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Focus Enhancements FireStore
Specifically for the FireStore DV Direct-To-Edit Disk Recording Solutions.

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Old September 23rd, 2004, 03:26 AM   #31
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Also for higher bitrate video formats we may need larger hard drives than 80G. Do you plan on giving the option to swap out the internal hard drives and make them upgradeable to large capacities? If not what physical size/type of drive are you using in your product so the more adventurous DIYers can attempt to swap out the drives themselves and still use your great interface - making it possible to suit their special needs. Thanks.

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Old September 26th, 2004, 02:28 PM   #32
Focus Enhancements
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Hi Brett,

As was answered by Don Berube elsewhere, the FS-4 only records 25Mb/s DV currently.

The drive used in the FS-4 will be a 5400RPM Hitachi TravelStar. We do not recommend changing the drive on FS-4 and it will void the warranty. The main reason is that we cannot guarantee the performance of drives other than the Hitachi TravelStar. We have seen some drives that were less than optimal based on their thermal and shock performance. I expect as capacities increase on the TravelStar line, we will probably add them to the line-up.

Hope that helps,

Matt McEwen
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Old September 26th, 2004, 05:37 PM   #33
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Thank you Matt for answering all of my questions. Great product. Cant wait to pick one up as soon as they become available.
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Old October 5th, 2004, 11:24 AM   #34
Focus Enhancements
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FireStore Pinnacle Liquid, 24p & Miranda Support


Below is the press release for our latest FireStore FS-3 / DR-DV5000 version 1.3 software. This is now available as a free download from the Focus support site for current FS-3 / DR-DV5000 owners.

FOCUS Enhancements Adds Pinnacle Liquid Edition, Miranda and 24p Support to DTE Technology

Version 1.3 Software Provides Increased Integration for FireStore Customers

CAMPBELL, Calif., – September 29, 2004 – FOCUS Enhancements Inc., a worldwide leader in video production and conversion technology, today announced the immediate availability of the FireStore DR-DV5000 and FireStore FS-3 version 1.3 software.

Version 1.3 adds:

• Direct To Edit (DTE) Technology support for the Pinnacle Liquid Edition and other Pinnacle AVI based applications.
• Control support for HDCAM, DVCProHD, Digital Betacam, Betacam SX, MPEG IMX and DVCPro50 camcorders when combined with Miranda’s camera-mounted DVC-100 and DVC-800 series converters. These camcorders are commonly used for broadcast news acquisition, professional sports analysis, television, and feature film production.
• Direct To Edit (DTE) Technology support for 24p QuickTime and 24p AVI Type 2 Direct To Edit clips (FS-3 only) when used with a camcorder such as a Canon XL2 or Panasonic AG-DVX-100.

The addition of the new formats to DTE Technology increases the number of supported native NLE file formats to ten, therefore further extending DTE Technology as the leading and most comprehensive disk recording system. Pinnacle AVI, 24p QuickTime and 24p AVI Type 2 join RawDV, AVI Type 1, AVI Type 2, Matrox AVI, Canopus AVI, QuickTime and Avid OMF in the existing DTE Technology file format lineup.

“We are very pleased that the features introduced in version 1.3 software allows more customers to utilize FireStore technology in a variety of different applications,” said Matt McEwen, product manager for FOCUS Enhancements. “Pinnacle Liquid Edition support was in great demand from FireStore customers such as KRCG-TV in Jefferson City, Missouri while support for 24p has pleased our independent film and corporate customers. In addition, FireStore FS-3 operating with the Miranda converters now supports camcorders with SDI or HD-SDI digital interfaces.”

“We have had many requests from cameramen and directors of photography who would like to perform DV disk recording using Miranda’s DVC-100 / DVC-800 camera-mounted interfaces,” said Gilbert Besnard, director of product development at Miranda Technologies Inc. “FOCUS Enhancement’s FireStore products combined with the DVC-100 / DVC-800 represent a clever solution that enhances Electronic Acquisition workflow, and we are pleased to recommend such a well integrated solution.”

Where to Buy
Version 1.3 firmware will be included on all new FireStore FS-3 and DR-DV5000 units shipped, and is also available as a download from FOCUS Enhancements’ website at FireStore DR-DV5000 (with a single 40GB HDD) is available worldwide through the JVC Professional dealer and distributor network for a US MSRP of $1,895. FireStore FS-3 (with a single 40GB HDD) is available through the worldwide FOCUS Enhancements dealer and distributor network for a US MSRP of $2,195. For more information on FOCUS Enhancements and its products, please visit

About FOCUS Enhancements, Inc.
FOCUS Enhancements, Inc. is a leading designer of world-class solutions in advanced, proprietary video technology. Headquartered in Campbell, CA, FOCUS Enhancements designs, develops, and markets video solutions in two distinct markets: advanced proprietary video conversion integrated circuits (ICs) and affordable, high quality, digital-video conversion and video production equipment. Semiconductor IC products include designs for PCs, game cards, internet, set-top boxes, Internet appliances, and interactive TV applications, and they are sold directly to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). FOCUS Enhancements’ complete line of video presentation and video production devices are sold globally through resellers and distributors to the broadcast, education, cable, business, industrial, presentation, Internet, gaming, home video production and home theater markets. More information on FOCUS Enhancements may be obtained from the company's SEC filings, or by visiting the FOCUS Enhancements home page at
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Old October 5th, 2004, 11:25 AM   #35
Focus Enhancements
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Posts: 508
FireStore Pinnacle Liquid, 24p & Miranda Support


Below is the press release for our latest FireStore FS-3 / DR-DV5000 version 1.3 software. This is now available as a free download from the Focus support site for current FS-3 / DR-DV5000 owners.

FOCUS Enhancements Adds Pinnacle Liquid Edition, Miranda and 24p Support to DTE Technology

Version 1.3 Software Provides Increased Integration for FireStore Customers

CAMPBELL, Calif., – September 29, 2004 – FOCUS Enhancements Inc., a worldwide leader in video production and conversion technology, today announced the immediate availability of the FireStore DR-DV5000 and FireStore FS-3 version 1.3 software.

Version 1.3 adds:

• Direct To Edit (DTE) Technology support for the Pinnacle Liquid Edition and other Pinnacle AVI based applications.
• Control support for HDCAM, DVCProHD, Digital Betacam, Betacam SX, MPEG IMX and DVCPro50 camcorders when combined with Miranda’s camera-mounted DVC-100 and DVC-800 series converters. These camcorders are commonly used for broadcast news acquisition, professional sports analysis, television, and feature film production.
• Direct To Edit (DTE) Technology support for 24p QuickTime and 24p AVI Type 2 Direct To Edit clips (FS-3 only) when used with a camcorder such as a Canon XL2 or Panasonic AG-DVX-100.

The addition of the new formats to DTE Technology increases the number of supported native NLE file formats to ten, therefore further extending DTE Technology as the leading and most comprehensive disk recording system. Pinnacle AVI, 24p QuickTime and 24p AVI Type 2 join RawDV, AVI Type 1, AVI Type 2, Matrox AVI, Canopus AVI, QuickTime and Avid OMF in the existing DTE Technology file format lineup.

“We are very pleased that the features introduced in version 1.3 software allows more customers to utilize FireStore technology in a variety of different applications,” said Matt McEwen, product manager for FOCUS Enhancements. “Pinnacle Liquid Edition support was in great demand from FireStore customers such as KRCG-TV in Jefferson City, Missouri while support for 24p has pleased our independent film and corporate customers. In addition, FireStore FS-3 operating with the Miranda converters now supports camcorders with SDI or HD-SDI digital interfaces.”

“We have had many requests from cameramen and directors of photography who would like to perform DV disk recording using Miranda’s DVC-100 / DVC-800 camera-mounted interfaces,” said Gilbert Besnard, director of product development at Miranda Technologies Inc. “FOCUS Enhancement’s FireStore products combined with the DVC-100 / DVC-800 represent a clever solution that enhances Electronic Acquisition workflow, and we are pleased to recommend such a well integrated solution.”

Where to Buy
Version 1.3 firmware will be included on all new FireStore FS-3 and DR-DV5000 units shipped, and is also available as a download from FOCUS Enhancements’ website at FireStore DR-DV5000 (with a single 40GB HDD) is available worldwide through the JVC Professional dealer and distributor network for a US MSRP of $1,895. FireStore FS-3 (with a single 40GB HDD) is available through the worldwide FOCUS Enhancements dealer and distributor network for a US MSRP of $2,195. For more information on FOCUS Enhancements and its products, please visit

About FOCUS Enhancements, Inc.
FOCUS Enhancements, Inc. is a leading designer of world-class solutions in advanced, proprietary video technology. Headquartered in Campbell, CA, FOCUS Enhancements designs, develops, and markets video solutions in two distinct markets: advanced proprietary video conversion integrated circuits (ICs) and affordable, high quality, digital-video conversion and video production equipment. Semiconductor IC products include designs for PCs, game cards, internet, set-top boxes, Internet appliances, and interactive TV applications, and they are sold directly to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). FOCUS Enhancements’ complete line of video presentation and video production devices are sold globally through resellers and distributors to the broadcast, education, cable, business, industrial, presentation, Internet, gaming, home video production and home theater markets. More information on FOCUS Enhancements may be obtained from the company's SEC filings, or by visiting the FOCUS Enhancements home page at
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Old November 24th, 2004, 10:53 PM   #36
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MX4 Video Mixer Review

I have an MX4 mixer that I have been testing. Coming from 3 Sony VX2100 cameras through 100 feet of S Video cable into the MX4, the picture looks really good. This is in part to the filtering, and partly as a result or the 10 bit digitizer. After talking with Focus and getting to know the product I have two feature that I have tested that I like, and would like to present in this post.

1. The firmware can be upgraded using the ethernet interface. This means that for the life of the product it will continue to improve with software upgrades that add features. As an early adopter, I was able to speak with the guys at Focus who could not make promises, but seemed pretty open to ideas for possible features in the future. This seems like a good way to keep the product current with the market.

2. You can import and use jpeg images. Today I imported some images and was easily able to tranisition (700 choices) from live video, to an image, back to live video, and back to a different image. I also had the image appear in the PIP window.

There are a few features that will be coming out in the next three or four weeks that I am looking forward to testing, but right now I feel comfortable stating the following: The people I spoke with were positive and helpful, the video quality was good enough for a dvd shown on a big screen TV after 100 ft of S-cable, and the upgradability and video store make this unit something special.

I am taking the S-video output into a Canopus A/D and saving the digital video on an FS-1. I also did a test where I came out of the cameras 1394 port and into the canopus D/A and into the MX4. This works well, so if I ever have a long enough run were I need the digital signal and digital repeaters, there is a viable solution. I recognize that running digital the whole way would optimize the signal quality, but this solution is a lot less costly and is providing results that would be difficult to distiguish from my all digital work flow. Not for a wedding, but seminars, sporting events, churches, dance recitals, etc,... it seems pretty good for the cost vs time savings.
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Old December 20th, 2004, 09:31 AM   #37
Focus Enhancements
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FS-4 vs. FS-4Pro


It has been asked several times, so here is the difference between FS-4 and FS-4Pro:

Hope that helps,
Matt McEwen
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Old December 31st, 2004, 01:16 PM   #38
Focus Enhancements
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FS-3 Rental Special Offer From Rule Broadcast


Here is an FS-3 special offer from Rule Broadcast.


Rule Broadcast Systems Celebrates FireStore Month:

Rule Broadcast Systems, the renowned New England Rental House, is_
running a terrific Rental Special for the month of January! While_
supplies last, all Professional DVCAM Camcorder rentals will include a_
Firestore FS-3 Digital Recorder with Direct To Edit (DTE) Technology._
For free!. As the Rule web site says, "This is a remarkable opportunity_
to try out one of our favorite new products of 2004, and we think_
you'll love what it can do for you!". We couldn't agree more.

Click here for more details:
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Old December 31st, 2004, 01:18 PM   #39
Focus Enhancements
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Location: Campbell, CA.
Posts: 508
FS-3 Rental Special Offer From Rule Broadcast


Here is an FS-3 special offer from Rule Broadcast.


Rule Broadcast Systems Celebrates FireStore Month:

Rule Broadcast Systems, the renowned New England Rental House, is_
running a terrific Rental Special for the month of January! While_
supplies last, all Professional DVCAM Camcorder rentals will include a_
Firestore FS-3 Digital Recorder with Direct To Edit (DTE) Technology._
For free!. As the Rule web site says, "This is a remarkable opportunity_
to try out one of our favorite new products of 2004, and we think_
you'll love what it can do for you!". We couldn't agree more.

Click here for more details:
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Old February 2nd, 2005, 09:45 AM   #40
Focus Enhancements
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Location: Campbell, CA.
Posts: 508
Canon to Distribute FireStore FS-4

02/01/2005 - Canon Distributes FS-4 DV Disk Recorder For Mini-DV Camcorders

Users Of Canon Prosumer Camcorders Can Now Save Time With The New FireStore FS-4 And FS-4 Pro Direct To EditTM(DTE) Recording Device

LAKE SUCCESS, NY, Feb. 1, 2005 — Canon U.S.A., Inc. today announced another solution for filmmakers, documentarians and videographers by becoming a distributor of the FireStore FS-4 DTE digital video-disk recorder from FOCUS Enhancements. The FireStore FS-4 and accessories will be sold through Canon U.S.A. Authorized video dealers beginning in February.

A companion for Canon prosumer camcorders, the FS-4 recorder enables DV streams to be recorded to the unit with or without a MiniDV tape inserted. Footage is recorded as edit ready files that can be imported and used immediately by most DV based non-linear editing systems, saving time, and providing a backup. The FS-4 recorder will be available in a 40GB (approximately 3 hours) model, While the FS-4 Pro recorder, which offers more advanced features will be available in 40GB and 80GB (approximately 6 hours) configurations.

"One of our main objectives for users of Canon's prosumer camcorders such as the XL2 and GL2 has always been to expand the creative visions of filmmakers," said Yukiaki Hashimoto, senior vice president and general manger, consumer imaging group, Canon U.S.A., Inc, a subsidiary of Canon, Inc. (NYSE:CAJ). "The DTE technology in the FS-4 recorder meets the very stringent requirements set by our consumers, which is why we chose to work with Focus Enhancements."

"Canon selecting FireStore Direct To Edit Technology for their disk recording needs is an important alliance for FOCUS Enhancements," said David O'Kelly, vice president of business development for FOCUS Enhancements. " We are excited that we will be further extending our acquisition solutions to Canon's broad base of creative professionals, and we look forward to a successful alliance."

The FS-4 Pro recorder adds support for the Avid OMF and Pinnacle AVI formats, and retro record modes for backup. Other features include a user definable time lapse, loop playback, scene marking, and multiple file capabilities.

The new FireStore FS-4 recorder will be available in February for the manufacturers suggested retail price (MSRP) of $799* for the standard 40GB model, while the FS-4 Pro model will be available for an MSRP of $1,195* for the 40GB model, and $1,695* MSRP for the 80GB model.

About Canon U.S.A., Inc.
Canon U.S.A., Inc. delivers consumer, business-to-business, and industrial imaging solutions. The Company is listed as one of Fortune's Most Admired Companies in America and is rated #35 on the BusinessWeek list of "Top 100 Brands." Its parent company Canon Inc. (NYSE:CAJ) is a top patent holder of technology, ranking third overall in the U.S. in 2004, with global revenues of $33.3 billion. For more information,

About FOCUS Enhancements, Inc.
FOCUS Enhancements, Inc. (NASDAQ SC: FCSE) is a leading designer of world-class solutions in advanced, proprietary video technology. Headquartered in Campbell, CA, FOCUS Enhancements designs, develops, and markets video solutions in two distinct markets: advanced, proprietary video conversion ICs (Integrated Circuits) and affordable, high quality, digital-video conversion and video production equipment. Semiconductor products (ICs) include designs for PCs, Game Cards, Internet TV, set-top boxes, Internet appliances, and interactive TV applications, and they are sold directly to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). FOCUS' complete line of video presentation and video production devices are sold globally through resellers and distributors to the video production and Home Theater markets. More information on FOCUS Enhancements may be obtained from the company's SEC filings, or by visiting the FOCUS Enhancements home page
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Old February 2nd, 2005, 09:52 AM   #41
Focus Enhancements
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Posts: 508
Canon to Distribute FireStore FS-4

02/01/2005 - Canon Distributes FS-4 DV Disk Recorder For Mini-DV Camcorders

Users Of Canon Prosumer Camcorders Can Now Save Time With The New FireStore FS-4 And FS-4 Pro Direct To EditTM(DTE) Recording Device

LAKE SUCCESS, NY, Feb. 1, 2005 — Canon U.S.A., Inc. today announced another solution for filmmakers, documentarians and videographers by becoming a distributor of the FireStore FS-4 DTE digital video-disk recorder from FOCUS Enhancements. The FireStore FS-4 and accessories will be sold through Canon U.S.A. Authorized video dealers beginning in February.

A companion for Canon prosumer camcorders, the FS-4 recorder enables DV streams to be recorded to the unit with or without a MiniDV tape inserted. Footage is recorded as edit ready files that can be imported and used immediately by most DV based non-linear editing systems, saving time, and providing a backup. The FS-4 recorder will be available in a 40GB (approximately 3 hours) model, While the FS-4 Pro recorder, which offers more advanced features will be available in 40GB and 80GB (approximately 6 hours) configurations.

"One of our main objectives for users of Canon's prosumer camcorders such as the XL2 and GL2 has always been to expand the creative visions of filmmakers," said Yukiaki Hashimoto, senior vice president and general manger, consumer imaging group, Canon U.S.A., Inc, a subsidiary of Canon, Inc. (NYSE:CAJ). "The DTE technology in the FS-4 recorder meets the very stringent requirements set by our consumers, which is why we chose to work with Focus Enhancements."

"Canon selecting FireStore Direct To Edit Technology for their disk recording needs is an important alliance for FOCUS Enhancements," said David O'Kelly, vice president of business development for FOCUS Enhancements. " We are excited that we will be further extending our acquisition solutions to Canon's broad base of creative professionals, and we look forward to a successful alliance."

The FS-4 Pro recorder adds support for the Avid OMF and Pinnacle AVI formats, and retro record modes for backup. Other features include a user definable time lapse, loop playback, scene marking, and multiple file capabilities.

The new FireStore FS-4 recorder will be available in February for the manufacturers suggested retail price (MSRP) of $799* for the standard 40GB model, while the FS-4 Pro model will be available for an MSRP of $1,195* for the 40GB model, and $1,695* MSRP for the 80GB model.

About Canon U.S.A., Inc.
Canon U.S.A., Inc. delivers consumer, business-to-business, and industrial imaging solutions. The Company is listed as one of Fortune's Most Admired Companies in America and is rated #35 on the BusinessWeek list of "Top 100 Brands." Its parent company Canon Inc. (NYSE:CAJ) is a top patent holder of technology, ranking third overall in the U.S. in 2004, with global revenues of $33.3 billion. For more information,

About FOCUS Enhancements, Inc.
FOCUS Enhancements, Inc. (NASDAQ SC: FCSE) is a leading designer of world-class solutions in advanced, proprietary video technology. Headquartered in Campbell, CA, FOCUS Enhancements designs, develops, and markets video solutions in two distinct markets: advanced, proprietary video conversion ICs (Integrated Circuits) and affordable, high quality, digital-video conversion and video production equipment. Semiconductor products (ICs) include designs for PCs, Game Cards, Internet TV, set-top boxes, Internet appliances, and interactive TV applications, and they are sold directly to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). FOCUS' complete line of video presentation and video production devices are sold globally through resellers and distributors to the video production and Home Theater markets. More information on FOCUS Enhancements may be obtained from the company's SEC filings, or by visiting the FOCUS Enhancements home page
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Old February 2nd, 2005, 04:39 PM   #42
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Congratulations, Matt, sounds like a very good thing.
Charles Papert
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Old March 14th, 2005, 04:33 PM   #43
Focus Enhancements
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Posts: 508
FireStore FS-4 HD Portable DTE Recorder Announcement

FireStore FS-4 HD Portable DTE Recorder Announcement

FOCUS Enhancements to Unveil Industry's First High Definition Portable DTE Recorder

Featuring Direct To Edit(TM) Technology, FireStore FS-4 HD Maintains a Pure HD Signal From Acquisition and Editing to Distribution and Broadcast

CAMPBELL, CA--(MARKET WIRE)--Mar 14, 2005 -- FOCUS Enhancements Inc. (NasdaqSC:FCSE - News), a worldwide leader in video production and conversion technology, today announced it will demonstrate its new FireStore FS-4 HD and FS-4Pro HD High Definition (HD) Portable Direct To Edit(TM) (DTE) recorders at the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) convention in Las Vegas from April 18th to 21st (Booth SL505, SL4255E).

The much-anticipated DV FireStore FS-4 is available now, and the FireStore FS-4Pro is expected to ship later this month. As the current FireStore models are upgradeable to HD, customers who purchase FS-4 and FS-4Pro on or before April 30, 2005 will be offered a special $99 (normally $299) software upgrade coupon to capitalize upon full HD functionality.

HD is quickly emerging as the standard for video, with accelerating growth in the amount of footage shot and broadcast in HD format. In addition to the current feature set and DV25 capabilities of the existing portable DTE recorders, FireStore will now record pure HD streams via FireWire from leading video products including Sony's HDV and JVC's HD camcorders and decks. FireStore then connects directly to a Mac/PC notebook or desktop, allowing video professionals to edit content directly from the FS-4 -- maintaining an HD format throughout the entire production process from capture and editing to distribution. The new FireStore is ideal for all HD-driven field applications including sporting, news, and live events.

"HD represents an exciting, new market opportunity in video distribution, with HD TVs and displays wildly preferred over older analog products," said Matt McEwen, product manager for FOCUS Enhancements. "New digital capture, editing and broadcast solutions will be the critical enabler as the proliferation of HD content increases to meet demand. FOCUS Enhancements continues to extend FireStore's leadership by integrating HD format support to the industry's most popular disk acquisition solution, giving video professionals everything they need to maintain HD integrity from glass to glass."

FS-4 HD and FS-4Pro HD enable users to switch between standard definition DV25 mode and HD mode. DV25 mode allows recordings in any one of eight or ten DTE technology supported file formats while HD mode allows 480p/576p, 720p or 1080i MPEG2 transport streams to be recorded and used immediately with supporting NLE applications.

The portable, lightweight FS-4 HD features a removable Li-Ion battery pack, sixteen front panel buttons, a back-lit status LCD display, multiple control modes, a six second retro-cache, user definable function keys, extensive playback features and support for DV25 based DTE. In addition to HD formats, FireStore supports RawDV, AVI Type 1, AVI Type 2, Matrox AVI, Canopus AVI, QuickTime, 24p QuickTime and 24p AVI Type 2. The FS-4Pro HD has the same feature set as FS-4, but also includes up to ten seconds of retro-cache, retro disk, loop record, user definable folders for scene marking, and support for additional DV25 DTE technology file formats including Avid DV-OMF and Pinnacle AVI.

Where to Buy

Prices for the FS-4 HD, FS-4 HD Pro will be announced in April 2005. FireStore HD upgrades, FS-4 HD, and FS-4Pro HD are expected to be available in the Summer of 2005 through the worldwide FOCUS Enhancements dealer and distributor network. For more information on FOCUS Enhancements and its products, please visit

About FOCUS Enhancements, Inc.

FOCUS Enhancements, Inc. (NasdaqSC:FCSE - News) is a leading designer of world-class solutions in advanced, proprietary video technology. Headquartered in Campbell, CA, FOCUS Enhancements designs, develops, and markets video solutions in two distinct markets: advanced proprietary video conversion integrated circuits (ICs) and affordable, high-quality, digital-video conversion and video production equipment. FOCUS Enhancements' complete line of video products are sold globally through resellers and distributors to the professional broadcast, education, cable, business, industrial, presentation, Internet, gaming, home video production and home theater markets. More information on FOCUS Enhancements may be obtained from the company's SEC filings, or by visiting the FOCUS Enhancements home page at

Safe Harbor Statement

Statements in this press release which are not historical including statements regarding management's intentions, hopes, expectations, representations, plans or predictions about the future are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements include statements regarding management's plans to complete its FS-4HD and FS-4ProHD High Definition Portable DTE Recorders and provide an HD upgrade path for purchasers of its FS-4 and FS-4Pro. Because these forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, there are important factors that could cause our actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include unforeseen delays in research and development, the company's ability, if at all, to introduce its HD products and upgrades in accordance with its time and cost estimates, and the risk factors specified in the company's Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2003, Form 10-Q for the period ended September 30, 2004 and other filings with the SEC. These statements are based on information as of March 14, 2005 and the company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.

FOCUS Enhancements:
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408.866.8300 x106
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David Barnard
Lippert/Heilshorn & Assoc.
FOCUS Press:
Joe Kilmer
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Old March 31st, 2005, 04:26 PM   #44
Focus Enhancements
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Location: Campbell, CA.
Posts: 508
FS-4 Battery Exchange

We are very pleased that FireStore FS-4 has now begun shipping and many customers have been able to experience the advantages of disk based acquisition with Direct To Edit technology. The feedback we have had on FS-4 thus far has been very positive and we hope to continue with this trend. One issue that has arisen with some early units is that the battery can be difficult to remove. This problem has since been corrected in manufacturing, but Focus would like to also take care of this problem with units in the field.

If customers have a unit within the serial number range of 1156 to 1536, and are experiencing difficulties removing the battery, Focus would like to invite you to return your current battery and rear cover for a replacement at no charge. Customers can contact Focus tech support at 408-370-9963 or to organize the exchange. This offer is valid until June 30th. 2005.

Please contact Focus Enhancements technical support or customer support for further details.


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Old April 12th, 2005, 03:39 PM   #45
Focus Enhancements
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Posts: 508
Update...there was a mistake in this post - it is only necessary to return the battery, not the FS-4 rear plate. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

We are very pleased that FireStore FS-4 has now begun shipping and many customers have been able to experience the advantages of disk based acquisition with Direct To Edit technology. The feedback we have had on FS-4 thus far has been very positive and we hope to continue with this trend. One issue that has arisen with some early units is that the battery can be difficult to remove. This problem has since been corrected in manufacturing, but Focus would like to also take care of this problem with units in the field.

If customers have a unit within the serial number range of 1156 to 1536, and are experiencing difficulties removing the battery, Focus would like to invite you to return your current battery for a replacement at no charge. Customers can contact Focus tech support at 408-370-9963 or to organize the exchange. This offer is valid until June 30th. 2005.

Please contact Focus Enhancements technical support or customer support for further details.


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