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Old October 3rd, 2007, 03:36 PM   #241
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Monitor Issues

I have a 2.66 Quad & Dell 2001FP Monitor. After a few hours of being away from the computer, I cannot bring it back from a black screen through the mouse or keyboard. I turn on and off the monitor, but it doesn't come back, though it makes the appropriate sounds to keyboard commands. The only workaround is to unplug the hdmi cord and plug it back in. Is there a keyboard command that I'm missing, because there is no problem with the screensaver when it's on. It's the black screen that kills me. Thoughts?
Weddings | Corporate | HMC150s | FCPX | Encore | Lion
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Old October 8th, 2007, 09:53 AM   #242
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Motion 3 Flicker Problem

I've been doing some extensive work in Motion 3 this morning, and when I'm done with my composite/design the canvas and image will start to flicker on and off. I did a ram preview and that didn't do anything (I figured I was just eating some ram up by editing in real time) I've re-done this design twice thinking it was something I did, but it isn't. Motion is just acting up on its own. Has anyone had this happen to them?
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Old October 8th, 2007, 03:12 PM   #243
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Mac-PC integration and Premier CS3

So I noticed on the Apple store's site that Adobe CS3 is available for Mac and I was wondering if the projects can transfer seamlessly between the Mac and PC platforms. I'm considering buying my own editing suite for work (probably a used G5 that I can upgrade - unless CS3 only works on Intel based Macs in which case I'd try to get a Mac Pro of some kind). And I often times transfer projects to my co-workers so they can edit on them when I can't, or so they can add their share of the work to a project. Would I be able to do that if I was working on a Mac and they were using their PC's? If it's possible that'd be awesome...
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Old October 9th, 2007, 05:47 AM   #244
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M2T 24PA files to FCP 6 Workflow Confirmation

Hello! This is my first post, so go easy on me. . . . Thanks.

I've read articles on the Web and posts here to develop this workflow and it does seem to be working A-OK.

However, I'd like to confirm my workflow with people here.

We do want to keep the Capture / Conversion Chain as described below--a confirmation of the settings through the chain (or observations) will be appreciated.

I haven't seen the full chain described like this from end-to-end but I can't believe that we're running a unique workflow.

Edit in FCP at 24 fps (23.98), 1080i, 1920x1080

Capture / Conversion Chain
V1U (Set to 24PA) --> HVR-DR60 (Sony Hard Drive) --> MPEG Streamclip --> Cinema Tools --> FCP6

Details, MPEG Streamclip
Open M2T File
File --> Export to Quicktime...
Settings in Movie Exporter Window
* Compression: Apple Intermediate Codec
* Quality: 100%
* Frame Size: 1920 x 1080 (HDTV 1080i)
* Interlace Scaling: Checked
* Reinterlace Chroma: Checked
Output = .mov

Details, Cinema Tools
Open .mov File
Clip --> Reverse Telecine
Settings in Reverse Telecine Window
* Capture Mode: "Field 1 - Field 2"
* Fields: _CD_
* Frames: Conform to 23.98 FPS
* Frames: Standard Upper/Lower: Checked
Output = .mov.rev

Details, FCP 6
Import .mov.rev
Move .mov.rev to Sequence
Settings for Sequence:

* General Tab
** 1920 x 1080 HDTV 1080i (16:9)
** Pixel Aspect Ratio: Square
** Editing Timebase: 23.98
** Quicktime Video Settings: Apple Intermediate Codec, 100%

* Video Processing Tab
** Render in 8-bit YUV
** Process Maximum White as: White
** Motion Filtering Quality: Best

As I said, the footage appears to be working "as expected" in FCP6, but a confirmation would be great to remove any fears that WYSIWYG really isn't--that I'm missing something (or could get a better telecine of the footage or somesuch).

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Old October 9th, 2007, 05:15 PM   #245
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fcp out put on a 60''

Hi people i have a question, i have the HD111 and shooting in hd25p, i capture via DVHCAP and Convert with streem clip using the HDV720P25 setting. Open the files in FCP and edit in HD, OUTPUT a quicktime .mov then open it in compressor.... this is the promlem, if i use the best quality 2 pass setting ,if i play it back on a std tv its fine, But play it on a plazma or lcd 42' - 60' it basicly is crap. Has any found a way to may it look good. i am burning it with DVD studio on a std DVD. I also use the True Colour 3 setting.

One other think is the 50p should i use this for filming motobike racing, i want to slow down some of the footage, but need to keep the sound in sink.

i know that this has been covered before, can someone help or let me know of a post that may help.

HD101/G5 Mac/4gig Ram/1TB HDD/30" Cinema Display/FCP.
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Old October 10th, 2007, 10:34 AM   #246
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7300 and the matrox mxo

I plan on buying a mac pro today from an apple retail store and they actually have the processor I want in stock (3.0ghz dual core). Unfortunately they don't have any of the video cards for mac pro's except for the 7300's. I plan on getting the 23 hd display and viewing on a sony pvm for color and dimensions. My understanding is that the matrox mxo kinda bypasses the video card and does it's own thing to put out the signal which makes me think the 7300 would be fine for what I need it. Will the 7300 video card be good enough to be used with the matrox mxo and a 23 display along side a crt monitor?
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Old October 11th, 2007, 01:09 PM   #247
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Strobe problem downconverting HDV to SD slowmotion clips?

When I downconvert HDV material to SD buy changing the HDV timeline to a new SD timeline, what has been edited with a slowmotion effect, the sd material in slowmotion strobes like it has a field order problEm. If I remove the clip and put the HDV material to the sd timeline directly the same happends. What is it? How do I solve it?

Studio 2 PAL and Canon XH-A1

Kind regards
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Old October 11th, 2007, 01:29 PM   #248
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Shift fileds FCP and PAL SD?

Dear all!

I have problem with shift fileds. I use mpeg-2 PAL material converted to DV25 by using the free software MPEG Streamclip 1.8. It is material from I put the converted clips on an PAL SD timelie in FCP. This I mix with DV PAL material filmed with a Canon XH-A1. FCP should fix the field order but still I get strobe effect.

What shall I do?

Kind regards Erik
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Old October 13th, 2007, 09:40 PM   #249
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Insert editing on Betacam no longer accurate


I'm using FCP 5

I've recently updated the firmware on my deckline blackmagic card because I needed to get the proper settings to match the closed captioning house's settings so I could insert Closed Captioning code onto my tapes (long story)

Anyway, I'm finding that my insert edits are no longer accurate. The deck seems to punch in at the correct "in" point on the tape, but FCP is giving me an extra second of footage before the "in" point on my timeline which is very strange.

Is there a calibration that needs to be made? How do I do this?
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Old October 14th, 2007, 08:32 AM   #250
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Applying transitions

Solved my own question.

Last edited by Floris van Eck; October 14th, 2007 at 09:15 AM.
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Old October 15th, 2007, 07:50 AM   #251
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Apple and a Sony V1U? why did it work, but not now?

Ok guys, I have a V1U and a Mac pro, along with Final Cut Studio 2.

Check this out.

On my 24" Core 2 Duo imac, with FCP2 I was able to capture footage that I shot 1080i60 with the camera via firewire using an easy setup 1080i60. All my software was up to date.

Once I moved to the Mac Pro...FCP will not reconize the camera 1080i60. I have to use AIC codec to import.

Some google searching lead me to a problem V1u owners have with FCP and Mac with importing and having to use AIC instead of an easy setup of HDV 1080i60. No soloution has been found I guess.

Am I the only one who had it working on an iMac, but now find it wont work on a Mac Pro? Are any V1U owners getting an Easy setup of 1080i60 to work with the V1U?, or are you using AIC?
All of my software is up to date.
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Old October 15th, 2007, 10:01 AM   #252
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Color shift when importing from FCP to DVD Studio Pro

Forgive me if this has been covered in other posts,
I am not having any luck solving this:

I am working in HDV in FCP 5.1.4.
After editing in an HDV timeling I'm dropping the footage into an SD anamorphic timeline then outputting via QT conversion
to a self-contained QT movie for use in DVD Studio Pro.

My problem is this; there is a substantial exposure-shift when the footage
is output to the QT movie. The footage is much lighter than what I see
in FCP after exposure correction and color correction.

Can anyone point me in the right direction to fix this?
I am obviously doing something wrong.

Thank you

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Old October 15th, 2007, 04:00 PM   #253
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problem when capturing HDV in FCP6

It happened to me second time today. When i finish capturing in FCP 6, I can't close the log and capture window and actually any window. I can't quit and in Final Cut Pro menu I can only hide it, no other option available.
Did anybody have too?

Last edited by Konrad Czystowski; October 15th, 2007 at 09:28 PM. Reason: I think it doesn't show what the problem is in the title
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Old October 15th, 2007, 09:23 PM   #254
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FCP 6 and DVX 100a

FCP 6 will not recognize camera at all.Also will not let me select all frames on external video in View dropdown.Computer is new iMac with Intel chipset and 2gig of ram.Any ideas. Thanks Andy Smith
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Old October 16th, 2007, 04:05 AM   #255
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Help!!! HVX 60fps isn't 60fps

Okay, here's my problem. I'm editing a short film shot on both the XH-A1 and the HVX200.

The HVX was used solely for slow motion footage. Not my camera so I didn't import the footage from the P2 Card.

I was sent the files in quicktime . mov format. I open them in quicktime and they have a frame rate of 24 fps and they play at 24fps... so immediately I think something is amiss.

I import them into FCP6 and double click on them to open them in the viewer. I haven't put them on the timeline yet. I hit play and the time base looks as if it's playing at 60fps. the motion isn't slowed down but the frame counter at the end of the timecode is obviously 60fps.

I pause the clip and start to frame advance the footage one frame at a time. Uh oh... something isn't right here. Instead of frames going in succession like so:


They are skipping like so:


Am I doing something wrong. Can I get 60 fps out of these clips, or did something go wrong when these were extracted from the P2 card?

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