Best ways to remove micro jitters & improving footage? at
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Old December 10th, 2013, 01:15 PM   #1
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Best ways to remove micro jitters & improving footage?

I am still learning about getting the best from my Phantom. I recently added a AeroXcraft gimbal to my craft. Overall I am pleased with the results it gives me. But ironically the best footage I am happier with was with the GoPro hard mounted in its waterproof case! This is mainly because the better the footage looks with a gimbal the more obvious any faults with the footage look. Apart from sidways (yawing) movements which of course need a 3 axis gimbal, I am also getting slight but obvious jitters to the footage. None look remotely as good as I know a Phantom/gimbal is capable of giving. I am filming at 1080p 50fps at medium view with protune off. No ND filter as was unsure if that would not be good for the gimbal. These settings are the same for all my footage so far with gimbal and without. I have been flying mainly in GPS but occasionally in ATTI- but once reviewing the footage can't see much difference. Though will try longer sessions in ATTI. I also still have my prop guards fitted. These have proved invaluable early on when the craft spun a few times on landing. But hopefully will feel happier removing them soon. Apart from reducing the flight times I would imagine that these would make flights more bumpy as the wind catches them?
Most filming has been done in calm conditions.
Any advice gratefully received!!


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Old December 10th, 2013, 02:37 PM   #2
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Re: Best ways to remove micro jitters & improving footage?

Is your new Gimbal a brushless one or servo driven? If its servo driven , throw it away. Can you post the video up?
Most likely its your props. Have you balanced them? Slight flutters in the footage are usually unbalanced props or prop wash. You may have mounted the gimbal in an area that is subject to prop wash and yes you will be able to see that in the video.
Can you psot up a picture of your gimbal and how its mounted to the phantom?
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Old December 10th, 2013, 05:48 PM   #3
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Re: Best ways to remove micro jitters & improving footage?

The gimbal is brushless. It is mounted like this Brushless GoPro Hero3 Gimbal - Phantom Version [GPG-H3-PHANT-B] - £219.90 : AeroXcraft, Manufacturers and Suppliers of Multirotor helicopters

I have made one short video a while back
The ones I shot today tended to have more micro jumps in some shots particulary when either moving forwards or backwards from a scene. I will put a short clip up shortly. In some cases I feel that when I use the sticks I might be just slightly moving them sideways apart from going forward/backwards/up or down. But I have not tried balancing the props yet either.


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Old December 10th, 2013, 08:03 PM   #4
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Re: Best ways to remove micro jitters & improving footage?

I think it might be due to the lightweight of the Phantom. It doesn't have much mass compared to the weight of the camera and associated mounting hardware. So when the motor is moving the camera, that torque is also applied to the Phantom and it is not heavy enough to totally resist the force, and it moves. Solution would be to get a larger flying craft or reduce the payload weight as much as possible. I don't think there is any "defect" here, just plain physics.

Mark Watson
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