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Focus Enhancements FireStore
Specifically for the FireStore DV Direct-To-Edit Disk Recording Solutions.

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Old September 23rd, 2004, 08:26 AM   #1
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Help - Confused

I'm UK based and I'm interested in getting a FireStore recorder (or even two) for my two main cameras but I have a couple of questions before I decide what to buy...

I'm hoping someone here can help me. I will describe what I have and what I hope to achieve and if someone could advise me what to get I would be very grateful.

I have: Camera #1: Sony DSR500 with a PagLock battery system (this is affixed and 'soldered' in and cannot be removed. Camera #2: JVC GY- DV500E currently using the basic NP1 battery holder. I also will be using a Sony PD170 but lets concentrate on the first two as they are the most important. I am mainly concerned for my weddings work, as corporate productions pay for edit and transfer etc., but with weddings the more time I spend transferring and digitizing means having to wait longer to start editing and effectively costs me more time and effort.

Firstly I dont mind replacing the battery type on the JVC, but don't really want to do this on the DSR500. I am quite happy to put an AB fit or something on the back of the JVC HD. to power the disk and cam as then I can put something like 160Wh battery pack on there and it should power the cam and disk for over 3 hours, which would be great. Is there an Anton Bauer adaptor?

It is more important for the JVC really as the DSR can already record 3 hours on one tape, but the JVC cannot. I don't think a PagLock adaptor is available for the JVC so I cannot 'share' my Sony Pags with it, so at the moment I want to know what I said in the last paragraph is possible?

Is it possible to then fit a HD onto the Sony (onto PagLock) then fit PAGs on the back of the Disk?

Can I pull the disk out and put it into some kind of firtewire caddy or something to attach to my edit suite without having to remove the unit from the camera? This would mean an edit can start whilst the camera is still being used.

Help, I'm confused I don't know what adaptors are available, where they fit (ie: to the cam and to the back of the HD before the batteries), or what? Where can I find out what I want?

Any help would be most appreciated.

Association of Professional Videomakers (UK)
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Old September 26th, 2004, 02:22 PM   #2
Focus Enhancements
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Location: Campbell, CA.
Posts: 508
Hi Stephan,

Here is some answers for you...

FS-3 is available with PAGLock plates. This will allow you to use FS-3 with a PAG configured camcorder and PAG batteries (the FS-3 sits in between the batt and cam). It is possible to purchase a plate from PAG to replace your NP case on the should bolt right on. I used this setup at IBC on a DV5000. I don't know if a PAGLock to Anton/Bauer adapter may need to check with Anton/Bauer.

The disk drive on FS-3 is removable, so once a recording is complete, simply remove the drive, connect it to a FireWire port on your editing system and either edit directly from the drive or transfer your clips to your media drive.

Our distributor in the UK is Holdan. They should be able to help you. You can reach them at 0845 130 4445 or at

Hope that helps,

Matt McEwen
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Old September 29th, 2004, 01:45 AM   #3
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Help - Confused

HI Stephan,

I think you question is spot on.

“Real life” users will often have more the one battery system, but would like to be benefit from the FireStore FS-3 on all there camcorders.

That’s why, when we became new distributor for Focus (august 1st 2004), I decided to establish a closer relation ship between us, as the distributor of Focus, and the battery manufactures i.e. PAG.

At IBC I agreed with PAG, and other manufactures, to have a day or two product training in each other products. This would hopefully enable us to answers question not only with a price, but also with the correct part number that you would request from you PAG reseller (the same reseller will also be able to provide you the FS-3 and integrate the system for you)

Please contact me direct on T: 0845 130 4445 or email if I can be of further assistance.

Hope to hear from you,


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Old October 16th, 2004, 10:24 AM   #4
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Follow up - no longer confused....

Well just to follow up on what I was saying above, I have now converted both the DSR500 and the GY-DV500E to Sony V-lock.

This is primarily so I can use whopping great 190w Swit batteries on both cameras to standardize and because they last forever! and secondarily so that I can potentially incorporate HDD systems easily and have the power to run them for long periods (say 2 hours max with a locked off camera). With those batteries I will probably be able to run an on-camera light (like my flourescant Photon Beard) too!

So I will now be looking at the HDD units in earnest. Questions that still concern me a little are; with the GY-DV500 (and presumably the DSR500) you loose many of the facilities that you get on the 5000 including viewfinder status and I believe you must have a tape present and recording in order to use the HDD? When the tape runs out I believe the HDD stops too - is there any way to make it run continously, otherwise it defeats my reason for getting on for the DV500E, which was to be able to record longer than the poxy mini DV tapes it uses?

Is there any chance of borrowing one from somewhere on a 'try-before-you-buy' basis?

Association of Professional Videomakers (UK)
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Old October 16th, 2004, 11:41 PM   #5
Focus Enhancements
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Stephen Wrote:

When the tape runs out I believe the HDD stops too - is there any way to make it run continuously, otherwise it defeats my reason for getting on for the DV500E, which was to be able to record longer than the poxy mini DV tapes it uses?

This only occurs when you are using the DR-DV5000 in Syncro Slave mode. If you use it in local mode, this will not be a problem. The disk recorder will operate separately to the tape transport and continue to record when the tape runs out.

I would check with our UK distributor Holdan about a can contact them at .

Hope that helps,

Matt McEwen
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Old October 28th, 2004, 03:48 PM   #6
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Just an update...

Well I am currenly trialling an FS3 unit on one of my cameras and it seems to be pretty good so far. I have tried recording in a number of formats, but of course as I am a FCP user quicktime works best for me.

Only two problems.... the first is physical. The unit is an extremely 'tight' fit onto my sony 'V-lock' plate and it is extremely hard to tell if the locking 'pin' is engaged when the unit has been pushed down onto the plate as hard as possible (I'm still not sure now). I dont know if this is a problem with the FS unit or the plate itself, it's impossible for me to tell. The first time I mounted it however I was worried and a bit of a push (without disengaging the retaining pin via pushing in the lever on the side of the plate) on the bottom caused it (and the battery) to drop off!! The battery attaches to the plate on it's own no bother and the batteries attach to the 'V-Lock' on the FS3 with no problems either. It seems that when the electrical contacts at the bottom are fully engaged and 'home' as far as possible, the 'V' section is not down far enough for the retaining pin to engage.

The second is the fact that it is not controlled by the camera, so you have to switch it on and off manually, which is a bitch when your already extremely heavy camera is shoulder mounted, as you have to take it off your shoulder each time you want to start/stop it.

Lifting the drive out and attaching it to your Mac (or PC) and then editing straight from the clips on it is a dream however, and the unit is easy to use and extremely well engineered. It is a fine product and if I get the above problem sorted out then all will be fine.

Association of Professional Videomakers (UK)
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Old November 3rd, 2004, 06:13 PM   #7
Focus Enhancements
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Location: Campbell, CA.
Posts: 508
Hi Stephan,

Something does not sound right on the V-Lock plate. When you slot the unit onto the camcorder with a V-Mount plate, it should snap into position quite snuggly. What happen when you just connect the battery itself to the camcorder? Do you have the same fit problem?

Use the Syncro Slave mode on the unit...that way you can control Rec and Rec stop from the camcorder.

Hope that helps,

Matt McEwen
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Old November 3rd, 2004, 06:31 PM   #8
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thanks for your reply. I use two different makes of V-lock battery on this plate and they're both fine, so I doubt it's the plate. In fact I also have a spare plate and it's the same with that one. I'm going to try it on my Sony camera which has an original Sony plate on, so if it's the same on that then I doubt the plate is at fault it tends to suggest it's the disk unit. However to counter my own argument I must say the engineering that has gone into the production of the drive casing is first class and very 'precise' otherwise, so it is a surprise.

I will check the Synchro Slave out as you suggest too - thanks.

Oh and just a note... you guys keep calling me Stephan, but it's Stephen... ;)

Association of Professional Videomakers (UK)
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Old December 1st, 2004, 06:28 PM   #9
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An Update

Just to let you guys know, I have been using the FS3 with my Sony DSR500 like I mentioned in my previous posting and the unit fits perfectly. So I can only assume that the V-Lock plate I have fitted to the JVC is not very well engineered (made in China I think!).

Association of Professional Videomakers (UK)
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