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Old August 4th, 2005, 07:58 PM   #1
New Boot
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Location: Knoxville,TN
Posts: 17
What will could possibly change?

I am considering the HVX200 or the GY-HD100U (vastly different I know) but should I make a decision and buy now or will there be some really different cameras coming out in October? Since we are on the cusp of migrating from SD to HD I feel buying 1st generation technology will mean I'll be just one of the guinea pigs testers that help out future buyers. My friend bought the DVX100 when it first came out and kicked himself because the "a" model didn't follow that far behind. Not to say he isn't happy with his camera but it he liked the updated features that came on the newer model. Now if I wait, How long could it be before the "a's" come out on these cameras?

I don't want to buy an SD model because for the small price difference, I'd be kickin' my own butt for making the wrong purchase. I like the HVX but I'll never use the 50/100 mb stream. My clients stuff doesn't have to be that incredible because its never going to air and 720p is exactly what I'm looking for.
I'm too used to the professional lens that comes on the GY-HD100 and no other brand offers that. I have always worked with Sony gear from my days in news to my current job but I just might take my chance with the JVC because of that interchangable lens.
So is anything going to change after October rolls around or should I just go ahead a get back on the list for the 1st batches?
Greg Gelber is offline   Reply With Quote
Old August 4th, 2005, 11:43 PM   #2
Inner Circle
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well as far as i know, JVC are already working on new models of the HD units... thats not to say its gonna be out in a year or so, but they already acknowledge that at least the HD100 will have some issues with some peoples requirements. Unfortunately thats all i can say at this time.

as for the "migration" yes, for broadcast, i agree, that things are moving towards HDV and DVCProHd... but for events and delivery, HD is still a long way away..

Im not bothering with serious HD gear until i can deliver the goods to ALL my clients.. I use Z1's for broadcast delivery on DigiBeta or what have you, but THATS ALL.. i have no further use for the cameras and i certainly wont put those cameras to use for weddings and events, simply due to the fact that im planning on selling them for HVX units.. at least this way i can ditch the DVXs and the Z1's altogether.
I only use them for their 4.2.2 colour ranges but im less than imporessed with the camera itself (well.. lens anyway...) ... some poeple think theyre fine, and to most, they ARE fine.. but for me, vertical smearing is an ugly bastard and i am amazed as to how bad it is on these units.

To me, im waiting.... by then PCs will be twice as powerful and a little bit cheaper... :)
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Old August 5th, 2005, 08:52 AM   #3
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I used to have "Sony" tatooed on my forhead. That's all I could see. But then I got into Pro Sales and learned a lot about JVC. Converted me, for one thing I found out that a lot of Sony video engineers left Sony and went to JVC because Sony would not let them put in some of their inovations and JVC welcomed them.

Was in more than one "shoot out" where the JVC cameras outshowed the Sony and Panasonic.

Got out of sales and back into production, and still love the JVC cameras. Plus the people I talk to in the JVC booth at NAB are always more open and friendly than at Sony.

Evaluate the JVC with an open mind and let us know what you think.
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Old August 5th, 2005, 09:28 AM   #4
Inner Circle
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Greg, if you are interested, there are now little clips posted from the new JVC GY-HD100U at the HD boards, from the camera.
So maybe you are curious.
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Old August 5th, 2005, 02:42 PM   #5
New Boot
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Location: Knoxville,TN
Posts: 17
Do you think there will be any other cameras unveiled in October that will make me think differently about the GY-HD100? Again, the Fujinon lens is the main reason I'm considering the purchase. Sure in a few years there will be some others out there with interchangable lenses but by then, I will have used the heck out of this camera and made enough money to invest into next generation stuff. Thanks for the feedbacks:)
Greg Gelber is offline   Reply

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