FS-4 HD M2T Files In Premiere Pro...NOT! - Page 2 at DVinfo.net
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Focus Enhancements FireStore
Specifically for the FireStore DV Direct-To-Edit Disk Recording Solutions.

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Old June 19th, 2007, 04:11 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Ed Hecht View Post
(The aforementioned DOS concatenation method doesn't work for me either: Prem Pro 1.51 still does not recognize the new concatenated file.)

Can anyone confirm that m2t (or mov) files captured with FS-4 Pro HD work in Vegas 7? I used up my trial long before this issue and would appreciate some input before laying down the cash. Thanks in advance.
Sorry to hear that my concatenation method didn't work for you.

The m2t files will work with Vegas 7 but there are some exceptions.

(1) The files will not work seamlessly if the are simply put on the time-line. This is why I developed the DOS concatenation method so as to join them together to create one large file that will be seamless.

(2) If the file is longer than 1 hour the build peaks for the audio will not work and can either crash Vegas or cause an error depending on what update you are using.

One of the problems with the m2t files from the FS-4 HD is that it doesn't have the time code. This causes problems for NLE's that expect it.

(Rant On)

If Focus Enhancements ever supports this product again, which I am beginning to seriously doubt if they will then maybe there could be a better way of saving the HDV files to the hard drive. Maybe even use NTFS to allow for undivided files.

DTE? Not on my system.

Compatibility? Not on my system.

Support? Look at the threads on this site and see how many unsolved problems there are.

They seem to be more interested in developing more products instead of solving issues with current ones.

I am seriously thinking about selling my two units on Ebay and then build my own units with portable computer cases with micro ATA MOBO's. I will be able to capture HDV that will be one long file using NTFS that will actually work. Well, will work once the build peaks issue in Vegas is finally solved. Much larger, yes, but at least it will work!

Focus Enhancements had better hope that possible future customers don't visit this forum!

I have been patient long enough! It is high time Focus Enhancements got off their butts and solve these problems already!!!!!!!!!!

(Rant Off)

Danny Fye
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Old June 19th, 2007, 06:45 AM   #17
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Yes, m2t files made with the Firestore FS-4 Pro HD do work in Vegas 7e ( the current version)...


Based on a small sample size of tests there are two issues:
1. Using the Retro Cache feature can corrupt some files.
2. Joining the clips from a greater than 9 minute continuous shoot is not seamless. (Someone has written a .bat file elsewhere in this forum that merges the clips and supposedly makes them seamless. I have yet to verify that.)

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Old June 19th, 2007, 11:05 AM   #18
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Shame on Focus

Thanks for the response, Danny. I meant to bring the concatenated m2t file to work to see if it would work here at work. I'll try that tomorrow. And thanks for YOUR response, Buddy. Fortunately, I WAS able to download the Vegas 30-day trial and confirmed that it reads m2t files just fine. It appears I'll have to use two NLEs: Premiere Pro for files captured with Aspect HD from tape and (eventually when I can spare the cash) Vegas 7 for FS-4 Pro files.
(mini rant on)
This sort of bahavior from vendors is what makes me want them all fall flat on their asses. Just like the Blu-Ray/HD DVD battle: until burners (players) reach an acceptable level (say sub-$175), they are both going to lose. And with NAS/virtual storage eventually being the norm, physical media will lose its importance anyway.
(mini rant off)
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Old June 19th, 2007, 11:34 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Ed Hecht View Post
Thanks for the response, Danny. I meant to bring the concatenated m2t file to work to see if it would work here at work. I'll try that tomorrow. And thanks for YOUR response, Buddy. Fortunately, I WAS able to download the Vegas 30-day trial and confirmed that it reads m2t files just fine. It appears I'll have to use two NLEs: Premiere Pro for files captured with Aspect HD from tape and (eventually when I can spare the cash) Vegas 7 for FS-4 Pro files.
(mini rant on)
This sort of bahavior from vendors is what makes me want them all fall flat on their asses. Just like the Blu-Ray/HD DVD battle: until burners (players) reach an acceptable level (say sub-$175), they are both going to lose. And with NAS/virtual storage eventually being the norm, physical media will lose its importance anyway.
(mini rant off)
You are welcome.

You can use Vegas to capture from tape and get real time playback on the time-line without the need for the Aspect HD. I am doing this with two cams and am using Infiniticam from VASST to do my cam edits.

Adjusting to the way Vegas does things and workflow will be the most difficult part but once you get a hang of it you will be glad you did.

Except for the build peaks issue with m2t files Vegas has been rock solid and virtually crash free.

Meanwhile, until the numerous HDV issues are solved I am using SD 16x9 with my HC1's and am getting good enough results. The only exception is theater video which requires HDV so I can pan and scan for framing I missed which is easy to do in theater because the actors are all over the stage and rarely go according to rehearsal and rarely remember where they are supposed to be. One performance they enter stage left and the next stage right while my cam is looking at the oposite end of the stage. Fortunately cam 2 is set for full stage.

(Micro rant on)

As for sending HDV to a client, right now it would be cheaper and more compatible to send a USB hard drive to the clients with the edited video on it. A cheap 40 gig drive will do the trick. So much for blue-crap and HD-DVD-Crap! :) LOL!

(Micro rant off)

Danny Fye
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Old June 19th, 2007, 04:02 PM   #20
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Actually, after hearing so many good things about Vegas, I just may throw my $ at it, rather than a Premiere Pro CS3 upgrade. In fact, had I known what I know now, I never would have laid out cash for Aspect HD and went with Vegas altogether. So unless someone knows of any rumors of correcting this compatibility problem in PP CS3, my upgrade budget goes to Vegas 7 and AFX CS3...

Last edited by Ed Hecht; June 19th, 2007 at 04:04 PM. Reason: Elaboration
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