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Old August 21st, 2007, 04:43 PM   #211
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Final Cut Studio 6 install question

I just installed final cut pro 6 and everytime I either application I must re-enter my name and serial#,any idea why this happens? I never had this problem on any of the earlier versions..thanks for you help...

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Old August 23rd, 2007, 07:29 AM   #212
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FCP: How do I capture 24p?

I've got some 24p footage from a JVC HD100 and I cannot capture it successfully. If I use the HDV preset, FCP wants to stop after each cut, re-cue the footage, and capture just that one shot before stopping again to re-cue for the next shot. If I use the AIC, all the footage I capture plays back at like 3x speed, but with normal audio!

I'm using FCP 5.1.4 and capturing via firewire from the camera.
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Old August 23rd, 2007, 04:45 PM   #213
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FCP framerates and timeline question

So here is the dilmema. I want to shoot 24p footage and 60i footage and work with them in a 24p timeline. I know that putting 60i footage in a 24p timeline makes the clips playback jerky but if I convert the 60i footage to 24p then isnt the clip not a clip running at 24fps?

The reason I want the 60i clip is so I can slow it waaaaaayyyyy down but I want to be able to use it in my 24 timeline. So how do I do that..? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

My fear was that if I got the 60i clip slowed down the way i wanted and needed to covnert it to 24p to work on the timeline for output it would ruin the slow mo. Again thanks for any help.
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Old August 26th, 2007, 04:22 PM   #214
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DVCPRO HD slow to transcode in Compressor on 8 Core Mac Pro's

Any 8 core Mac Pro owners out there? I've done some testing and found out that Compressor 3 or 3.0.1 is very slow to transcode DVCPRO HD footage compared to a dual 2.7GHz G5. The problem lies with the 90-150 minute DVD presets in Compressor. My G5 is doing a 6 minute encode of DVCPRO HD 720p footage to DVD MPEG-2 90 minute preset in 20 minutes. The Mac Pro 8 core is taking 52 minutes. I've wiped the system and tried virtual clusters still no speed difference. I've narrowed the problem down to 90-150 minute DVD presets when transcoding DVCPRO HD 720 or 1080 footage. The problem doesn't exist for the other formats including MPEG-1 or HD DVD presets. I would like to verify if this is a genuine problem with the 8 core Mac Pro's. Also DV or DVC Pro 50 footage works with the 90-150 minute MPEG-2 presets. The slow down was with DVCPRO HD and Apple Pro Res codecs.
Andrae Palmer
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Facet Media LLC
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Old August 27th, 2007, 12:51 PM   #215
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V1U 24p vs. 30p Documentary Project Editing

Hi Everyone!

I'm beginning new projects, and wanted to get an opinion on which speed to shoot at. I'm using the Sony HVR-V1U which shoots HDV.

The first project is a series of short documentary style pieces on an AIDS camp in the Bahamas and an orphanage in the Bahamas. These are going to be more cinematic a

nd won't have a ton of fast movement or action, if any at all. The second project is a series of promotional videos for a children's center and intern program. This is going to be fast paced, and will probably involve shots of kids doing activities, sports, etc. Lots of movement.

While I love the look of 24p, it doesn't do well with lots of movement/action, especially fast movement. It's also a real pain to edit. I never have found a workflow that worked well for me. I always ended up with some kind of field/cadence issue (I'm about to update to FCS2, and I'm not well versed yet in how it handles this issue. Does anyone know how it does with 24p shot on the Sony HVR-V1U?).

I haven't done much with 30p yet. From my understanding, it looks better than 60i (less video-like) and handles motion better than 24p. However, I've never edited in 30p. What is that process like/what is involved in that?

What is the standard format for documentary type projects? It is going to be filmed in the Bahamas, and some other stuff I've shot here has turned out absolutely beautiful.

Also, my final modes of delivery are going to be standard def DVD for home use, online, big-screen projector projecting and possibly broadcast.

So, what do you think? What tips would you have?

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Old August 27th, 2007, 06:57 PM   #216
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Proper 24P Reverse Telecine (from 24P in a 60i stream)

Hi all. I've shot scenes with a 35mm adapter and an HV20 in 24P mode (which records 24P in a 60i stream in HDV). Then I've imported into FCP6, rotated the image 180degrees (to get it upright) and then used the new Compressor to Reverse Telecine the footage to get it into 24P. Looks great, except...

The Chroma lags behind the luma! Two frames it's correct (and on the luma) then the next two frames it lags behind the luma, then repeats. It's noticable when there's big movement with contrasting colours in the image (red really stands out).

Did I miss a step?
Attached Thumbnails
NLE Mac / Final Cut questions from 2007-lagging_chroma01.jpg   NLE Mac / Final Cut questions from 2007-lagging_chroma02.jpg  

Mac + Canon HV20
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Old August 29th, 2007, 01:11 PM   #217
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Is it possible to color correct via the DVI output of my MBP into the HDMI input of my Panasonic HD TV? If so, what cable would I need, DVI-A or DVI-D?

Will this work for SD only, or HDV, too?
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Old August 29th, 2007, 06:10 PM   #218
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Problems with Chroma Key in FCP (picture of problem included)

I'm having trouble with footage taking out all the color except for the bright red color of a convertible car. When I do it, it looks fine before I render it, but upon rendering it in the timeline, a weird black shape covers it.

I've attached a pic below (before and after rendering) for a helpful visual aid.

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Old August 30th, 2007, 12:30 AM   #219
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Export w/QT Conversion to DSP?

How come when I try to save a .mov using Quicktime Conversion, DVD Studio Pro won't accept it as an asset? It says "Incompatible Format".



Found my answer. DVD Studio wants an mpeg-2 file.
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Old August 30th, 2007, 09:12 AM   #220
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Off Line Media Gone?

Usually its just a matter of of reconnecting media that goes off line. Not a problem. But there have been a few times that I've been unable to find it.

How does one find it when the usual searches fail. (spotlight, command-f, doing a manual search)

Has the file been corrupted? Is it retrievable? And failing that, is the hard disc space still being used up. If so, how can one retrieve that space?

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Old September 2nd, 2007, 05:45 PM   #221
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Batch reverse telecine in Cinema Tools

I've got a large number of files in AIC format that I need to remove the pulldown from (these are from a V1U running in 24P mode). On a file-per-file basis I can remove the pulldown with Cinema Tools just fine, but when I'm presented with the batch settings dialog, it's missing the "Fields" component on the dialog (which is there when I convert files separately), which I need to set to _CD_ in order to properly remove the pulldown. Is it impossible to set the reverse telecine fields value in batch mode on Cinema Tools?

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Old September 8th, 2007, 09:16 AM   #222
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Colour correction for both DVD and web distribution

I've got a piece that will be distributed on both the web and on DVD.

Normally I correct to my broadcast monitor for DVD release. So without going through the whole process again, is there a good way to easliy optimize the colour for the web?

Wondering about changing the video processing (sequence>settings) from YUV to RGB


FCP 5.1.4
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Old September 10th, 2007, 09:11 PM   #223
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Time Lapse from HVX200 jutter

HI, I'm not sure if this is the right place, but I've taken a time lapse (actually several) with my HVX200. The clip was taken in 720p/60 video mode. I'm trying to play it back in an FCP sequence with an editing time base of 24 frames a second (compressor set at DVCPRO HD 720p60) but I get a weird jutter or skipping effect after I render the clip. If I drop it into a sequence set to editing time base of 60 frames I have no problem but all my other normal speed stuff is taken in 720p/24pn film. Is there a way to work the time lapse from the HVX into my 24frame sequences? Thanks
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Old September 11th, 2007, 01:25 AM   #224
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FCP Pixelation?

I've edited some footage on FCP and exported to DVD SP via Compressor AND QT Movie. When I play the DVD the picture is terribly pixelated. During editing I see the same thing, but I figured since I shot in 60i mode that was just my monitor not displaying both fields.

Is there a way to soften the pixelation or at least sharpen the picture without it looking like it went through a pair of scissors?

Any comments would be greatly appreciated. I'm on a deadline and any suggestions will help me eliminate possibilities.
Novus Productions - -
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Old September 11th, 2007, 03:05 PM   #225
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Quicktime problem

I updated to quicktime 7.2 and ever sense, I have not been able to play any quicktime videos straight through.

I'm working on editing a wedding, and one of my camera guys sent me all his footage on a hard drive, in quicktime format. now for some reason I am having the same problem with Final Cut Pro. none of my video clips will play for more then 2 seconds.

Has anyone else had this problem? Any suggestions?
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