HD novice question re:exporting after edit at DVinfo.net
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Old February 6th, 2009, 05:59 PM   #1
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HD novice question re:exporting after edit

Long time listener, first time caller (sort of). Bunch of us fool around with SD, making movies and entering small festivals or just boring strangers that wander in. No tech know-how, so it took us forever to get all the equip and workflows down on SD production. Now we're eyeballing the JVC GY-HM100 for possible jump to boring HD movies, question is, when the editing's done and it's time to output to tape or whatever, how does that work? We output to SD tape right now, using our little capture camera. What tape format would we need to upgrade to for HD output to tape? And to burn HD dvds, do we just need HD dvd burner?

I tried a search in here, but got too many hits to figure out which ones might be useful. I fully expect to get busted for this dumbass post, but I figure this is the quickest way to get a bead on what we're gonna need. To whomever has the time to waste to answer this, thanks!
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Old February 6th, 2009, 06:37 PM   #2
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First to clarify, HD DVD as a format is dead and has been replaced by it's competitor Blu-ray. You would capture HD footage into your NLE (non-linear editor) just like DV. Since you are considering the GY-hm100 the format will vary a little because this cam can shoot DV, HDV, or XDCAM EX to SD cards. Depending on your NLE, you will shoot .MOV files or .M2T files that will be imported into your NLE for editing. You will need software and a system that can handle HD editing and that can author and burn blu-ray files for delivery. There are other delivery methods but for optical HD delivery it is blu-ray. This is a basic primer and i would recommend using the Google search bar at the bottom looking for high definition workflow, blu-ray workflow, blu-ray authoring, and similar search phrases. You also might want to search your camera model on the boards and see if any one has any model specific tips or tricks. Hope this was helpful.
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