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Old October 6th, 2013, 11:12 PM   #136
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Re: Are there any compact cameras recording like a good videocamera?

Hopefully Sony is listening <wink> - that list is pretty much the same as mine for an "HX500" (I hear 4 is bad luck in Japanese tradition!).

I can say that ALL of those things are easily doable in a camera the size of the HXx00 series - the RX100, not enough room inside that thing to squeeze in a flea! I've had both cameras stripped down to bones in the last couple days (one to fix, one to see what was left after being run over by a truck by the look of it!).

Sony HAS put the hot shoe (with additional custom contacts for Sony attachments) on the RX100M2, and the HX50, so that should be easy. A mic jack shouldn't be hard (actually is probably a simple adapter through the Sony shoe contacts, like on the old HC Handycams!), but I can live with dual record too. I'd add a better VF than the 300 has. A swivel screen would be "better" that the current design, though I can live with the tilt most of the time, keep the Sony image quality, figure out the continuous aperture, ability to record in the FX modes (the RX100 can do some of them), and add a better slo-mo (I think the Panasonic gets away with it from the lower pixel density sensor so it doesn't overheat with the continuous higher bitrate required).

Of course it would be really nice if it had a sensor like the RX100, BUT the lens would then have to be HUGE - the smaller sensor lets them put that crazy 50X thing in a reasonable package! I figure if I'm shooting close range, the RX100 fits the bill, and the HX is there to get the longer shots, or if I need a VF to frame. I've shot the tow side by side, and the HX300 is no slouch, it takes a trained eye to see exactly where the RX100 is better, though I suspect the M2 has widened that gap (haven't shot those side by side yet... SOON!).
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Old February 16th, 2014, 07:48 PM   #137
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Re: Are there any compact cameras recording like a good videocamera?

Which of the cameras mentioned in this thread has the widest angle lens? I am looking for something that will get a whole soccer field from the top of high school bleachers. I can't seem to find a regular video camera with a wide angle, so reading about these they may fit the bill.
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Old February 17th, 2014, 03:28 AM   #138
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Re: Are there any compact cameras recording like a good videocamera?

HX300 (HX400 just announced, soon to release, added the MIS shoe, not anything else immediately apparent, perhaps faster processor), roughly 32-35mm equivalent wide angle in video mode.

DSC RX10 (new, announced and released since this thread, expensive, and worth it), 29-31mm equivalent in video mode. RX100M2 has wider, but weaker zoom, so it's tough to get in tight from a distance.

With these dual mode cameras, you have to check the lens range as it changes when the ratio is 16:9 vs. a 3:2 or 4:3.

Sony CX and PJ7xx series cameras are 29mm equiv if memory serves, and about as wide as you can get unless you go "fisheye", and you might be able to add a wide angle adapter to gain a little more (IIRC the HGA 07B doesn't vignette unless you're moving the camera around... the active IS will move enough you can get the lens in the corners).

If you ONLY need wide, the RX100M2 might do the trick, but if you also need to get tighter shots, you'll need a lens with more long end.
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Old February 17th, 2014, 04:24 AM   #139
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Re: Are there any compact cameras recording like a good videocamera?

The sony cx7xx series start at 26mm wide angle which is very wide for a fixed lens camera.
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Old February 17th, 2014, 02:55 PM   #140
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Re: Are there any compact cameras recording like a good videocamera?

The PJ7xx series uses the same lens block, and would be the same 26mm too then... PJ designates "projector" models which are mirrored by "CX" series (that don't have a projector built in). There is also the NX30 in the pro line, which is more or less a PJ760 with an added audio block/mic.

US models from the last two model years would be CX760, PJ760, PJ710, PJ790, EU models have a slightly different numbering scheme...

Again, if it's strictly a fixed wide "safety" shot, the RX100M2 has a wider lens and is very small... but its own set of limitations due to small size. I'm thinking it might work as one component for a multicam shoot, but I'm not sure about the requirements... "whole soccer field" when on wide is a little bit broad...
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