Interlaced vs progressive...Flash & DVD at
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Old July 24th, 2008, 10:38 AM   #1
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Interlaced vs progressive...Flash & DVD

I'm shooting with the Canon XH A1, capturing, editing and exporting with Adobe CS3 on Windows.

I have two destination delivery formats for my video; Flash for the web, and DVD.

My question is regarding interlaced vs. progressive, and related work flow.

I understand that computer based (web) delivery with Flash should be progressive rather than interlaced. But I'm confused about using progressive rather than interlaced for DVD viewed on a television.

My questions:

1) Is it ok to create DVDs for television sets using progressive footage?

2) If so, should I just be shooting straight progressive (30P) in camera and editing and exporting to both Flash and DVD from this format, or should I be shooting 60I in camera, then de-interlacing during/after capture?

3) If shooting 60I in camera, where in the work flow should the deinterlacing take place: during capture, after capture while in the editing program, or during the export to Flash ???

I appreciate any comments which will help me better understand the right way to approach the work flow from DV to Flash, and DV to DVD.

Thanks very much!
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Old July 27th, 2008, 06:23 PM   #2
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see my comments below.

1) Yes, as long as you your DVD player and TV are progressive. Progressive DVD will still work in a non progressive DVD player & TV but you won't get the "progressive" look.

2) As far as shooting progressive 30p or 24p vs 60i and then de-interlacing your footage, it's really up to you and the project you are working with. If you are trying to achieve the film look of 24p, then shoot at 24p. It will save you time and space. If you prefer 30p, then go for it, you won't need to de interlace your footage when you export.

As for 60i, I usually use it when I film hi speed action like a hockey game, car racing or horse racing, anything with a lot of fast movement. Bottom line, use what's best for your target project & workflow.

3) If you shoot in 60i, your footage will be interlace. When you import the footage into CS3, footage remain interlace since your source was interlace. You set the de-interlace flag when you export your footage out of CS3 to flash or DVD (assuming you import, edit and export all from Premiere Pro CS3).

Hope it help.

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Old July 27th, 2008, 06:55 PM   #3
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Cliff... If you're going to shoot 60i, don't de-interlace until final output. As Jack said 60i is better for high speed action and sport.

60i gives you better options to create slow motion from your footage. With interlaced footage, NLEs can create separate frames from each field. Yes you'll lose resolution but in HD it's not really noticeable. You can see some examples in the "Eye Candy" section here:

There are a couple of clips with straight 50% slo mo and a short variable speed ramp down using PP time re-mapping.

You need to take a holistic view of your production and shoot using the frame rate settings that give you the look you desire. You can fiddle with stuff in post, going from interlaced to progressive and it can work. It's often easier to get it done the way you want it in the camera.
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Old July 27th, 2008, 07:54 PM   #4
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I'd recommend 30p. That way your DVD and web video will look the same way.
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Old July 28th, 2008, 07:23 PM   #5
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At the risk of being a $#!& disturber... isn't that potentially dumbing down the quality of your DVD to match Web video which will always be lower quality (given the same resolution)?

Not sure I buy this contention.
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Old July 28th, 2008, 08:29 PM   #6
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I'm not sure I see the connection between using 30P (or 24P for that matter) and dumbing down the quality of the DVD. I think the choice of frame rate and progressive vs interlaced would be more a matter of how you want to present your subject, degree of high speed motion, etc etc etc.


Thinking about this some more, maybe the confusion is over the statement that your DVD and Web version will look the same way. I think that was intended in the sense of the character, or "look and feel" of the video being the same, not in the sense that the resolution etc of the DVD would be degraded to have the same (lower) visual quality as the Web version)

Last edited by Jim Andrada; July 29th, 2008 at 11:59 AM.
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