Monitoring important - but how?
A pixel goes white occasionally after my HD10 gets warm. I have now seen it twice. Its presence has made me aware of the need for good monitoring. My first real chance to observe this flaw is on my Viewsonic Professional Series PF790 CRT monitor in 1280 x 960 mode (VGA connector from editing computer). The real "showing" is on a Samsung 50" DLP (HLN5065W) via DVI connection from a dedicated HTPC.
I only noticed this on the Samsung, which then led me to look for the bad pixel on the Viewsonic. Result - the pixel is VERY obvious on the Samsung, but hardly noticeable on the Viewsonic. I would NEVER have even seen it without looking hard.
I always thought my HD10 looked better once I got the DVI connection on the "Sammy". Now I've got to figure what to do with the camera. So far it seems to show up only when it gets warm - and then not all the time. I never would have known of this problem without superior monitoring. Hey - maybe ignorance IS bliss!