Plugin and Widescreen Issues in Final Cut Pro Six at
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Old July 15th, 2007, 02:45 PM   #1
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Plugin and Widescreen Issues in Final Cut Pro Six

I just recently bought a macbook pro and upgraded all the files from the movie I was editing on my G4 powerbook, to the new computer (From FCP4.5 to FCP 6). Aside from a few clips being offline, I am having two major problems.

The first is with Magic Bullet Editors suite. I had Magic Bullet 2, on the Powerbook, but when I upgraded everything to final cut pro 6, I lost all the plugins and got a message that reads 'AE Effects Error: Unable to load Plugin "MB Look Suite FCP". So, I did a little research and found out that I needed to upgrade to Magic Bullet 2.1.1. Even though I did that, and all the plugins are back, the footage still cant find them, and therefore I can't see any of it. I started going through the film, redoing all the filters, but even that is giving me a hard time when I try to render.

The second issue is with the widescreen matte filter. I added 2.35:1 filters to all of the 16:9 native footage. But now, random clips in the timeline that say they have a 2.35:1 filter, look like 3.00:1, overcropped. When I set the filter to 1.78:1 it looks like 2.35:1. That makes me nervous that once I export, bits and pieces of the film will look more cropped than others.

If anyone can help me with this little crisis of mine, I'd appreciate it greatly. I'm starting to worry, as the film was pretty much completed, and now it's pretty much gone, as far as the macbook pro is concerned. Thank You.
Brian Vannucci is offline   Reply With Quote
Old July 16th, 2007, 08:59 AM   #2
Major Player
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its always easy to advise after the horse has bolted Brian, but dude! NEVER upgrade during th emiddle of a project ... like NEVER EVER! not if you value the work you've done already.

your best bet is to complete the project on the older hardware. unless you're cool with redoing all thats gone awry.

as for the widescreen matte. its not my favourite. you're better off either nesting your edit and aplying the widescreen matte filter to the nest ... or lose th efilter altogether and add a mask on an upper layer. its easy enough to do it by just cropping a couple of slugs, or by using a slug with a matte shape cutout, or create a mask in photoshop ... or use my own widescreen mask generator (as opposed to filter) which you can grab off my web page ( )

hope it helps
Andy Mees is offline   Reply

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