:13 PM   #36
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Re: I have had it with adobe

Vegas goes out of this world:


I doubt whether Sony will ever go down the Adobe, Avid and now Digital Juice subscription roads so Vegas is probably pretty safe to consider as an alternative NLE.

Sony's philosophy has been to put Vegas out there at an easily affordable price. Sony doesn't have to rely on the sale of its editing software to survive. Sony knew that no matter how tardy other NLE software vendors were in supporting Sony cameras and codecs they could guarantee that there was one was NLE, Sony Vegas, that would support your shiny new Sony camera as soon as it came out. That is why Sony bought out Sonic Foundry, for Vegas, to be able to offer a workflow from camera to program completion. Vegas detractors in most cases don't know or have not worked with Vegas. Sony never really did the blitz and bling marketing that Apple did with FCP, which funnily enough started out as a Windows only NLE but then that's a different story. Maybe that is probably why Vegas is not considered a 'serious' NLE. For those of us in the know though we smile because we 'know' what it is capable of.

Over 400 TV shows, countless corporates and dozens and dozens of TV spots later plus a major doco for the Australian Government and not once have I ever regretted transitioning to Vegas. The pressure of putting out fifty weekly TV shows a year as independent productions for Fox and FTA plus the corporate and TV spots work was a pressure cooker environment. A solid highly stable production workflow was paramount and we got that from the Sony XDCam cameras we used for acquisition right through to the Sony Vegas software we used for the editing and program delivery.

It was the sheer intuitiveness, reliability, stability even with ten to fifteen track deep timelines and Vegas' ability to handle any type of footage natively plus capture SDI or HD-SDI and convert it in real time to 50-mbit MXF that won out with our three editors who were pushing this material through. Vegas' capture via Blackmagic's Decklink cards with real time convert to MXF was a big plus for us. Especially earlier on when most of the SD footage was coming off Digi-Beta or DVC Pro 50. All our TV programming was cut and delivered 50-mbit 422 on XDCam disc to the networks and this capture to MXF capability really streamlined our workflow and gave us a good balance between image quality and storage space. SDI capture is not so important these days as most acquisition is now disc or card based but the minute you have to go back and work with archive footage off tape it's a very efficient way to work.

As you can gather I’m a Vegas convert but for a very good reason. It has been the mainstay of my business since I left Discreet edit* behind in about 2003 and it has delivered for me solidly ever since. So yes I guess I’m one of those rare creatures. A Vegas fanboy. You could do worse than to try it out if you are being put off by Adobe's new business plan.

Chris Young
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Old May 25th, 2014, 12:17 PM   #37
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Re: I have had it with adobe

Purely in the interest of furthering our knowledge of ADR, I post the following link that has some relationship to the current thread. Possibly NSFW, particularly if your office speaks German. Enjoy.

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Old May 25th, 2014, 12:34 PM   #38
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Re: I have had it with adobe

I can't type, there is tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. If you don't think that is funny you must be dead. Thank you Battle....That says it ALL!!!

Also, Thank you Seth for the detailed post on page two.

Been at this so long I'm rounding my years of experience down...not up!
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Old May 25th, 2014, 12:48 PM   #39
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Re: I have had it with adobe

Battle, I have seen a LOT of these over the years and this may well be my new favourite! Thanks for sharing!
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster
www.roaddogmedia.ca Blog: http://roaddogmedia.wordpress.com/
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Old May 25th, 2014, 04:17 PM   #40
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Re: I have had it with adobe

Originally Posted by Ron Little View Post
If you prefer, you may still buy individual copies of CS6 on adobe.com; however, the apps will not have been updated since CS6 was released two years ago.

Yeah. You can still buy CS6 though it's now longer being offered under some volume licensing plans (TLP and CLIP specifically). While CS6 isn't getting any new feature updates (which is par for the course for EOL versions of software) it is getting bug fixes and maintenance updates. AE CS6, for example, received a maintenance update last October.
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Old May 26th, 2014, 07:58 AM   #41
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Re: I have had it with adobe

Yes, that was a good one! Right up there with my favorite - the 5DMKIII/GH2 Hack edition.

The media world seems to provide endless opportunities for this video :)
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Old May 27th, 2014, 05:04 PM   #42
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Re: I have had it with adobe

Originally Posted by Terry Wall View Post
I want to thank everyone for their valuable insights! The app seems to be running for now, but in one project I was working on, all the AVCHD files I had imported were suddenly "offline." If I weren't already pissed enough, this just amped me up another 10 notches! After my original import, I renamed the files to more closely match what I was doing (talking head interviews), so I literally had to go back to the raw files and relink them. I AM SO DONE WITH ADOBE!! I am going to clear out my in-work projects, and--as "The Donald" might say--Adobe, YOU'RE FIRED!!!

I'll be checking between Vegas and Edius. Both seem to support event and corporate shooters best. I didn't see any input on how Vegas handles multiple formats on a timeline, but I did see from the comments that Edius handles it well.

Again, sincere thanks for the feedback! DV Info ROCKS!!
Hi Terry,
I just read your post and see that you had some nasty problems there. If you continue to use Premiere Pro, feel free to PM me with any future concerns and I'll do my best to solve them for you. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

Kevin Monahan - Support Product Manager—DVA
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Old June 5th, 2014, 02:59 PM   #43
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Re: I have had it with adobe

Another +1 for Vegas. I was Premiere only for a long time, but in 2007 a job required that I use Sony Vegas. I have not looked back since.

I do about 90% live events, and the multi-cam editing on Vegas has worked wonders. I have done dozens of 3 camera shoots and a couple four camera shoots and it has been great.

I had another project, three camera shoot and was given 32 audio tracks by the sound guy at the venue and mixed one of the best sounding DVDs I've ever done using only Vegas.

I liked the comment someone made that it's the "Swiss army knife" of NLE's. So true.
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Old June 6th, 2014, 08:13 AM   #44
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Re: I have had it with adobe

Originally Posted by Jeremiah Rickert View Post
Another +1 for Vegas. I was Premiere only for a long time, but in 2007 a job required that I use Sony Vegas. I have not looked back since.

I do about 90% live events, and the multi-cam editing on Vegas has worked wonders. I have done dozens of 3 camera shoots and a couple four camera shoots and it has been great.

I had another project, three camera shoot and was given 32 audio tracks by the sound guy at the venue and mixed one of the best sounding DVDs I've ever done using only Vegas.

I liked the comment someone made that it's the "Swiss army knife" of NLE's. So true.
Yes the audio system in Vegas pummels Premiere Pro. I was using PP CS6 but have returned to Vegas solely because of the Adobe subscription plan. I make a fair income, but I don't do monthly payments so after being an Adobe customer for more than 25 years I'm now going elsewhere.
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Old June 6th, 2014, 08:35 AM   #45
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Re: I have had it with adobe

I just downloaded DaVinci Resolve 11 Lite and I'll give it a try. Crazy that it is free. Is there a catch I'm not seeing? Anyway, I hope this a solution. Has anyone else tried?
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