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Final Cut Suite
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Old January 2nd, 2007, 09:24 PM   #1
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RAID partioning

Hey guys maybe you can help. I have a RAID 5 set up with 4 250gb drives. I'm using it to edit down 300+ hours of footage for a documentry. I'm trying to figure out how I should be partioning the drive for my Mac. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Old January 3rd, 2007, 06:25 AM   #2
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Scopebox - Capture HD direct to your Mac

This is now available for the Mac, allowing direct to disk capture via firewire.

Supports DV and HD, but not HDV yet. It seems to be optimised for the HVX200

Sorry if its in the wrong catagory.

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Old January 3rd, 2007, 07:32 AM   #3
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final cut express problem

fce 1 problem.
when printing to tape the project runs for a few minutes and then I get a still frame on the computer and the monitor, ehile it sounds like the project is still running because the audio is advancing, but no video or audio is being recorded past the spot where the stillframe occurs.
all other projects in the same hardrive are ok, no problems printing anything else to tape.
can I be missing something on this project that is causing this shutdown?
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Old January 9th, 2007, 04:05 PM   #4
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Firewire problems with macbook pro

Okay so I have a new 17" macbook pro and once in a while (more than I think it should) it doesn't recognize when I have my camera connected via the firewire cable when using FCP or Imovie. I've also had problems when trying to connect my external hard drive. Everything freezes up. Nothing else is pluged into the computer at the time this happens. I've checked the system and it seems like my firewire connections have just disapeared. I have to shut down my computer and than reboot it and than they show up fine. Has anyone else had this problem? Or is there something wrong with my computer
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Old January 12th, 2007, 03:51 PM   #5
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MPEG2 FCP Exporting Problem

I am trying to export my reel in MPEG2 Quality 60 minute format and every time it gets close to finished FCP crashes. I built my reel using the audio and video parts of MPEG2 files of the chosen projects.

Essentially I would export them as if I were going to drop them into DVD SP and then import them into my reel bin. Is this bad? I have noticed that the only time I have issues with FCP crashing is when I am in this project.

Any fixes or advice would be appreciated.
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Old January 12th, 2007, 06:26 PM   #6
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Odd audio syncing problem, need advice!

I just started on editing this documentary project. The director gave me the footage on three FireWire harddrives! He captured the footage with FCP 5 (same version that I am using: 5.1.2). The footage was shot on Panasonic DVX100B cams using the F5 setting, which is the 24p setting.

Here is the problem: While I am playing the clips in the Viewer, I notice that the audio quickly looses sync with the video.

Here's what I notice: When I play the clips in QuickTime Player, there are no sync issues (thus i believe it is an issue within FCP, not the footage itself). In FCP the "Vid rate" column in the browser says 29.97 fps, which is not what I expected. In QTP the "Frame Rate" column for the video track says 28.0123291015625, which is also not what I expect.

What could be going on? And what would the solution be? MTIA!
Mike Barber
"I'm laughing to stop myself from screaming."
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Old January 13th, 2007, 06:20 PM   #7
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slideshow help

I used to do a ton of picture slideshows in college, but I have not done one in a year. (Wedding season is upon me now) I remember reading somewhere about 6 months ago that there is a special setting in photoshop to use when I scan in all of these images. Unfortunately for me I didnt save the article, and now I need the article. What I remember of the article was that it talked about square vs round pixels, as well as optimal resolution to scan to get a great image in FCP. Does this really matter? I have never had any complaints on any of my slideshows, but if there is a way for me to improve, I would really like to do so.

Tim Harry
Bandwagon Media
Odessa, TX
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Old January 16th, 2007, 01:22 PM   #8
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GL2 firewire freezes FCP...

I typically have a Sony VX2100 cam hooked firewire to FCP (PowerMac G5, FCP Studio 5.0)...and everything works just fine.

My 2100 cam is in for repair right now, so i have use of a Canon GL2. I hook GL2 with firewire to the Mac (just the same way as my 2100 was), and FCP freezes. the Mac seems to freeze up as well, but i still have control of mouse. the minute i unplug the firewire cable to GL2, everything is fine...plug it back in, freezes again. i restart FCP with GL2 plugged in and it won't open until i unplug the firewire cable from camera.

i had this problem awhile back, but didn't really look to troubleshoot it, so i have to capture some footage today and i am pretty flustered on what to do. i am still fairly new to Mac and FCP, so hopefully i can get some simple advice to this issue (if there is any). Thanks so much for any help you can give me...i appreciate it!
Sony VX2100 cam; FCP 5.0.4
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Old January 17th, 2007, 09:12 AM   #9
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Re-Linking Media

I know this process is usually fraught with snags but this was new to me. I'm having to re-link several hundred clips in a feature timeline sent to me by the director. I have a copy of all the source files on a drive here that is almost exactly the same as his drive in NY. He made some alterations to the music and I must create new titles for it and give it the polish it needs to go to the distributor for DVD mastering and release.

Now, the problem is sometimes when locating the clips it will either find them ok by 'search on it's own (in the reconnect interface) or It will come close and just not highlight the file but be in the right folder. I have to uncheck 'matched name only' and select the EXACT correct file it didn't auto recognize choose that and then nothing happens. It just sits there like it never happened, even after clicking the same file a several times repeating this process.

We've had illegal character experiences before so I know that could have something to do with it. This editor liked using hyphens and exclamation points a lot in his file naming so that's an issue.

Could I just name the clip original on the drive exactly what the reconnect window is searching for and be fine? Anyone tried this before? If I commit to it then I will have slightly differing names for many clips on the drive. Which isn't a huge deal since this is FINAL output but I'd still like to be smart about it.

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Old January 22nd, 2007, 06:56 AM   #10
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I just finished a documentary filmed in 1080i50 and now I conformed it to 23.98fps to play it in a NTSC SD-DVD. But the burned DVD doesn't play correctly, freezing or jumping frames. What it is that?

Is there any special configuration for DVD studio pro?

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Old January 23rd, 2007, 11:23 AM   #11
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For Broadcast Question

Is it acceptable to mix interlaced with de-interlaced for broadcast? Specifically in getting the "Jitters" out of still frames, or is there a better way of doing it?

Also is there a way to "fatten" up the sound some for the whole project with FCP, such as exporting the audio, into Soundtrack & compressing it & such?
The narration already has some vocal compression but the whole thing still sounds a little thin.
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Old January 23rd, 2007, 12:53 PM   #12
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HDV cropped to 4:3 DV on FCP?

I'm making a DV video from HDV clips -but theres more. I'm changing the HDV clips to different sizes so that I can crop and pan/scan etc... I've noticed that magically on my HDV footage FCP has added a field order effect to some of my clips and not others. My questions: Do I want this filter at all? I'm already having unrelated interlace problems and this confuses everything. HDV is upper, DV is lower. Why not choose "none" in my sequence? This interlace stuff has been a nightmare in all my projects.
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Old January 30th, 2007, 12:02 AM   #13
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Quick SATA internal vs SATA II card question...

Just curious - will an SATA II hard drive be faster by itself (non raided) on the internal built in SATA I bus in my 2.3 g5 or attached to an SATA II controller card like the Sonnet in the same 2.3 g5?
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Old January 31st, 2007, 09:12 AM   #14
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Problems with Batch List and JVC HD100

I just purchased the FCP Universal upgrade in December. I've tried now on 2 different projects to capture some 720p24 HDV footage from a JVC HD100 using batch lists with no success. That's not to say I can't capture footage, because I can; just not with a batch list. I can batch capture clips, just not ones imported from a batch list.

If I open up the capture window, set my in point and out point, I can then use the capture clip button to capture the clip. I can also log the clip and use the batch capture command to capture the clip(s).

Here's what I can't do. I make a tab delimited in Excel with "Media Start", "Media End", "Name", and "Reel", and import it into FCP as a batch list. All the clips show up in the bin just fine. When I go to use batch capture on one or all of them, the capture fails. Here's what happens:

If the clip is from 00:02:00:00-00:02:10:00, the camera cues up to 00:01:30:00ish, starts playing, and captures 1 frame at 00:01:35:00ish. Everytime. FCP isn't cueing the camera up correctly.

On a clip with the same in/out that I logged in the Log and Capture window and then batch captured, the camera would cue up to 00:01:55:00ish and then start playing and capture fine.

Again, if I log a clip from the Capture window, and then use batch capture it works fine.

So I thought maybe my batch lists were wrong, even though I could have a clip in the bin from a batch list and one logged from the Log and Capture window that looked exactly the same, and one would capture, and the other one wouldn't.

The next stage was to log a clip from the Log and Capture window, capture it with batch capture to make sure everything was fine, then export a batch list of the clip. I then reimported that batch list and tried to use batch capture on the new clip. Didn't work, same failure mode.

I really don't know what's going on here. FCP works with the camera great in every way we've test EXCEPT for the fact that I can't batch capture clips that were imported from a batch list.

I've also tried different capture presets (specifically I duplicated the HDV Firewire NDF preset and changed the frame rate to 23.98 and other values) and get the same results. I tried that based on the first post here:
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Old February 1st, 2007, 02:00 PM   #15
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creating a strobing effect in FCP?

I'm editing a 24P music video, and I'd like to put a strobing effect in it. The FCP-incuded effect seems to produce strange results - are there any better 3rd party strobe-style effects?
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