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Old November 23rd, 2007, 10:42 PM   #301
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Finally, 4ch 1-pass audio capture comes to the Mac

Wow, I just captured 4 independent audio channels using my newly updated QT for Mac. I'd be curious to know if others are finding this to work for them in Quicktime 7.3. I haven't been able to find any official documentation on this anywhere.

Historically, Mac users have been out of luck if they were trying to capture dv content that had more than the standard 2 channels of audio and they wanted to keep the channels independent, without having to run a 2nd pass to get the 2nd 2 channels of audio.

Windows PC users have been able to use Scenalyzer to do this with much reported convenience and success.

While the following may not be of immediate benefit in the context of an NLE, I thought it quite interesting.

Every so often, I have had to capture a dv tape with 4 channels of audio content into FCP. Sometimes, I just ran 2 passes in FCP, and other times, especially if I was planning to do some added work on the audio before dropping it into FCP, I would just handle the capture directly within the QT 7 recording feature to capture the audio into a QT .mov file and export the individual channels into separate 48Khz aif files.

Either way, it always required a 2nd pass if I had more than 2 tracks of audio on the tape.

Not anymore.

What I used to do was have to select my dv source along with either "first 2 channels" or "2nd 2 channels" when setting up the capture. Today, I updated my QT to 7.3 and I only now just ran a 4 ch dv tape through the audio record feature. I wasn't presented with the channels options this time. So I ran it anyway, and when I looked at the audio settings in the resulting .mov file, I discovered 4 separate audio channels listed. So I checked each one to ensure that they were, in fact, independent. They were.

So all I had to do at that time was designate the appropriate left, right, center or unused settings for each track and export them accordingly to get my 48 Khz aif files and it worked perfectly.

Granted, it would be even nicer if this existed directly within FCP, and unfortunately, my older version of FCP HD 4.5 was unaffected by this update.

However, since my updating session also included a new Pro app support download, I am wondering if this multi-channel 1-pass capture capability may have seen its way into FCP 5 or 6. Any users out there who wanna check this out?

Either way, its a bit of added convenience for those few times I have to deal with 4 ch dv audio.

Just thought y'all would want to know.


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Old November 27th, 2007, 04:02 AM   #302
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Final Cut Pro 6 Settings with JVC HDV

Hi All
I'm still battling FCP issues. I've got a mix of DV cam, Sony SX (both 16x9) and now JVC 25P. The FCP sales pitch says it will seemlessly deal with all the different forms. I'm finding though that if I set sequence/timeline presets to 25p I get weird sized pictures for some of the DV cam. If I set DV settings the HDV shrinks. Can some one set me straight as to how I should set up my video settings in FCP it would be greatly appreciated as I'm doing my nana here. Thanks in advance.
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Old November 27th, 2007, 11:03 AM   #303
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Looking for a program

Hello I am new to the FCS2 workflow. I came from the Adobe CS3 workflow. One of the things that I really like in the Adobe Workflow was clipnotes. In doing my research on making the switch I found a program that did the same thing as clipnotes but it was for FCP. Does anyone know of this program and if you do what is the name and how does it work?

For those who do not know what clipnotes is.

This program is part of AE and Premiere that lets you export a video file wrapped in to a PDF. The Client then can stop the video and make timecode accuate comments that then I can import into premiere or AE that come up as a marker. I then go to a marker and make that change and move on. There is no need to print out emails or try to read a quickly written chicken scratch hand writting to make the changes. This saves me a ton of time.

So I am hoping I can find that program once again so I can try it out I am still looking. Let me know if any one finds it.
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Old November 27th, 2007, 02:54 PM   #304
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Blackmagic LiveKey

Has anyone used Livekey from Blackmagic? I cant get the darn thing to work. Its not covered in the manual either.
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Old November 28th, 2007, 11:59 AM   #305
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DVD Studio crashes during Build?

Has anyone had a problem importing H.264 compressed files into DVD Studio Pro and when finished and checking everything to see that it works, I go into file, Burn, Build and as soon as it gets about 7% into it which would be just past the chapters ect and starting into the video portion of the build DVD Studio just shuts down for no reason. I have used build in the past and it has worked fine so if anyone has had this problem and knows why it occures PLEASE let me know. Thanks in advance Gary Williams
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Old November 28th, 2007, 12:15 PM   #306
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capture directly to a DVD compatible format

Hi all

I'm looking for a software that can capture (Via firewire) directly from my camera (while filming) about 3 hours of DV to a DVD compatible format that i could then burn without encoding with DSP4.

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Old November 30th, 2007, 08:17 AM   #307
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QT codecs supporting chapter markers

Created a movie for display on a computer only and want to retain chapter markers inserted in timeline (FCP 5.1.4). The movie is long and I need something smaller than 125 GB (uncompressed 8-bit), but it needs to have chapter markers for ease of navigation. Tried compressing the 8-bit movie (1000 X 625) with markers to H.264 (same size) using QT Pro but no chapter markers (5+GB file size). Compression takes hours to accomplish, so I'm hoping to find a definitive answer rather than hunt and peck til I find the right combination. Gonna try using compressor (2.3.1) next using H.264 which I prefer the look over DV NTSC. DVC50/DVCPro50 yields too large of file sizes.

Any input would be appreciated.


Mac Pro 2 X 2.66/5 GB Ram/Leopard X.V.I
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Old December 3rd, 2007, 08:27 PM   #308
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help exporting flash

please help
when i export flash from fcp i cannot seem to play the flash file to evalute it.
also i have been getting very good results exporting from fcp using animation compression and then using flash encoder. the one problem with that is i am getting horizontal lines along the edges when there is motion. this is also a green screen effect so i am enabling the alpha channel. it's the little horizontal edging lines that is driving me crazy. anyone have a solution?
much thanks, aldo
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Old December 5th, 2007, 01:09 AM   #309
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mixing codecs

just a quick question. i have clips in a FCP sequence with both AIC and HDV codec. i made a quick test to put transitions between them and exported with compressor to Mpeg-2 90 min. best quality. i didn't test DVDSP and burn a DVD, but all seems to work fine. Are there any potential problems i may have overlooked?
would i be better off using just one codec? (i would have to re-capture many hours of footage as HDV...)
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Old December 6th, 2007, 06:07 AM   #310
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Interlace Problem in FCP

I shot many tapes on a XL2 @ 24P.
I digitized all my content into final cut at 23.98 DV anomorphic.
When FCP plays back on the monitor every couple of fields is interlaced, although when I play the clip in QuickTime it is progressive.

What is the normal workflow when dealing with 24P content?
Does FCP only play out NTSC? Why is it interlacing?

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Old December 6th, 2007, 08:41 AM   #311
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How to sync separate audio with video using timecode?

I have shot with a Canon XL H1. I connected its timecode out to a 744T harddisk recorder via a wireless timecode link. The harddisk starts to record automatically when the camcorder starts and both recordings get the same timecode. However, they are not exactly starting and stopping at the same frame.

What is the most efficient procedure to put the separate audio clips in sync with the video clips?

I would like to have the tracks arranged like:
v1: video track 1
a1: left audio channel from the camcorder (automatic in sync with camcorder)
a2: right audio -"-
a3: left audio (mono track) from harddisk recorder
a4: right audio -"-

I can get an appropriate synced result for one clip at a time if I manually select a video clip and the corresponding two audio files and use the function "Merge Clips" and click Timecode.

However, this is quite time consuming because I have to manually find out which audio should be paired to which video clip. Merge clips seems not to be able to use with more than one video clip at a time.

Is there a faster way of synchronizing a bunch of clips which all have correct timecode? Or is there a command in the Canvas/timeline window to sync the audio to the timecode value of the video?

Thanks for your time. /Johan
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Old December 7th, 2007, 09:59 AM   #312
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DVDSP (4) crashing on Video from Palette import.

Seems like DVDSP 4 is having a bit of a 'wobbler' now.
Having just built a DVD menu's et al I wanted to finish off by adding a looped video segment within the main menu (or subsequent sub menu's - have already added music and images).
Unfortunately when attempting to hit the video tab within the Palette, DVDSP gives me the spinning ball treatment and I have to force quit to continue.
Had a quick browse on here and the wider net but can't seem to locate a fix/answer on this.
Related to the recent QT updates perhaps?
Have repaired permissions but not being a 'hands inside computer' guy I'm at a loss as to what else I could do (trash preferances?).

Anybody else come across this gremlin?

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Old December 8th, 2007, 10:44 PM   #313
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Two Soundtrack Pro 2 questions

With regard to Soundtrack Pro 2.0.2:

(1) Is there a limit of 4GB for AIFF exports? I'm trying to export a multi-channel audio file of a fairly long recording, and it keeps crashing at that point.

(2) For multi-channel projects (with surround panners), when I open the envelopes in my tracklist (clicking on the little triangle next to the track list), by default many envelope types appear. Usually I just want the volume, though. Is there a way to limit the types that show up by default, or at least a quick way to hide the ones I don't need (other than clicking on every single type, for every single track)?

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Old December 11th, 2007, 04:42 PM   #314
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HD Log & P2 Log QT bug fix

If you've previously transcoded P2 MXF with either HD Log or P2 Log in QT 7.2 or earlier, then upgraded to QT 7.3 and found many of those clips "blank", the problem was a code-change made by Apple that didn't get communicated well enough to the developers.

Imagine Products has released a new repair tool which will bring back these "blank" clips, assuming you're now using QT 7.3.

Check it out:
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Old December 12th, 2007, 12:35 PM   #315
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Final cut can't render, kernel issue

HI guys,

This new thread is for a colleague of mine. Problem is simple, everytime time he want to render a sequence in Final cut (latest version) it crashes and a kernel issue is shown in the log.

That's pretty much the information I have, I know it's not much but if someone went through a similar issue I could suggest your workaround.


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