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Old June 1st, 2015, 11:37 AM   #2
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Re: Enrique Iglesias Accident

It's definitely a serious incident, however the hyperbolic headline is somewhat overly sensational in my opinion. Thanks for sharing though.

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Old June 1st, 2015, 02:22 PM   #3
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Re: Enrique Iglesias Accident

If his fingers flew into the audience, would we see them on Ebay? Duh.
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Old June 1st, 2015, 06:46 PM   #4
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Re: Enrique Iglesias Accident

Apparently the drone was a regular part of the "act", only this time when he grabbed it for a "POV" shot that he normally did, he got some "blade"...

While he toughed out another 30 minutes or so, and apparently completed the set (with a bloody t-shirt, this was a pretty messy injury), with a fair amount of blood! The pix I've seen were pretty graphic, I know a few people who would likely pass out at the sight! He did try to wrap up the fingers, but there was STILL a lot of blood...

Tonight's news was that he was getting "reconstructive surgery" on the involved digits, which sounds quite a good deal worse than initial reports.

Not sure whether it's "sensational" or not, but it's definitely a "high profile" drone incident that bears further evaluation. Looked like the latest DJI drone, presumably a "professional" operator, and a "staged" stunt, yet ended up with " reconstructive surgery".... definitely "OUCH", but since it wasn't an innocent bystander (this time), it's a "minor" incident...or not?
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Old June 1st, 2015, 06:50 PM   #5
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Re: Enrique Iglesias Accident

I do think Enrique should get a "Manned UP" award though!
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Old June 3rd, 2015, 09:02 AM   #6
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Re: Enrique Iglesias Accident

For stupidity!?

There's a lot of scenarios where drones are used and people are hyper sensitive to to safety etc., this isn't one of them.

This is a great example of why it has taken so long for the commercial use of drones to become legal in the US. I realize this wasn't in the US but no one on that show thought this was a bad idea?

There's absolutely no reason for that drone to be so close that someone can reach out an touch it, throw something at it and hit it or be in a position that if it fails that it would land on someone. And to think that it might actually have been planned as part of the show?

Where did the drone go after the incident? "Crap, I don't want it you take it?"

Its not the headline or even the injury itself that I find so objectionable, its the total lack of regard for safety, on every level that really got my attention. It really makes one question the judgement of the organizers of this show, what else did they do that might jeopardize the safety of attendees?
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Old June 3rd, 2015, 11:47 AM   #7
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Re: Enrique Iglesias Accident

Not for the dumb way he was injured, more for the toughing it out after...

But the whole thing was pretty close to reckless... no doubt they'd done it before without incident, this illustrates that there's always "that time" when something goes wrong.
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Old June 3rd, 2015, 04:15 PM   #8
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Re: Enrique Iglesias Accident

Originally Posted by Chuck Spaulding View Post
Its not the headline or even the injury itself that I find so objectionable, its the total lack of regard for safety, on every level that really got my attention. It really makes one question the judgement of the organizers of this show, what else did they do that might jeopardize the safety of attendees?
I agree with all of that. Every now and then you hear something that just makes you think "how can grown adults behave so stupidly?" and I'm afraid this is one of them. Nowadays any incident which is even classified as a near miss in a commercial setting is supposed to be logged and may get investigated, and when it's real injury in front of a large crowd to a known figure it cannot get swept under the carpet........

In the wider context it just gives ammunition to "anti-drone" forces. It's a very high profile showing that even smallish drones can cause injury. And whilst this injury may be bad enough, it begs the question of what if next time it's a small child or the injury is to somewhere like the eye? It's negative publicity that the drone industry can well do without.

And what really annoys me is the unnecessary nature of it. Sometimes bad things just happen, but this was just stupidity.
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Old June 3rd, 2015, 09:53 PM   #9
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Re: Enrique Iglesias Accident

Originally Posted by David Heath View Post
I agree with all of that. Every now and then you hear something that just makes you think "how can grown adults behave so stupidly?"


And what really annoys me is the unnecessary nature of it. Sometimes bad things just happen, but this was just stupidity.
It's show business. Performers sometimes get injured or killed doing something they have done several times in the past. This is just one example. I could list many more, though they didn't involve a quadcopter.

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Old June 4th, 2015, 05:35 AM   #10
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Re: Enrique Iglesias Accident

Originally Posted by Greg Boston View Post
It's show business. Performers sometimes get injured or killed doing something they have done several times in the past. This is just one example. I could list many more-
Which makes the case for Health and Safety very well !! It's no longer good enough in the commercial world to take the "it'll probably be alright" approach - there are laws to require business activities to be properly risk assessed, and key to that is the avoidance of UNNECCESARY risk. Balancing reward with risk and consequence. And the legal implications of getting it wrong can be serious, especially if the risk may be to a third party.

Legally, a lot in this case may depend on whether taking hold of the drone was a spur of the moment decision or pre-planned by the production team. It was a stupid thing to do, but maybe more excusable if spur of the moment.

Either way, the longer term consequences are likely to be a call for tightening of drone regulations - it's an indication that even an accident with a fairly small drone can cause significant injury. The injuries appear to have underplayed initially, but were actually far more serious - Enrique Iglesias hand injury is 'worse than expected' - BBC News -
"The damage ended up being a bit worse than initially assessed," said a statement on the star's website.

"He suffered a fracture that needed to be corrected in addition to the reconstructive surgery. "
"He was rushed to the airport where an ambulance met him," ....... "He was then put on a plane to LA... to see a specialist."
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Old June 4th, 2015, 01:25 PM   #11
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Re: Enrique Iglesias Accident

It happened Saturday night in Tijuana, where Enrique was performing to a crowd of 12,000. The drone is part of the concert. He sometimes grabs it as it flies around, showing the audience his POV.

But this time he grabbed the wrong part, and the drone sliced into his hand. - TMZ.com
Kind of says it all. Maybe he will rethink that idea from now on.

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Old June 4th, 2015, 02:05 PM   #12
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Re: Enrique Iglesias Accident

Originally Posted by Greg Boston View Post
It's show business. Performers sometimes get injured or killed doing something they have done several times in the past. This is just one example. I could list many more, though they didn't involve a quadcopter.

I agree. Poor attitudes toward safety can even lead to death while filming, like the filming of Midnight Rider.
Similar attitude for trains as for quadcopters.
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Old June 4th, 2015, 02:40 PM   #13
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Re: Enrique Iglesias Accident

let me see if i can paint this picture...

Enrique, so as you know we're going to have a drone flying around the crowd, yes we know it's going to be awesome, and the lawyers say that if it falls on someone we have total insurance coverage so no worries there. BUT, at this point in the show it would be super awesome if you and the drone.... interacted! We would like you to grab the drone and give the audience a POV shot! We know, awesome right? and don't worry about the hard plastic blades spinning at 6000rpm, the lawyers say you can't sue our production team if you get injured so long as you actually agree to this wonderful piece of stupidity.
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