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Discussing the editing of all formats with FCS, FCP, FCE

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Old June 5th, 2007, 03:53 AM   #121
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probelm with multibridge out

One of our costumers isn't able to record his on final cut pro edited video (8bit pal) on a Sony UVW-1800P BetaCam SP recorder (MAZ). We set the multibridge to Analog Component Out and also choose the option "black burst ref signal" on analog out. The UVW-1800P says, no ref signal detected and we get an error message on final cut pro saying: "Alarm ref. Video is not deteted". What could the probelem be?

Kind Regards,

Michael Althaus

PS: They just connected the component cables and the analog audio cables from the BetaCam SP recorder to the multibridge pro, that is it, right?
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Old June 6th, 2007, 09:42 PM   #122
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Batch Monitor Waiting

I just submitted 4 ProRes sequences from Final Cut to Compressor for an SD DVD. I went through and dragged in the settings and destinations for each. I then submitted all of the jobs and opened the batch monitor. Now all of the jobs are sitting there and say 'Waiting' with no time elapsed and no estimated time remaining.

Why arent these batches running?
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Old June 7th, 2007, 11:35 AM   #123
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16:9, 24p footage from XL2 to FCP 5.1--Presets?


I've got some 16:9, 24p (2:3) footage from an XL2 to to capture into FCP 5.1. Can anyone give me the correct presets (setups)--capture and sequence-- to bring this stuff in and edit it properly? The output is expected to be DVD.


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Old June 7th, 2007, 02:00 PM   #124
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FCS 2.0 and CPU usage?

I'm just wondering if anyone else out there has noticed this. When I'm exporting out of final cut and I monitor the CPU usage in activity monitor it says that I'm only using about 40% of the CPU power and 60% is idle, same thing with compressor and the batch monitor. Is there a way to fix this? I'm running on a MacPro 2.66 2gigs ram system...

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Old June 7th, 2007, 03:25 PM   #125
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Upgrading my Analog to DV Box

It's time to upgrade my Canopus ADVC100. Works great still but I am wanting component in and out plus balanced audio. Plus a rackmount would be nice.

The two boxes I have on the burner are: The Canopus ADVC700 and the Miranda DV Bridge Pro. Both have mostly identical feature sets with Canopus plugging their analog signal processing and the Miranda it's ability to convert 16:9 to letterbox on the fly.

Does anyone who has used these units have an opinion? Are there other A/D convertors within the $1500 to $2000 price range that have similar features?
William Hohauser - New York City
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Old June 7th, 2007, 03:33 PM   #126
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Media Manager: Inaccurate repro?

I tried Media managing a couple projects and both have music and there is problems with both. The music seems off slightly by a couple frames and some clips are clips with the last syllable cut off.

Are there some tricks to this process that I don't know about or is it inherently flawed as it appears?

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Old June 8th, 2007, 01:02 AM   #127
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FCS2: Worth upgrading from 2gb to 3gb ram?

Hi all,

I'm running FCS2 on a 24" Imac. It has the faster graphics card and 2gb of ram. Still looking for a little performance boost in motion and while applying effects in FCP.

Do you think taking the computer up to its 3gb maximum will make a noticeable difference?

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Old June 9th, 2007, 08:21 AM   #128
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Capturing HDV

I'm using the HV20 to captire HDV footage shot on an XL-H1. After capturing, I edit each clip (cuts only) in QTPro7. Once clips are cut, a simple "Save" in QT will result in the file size remaining the same - it is the original catured clip (even if most of it has been cut out in the edit and no longer shows when played). Obviously the entire original clip is still on the hard drive. If I do a "Save As" with the edited clip, QT "flattens" the clip and creates a new This then reflects the reduced size of the edited clip.

My concern is whether or not "Flattening" the clip will affect it's quality/resolution/properties in a way that will limit its use in projects later on. When I look at each clips "Properties" in FCP the only difference seems to be that the original clip has a data rate of 3.4 MB/sec while the "Flattened" movie has a data rate of 3.2 MB/sec.

Basically I'm tring to set up a workflow for keeping the HDV clips on a hard drive for use in future projects. To save disk space I want to keep clip size to a minimum (by cutting unwanted footage).

So . . .am I loosing anything by editing in QT and then "Saving As" and flattening?

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Old June 9th, 2007, 08:27 AM   #129
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DVCProHD Mac to PC issue

I have some 1920x1080 footage in mov, which I believe was edited on FCP and is in DVCPro HD. Note I don't have a MAC. At any rate I have been able to solve some of the issues regarding the footage (its format for instance), but it still does not play on my system (PC). I hear the sound, but the video (on wmp and in premiere) is a big letterbox white screen or you can see right through it. In short the video codec is somehow not being properly recognized. I also have adobe's hdrack with the dvcpro hd decoder, so mxf files do play on my system in wmp and in premiere (as well as files converted from mxf to let's say avi). I am uncertain if the problem with viewing the footage is because it was originally edited on a MAC or what. A metadata utility I use called Mediainfo says the video stream is dvh6 and standard 29.949fps. The PC folks are at a standstill with this question. Since you MAc folks tend to cross platform I was hoping you had some insight (besides get a Mac) on how to solve the issue.
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Old June 11th, 2007, 01:32 PM   #130
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Best solution for 25p footage and slow motion?

I know that would be better to shoot in 50i to get the best result but.....

......i do have some footage shot in 25p(canon xh A1) and like to use in slow motion(50% up to 25%).
What's the best way,considering i do have acces to a machine with Final Cut Studio 2?

Sorry if it is an already answered question, i searched but did not find answer for 25p.

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Old June 14th, 2007, 10:53 AM   #131
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I am confused


Today I was at the Final cut Studio seminar here in Stockholm.
I must say I became impressed with what I saw, but I also became i bit confused.

Here is why

At the moment I am using FCP Studio 1 on my Imac Core Duo (intel) and I am only working in SD at the moment.

I tap a signal from one of my FW ports to ADS Pyro A/V Link converter and from there to my SD monitor for CC and it all works well.

I know that this setup will not work when I will move to HDV since this is not supported on FCP 5

I think I read that this has changed with FCP 6 so that I can use the above setup and get a SD signal from my HDV timeline via FW and get prewiev on the fly to my monitor.

So I asked one of the Apple guy´s there if that was correkt but he said it was not right at all, it didn´t work that way.
I got the feeling he was not really knowing what he was talking about

So now you might understand my confusion.

So I will ask you guy´s here

Can I get a SD prewiev via FW with the setup above in FCP 6?


Remember, that English is my second language.
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Old June 17th, 2007, 01:59 PM   #132
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FCP 6 and timecode/capture issues

I couldn't find anything via search, so here goes:

Yesterday I was editing a short that a friend of mine shot the week before (I would have shot it too but I was at a christening). He used an older Panasonic Mini-DV camera, and I tried to use it for capture as well. However, I kept getting an error about the audio bit rate of the clip not matching the capture settings. I couldn't figure out how to change the capture settings, so I redid the capture using a newer camera, which worked fine, except...

Apparently they would shoot the scene and then rewind the tape to see if they got it, then FFW and start recording again. This would cause the capture to stop and so I would do a new capture for each of these. The last 3 that I captured show up in the bin in FCP but when I try to load them into the viewer to pull clips from them nothing happens. They do open and play in an external Quicktime window though. I'm going to try reimporting the capture file, but is there something else I could do to fix these?

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Old June 18th, 2007, 09:40 AM   #133
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narrow band of black and white rectangles at top of frame

Does anyone know what the narrow band of black and white rectangles are for at the very top left of the 16:9 frame.

Not a problem when editing on Avid as it seems to cut them off, but they are visible sometimes on Final Cut Pro and then on through to DVD. Our solution on FCP has been to put a narrow black band at the top of frame to mask the black and white squares but this does not seem to be a very elegant solution!

The squares could be some kind of timecode information and they are not visible on every single frame but enough to be very annoying!

any ideas?

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Old June 19th, 2007, 12:39 AM   #134
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HDV Workflow on Mac demonstration

Since I had a bit of feedback asking about my HDV workflow from my earlier vids, I put together a quick video overview of how I work with HDV up on YouTube, using DVHSCap, MPEG StreamClip & FCP5 etc.

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Old June 20th, 2007, 06:42 AM   #135
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playing hd as DV through fcp 6 mixed timeline

Using an XDCAM HD timeline and wanting to downconvert to DV. If I play out the sequence viewing it through my dvcam deck? Is it the same quality as a quicktime format conversionb or is there a quality difference?

Philip Bloom
Cinematographer, Director, Filmmaker
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