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Old July 30th, 2007, 07:59 AM   #181
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30p conversion to 25p in FCP

I've got some 30p footage that I want to edit in 25p.

Is there any way in FCP where I can just drop the 30p footage, and have FCP conform it to 25p? Or is the only way of doing this to going through the process with dvhscap and mpeg streamclip?
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Old July 30th, 2007, 10:36 AM   #182
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HDV to SD good plan?

Would anyone recommend shooting HDV w/ hdr-fx1 for Luma Keying in after effects, to output as SD? I ask because it seems like people have trouble downgrading to SD -but I don't see why.
Also is HDV recommended for keying, anything's better then SD right??

thanks for any tips.
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Old July 31st, 2007, 10:30 AM   #183
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I read a post somewhere that some user is exporting M2v's directly from quicktime 2 pass vbr, and thereby avoiding the problems inherhent with 2 pass VBR in compressor 2.0. I am running Panther on this Imac and am tired of moving files from my intel mac running compressor 2.3 to my PPC mac to get a better encode. Does anyone out there have experience using quicktime creating M2v's this way and could recommend settings ie. motion estimation better best etc. Do you think this would yield similar results one gets with compressor 2.3.

Thanks in advance


Last edited by Fred Sherman; July 31st, 2007 at 10:40 AM. Reason: caps
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Old July 31st, 2007, 12:40 PM   #184
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Are there 4:3 markers in FCP 6?

I am cutting some HDV 16:9 footage that will eventually go to 4:3 (it won't be letterboxed) and I can't seem to find any sort of safety markers to ensure I'm cutting and adding graphics and titles properly.

Is there anything I can turn on or add so I know things are okay, within FCP 6?


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Old August 1st, 2007, 12:03 AM   #185
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What's the "resizing algorithm" used by After Effects ?

I've been trying to resize a video, by going other routes except "after effects", but i cant match the quality with any of the popular algorithms, like bilinear, bicubic or lanczos.

Does anyone know what algorithm is used by after effects ?

Thank you so much.
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Old August 2nd, 2007, 10:24 AM   #186
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Help With ProAppsUpdate2007-01

FCP 6 is giving me some trouble as of late: the fxplugins won't work (i.e., Smoothcam), and I'm in dire straights. I've reinstalled the software twice with no luck. I've updated the software to 6.0.1, still no good. Recently someone told me that the ProAppsUpdate2007-01 will fix the issue. Unfortunately, when I try to download this from Apple I keep getting an error message. No matter how many times I try the Website just won't accept my serial number. Talked to the Apple support and they said to try again. No joy.

Does anyone have any idea where I can download this patch other than from Apple? Thanks.
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Old August 2nd, 2007, 07:27 PM   #187
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No automation curves in Soundtrack Pro?

It seems that Soundtrack Pro 2 doesn't have any way of using automation splines (curves) for the envelopes. It only seems to support a straight line between two points, so if you want to make a curve in the envelope you have to make a bunch of points that approximate a curve.

This is a particularly big problem when you bring a project in from FCP. If you have FCP volume automation using curves, then when you bring it into Soundtrack Pro 2, guess what -- those curves are now just straight lines! All your hard work in FCP with those curves needs to be re-done in Soundtrack Pro, unless the linear fades also work for the task.

Does anyone know if there is a way to get curves that I'm just missing? The docs and my searching have led to nothing...
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Last edited by Adam Woodworth; August 2nd, 2007 at 08:11 PM.
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Old August 2nd, 2007, 08:11 PM   #188
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ExpressCard solutions for Mac Pro?

Does anybody know what kind of solutions there are available for getting an ExpressCard reader for the latest Mac Pro's?

I realize the MacBook Pro's have an ExpressCard slot in them, but was wondering how one would do this for the Mac Pro's.

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Old August 2nd, 2007, 08:15 PM   #189
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Soundtrack Pro problem looping with automation

I've run into what appears to be a really annoying bug in Soundtrack Pro. Can someone try this and let me know if they have the same results?

Using the audio envelope on a multitrack project, create some dips and rises in the audio and then select that range of the project to loop it, and play it back while looping. The first time through the loop everything sounds fine, but subsequent times through the loop the audio isn't following the envelope points correctly. Sometimes it doesn't follow the envelope at all, sometimes only some of the envelope, sometimes it just sounds really stuttery with static. The volume slider will move with the envelope, but the audio output doesn't.

You may have to try this a few times with different parts of a project, different projects. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't.

I'm running all the latest patches for Soundtrack Pro 2, QuickTime, Pro Apps Support, and OS X.
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Old August 5th, 2007, 11:23 AM   #190
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Why does .mov file submitted to Compressor 3 produce a .mov-1 file

When creating files for upload to the web (all less than 50mb) and submitted to a folder on my MBPro 2.33, Compressor 3 produces a .mov-1 file. I don't remember this happening before the Compressor 3.01 upgrade but I could be wrong.

Any ideas?
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Old August 5th, 2007, 12:27 PM   #191
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Best output to PC with data projector 1024x576?

I'm about to deliver my HDV-2 video shot with a Canon XL-H1 in 25F mode.

The customer is a museum which will use the film as a presentation and show it using a Sharp XR-10S data projector with a maximum resolution of 1024x768.

Which codec and settings will produce the best results for this?
The film is only about 15 min so a setting producing a rather large file is no problem.
Do you suggest a custom QuickTime file 1024x576 (16:9) or what?
I guess this will be better than a regular PAL DVD setting.

Thankful for any good thoughts here. / Johan
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Old August 6th, 2007, 10:37 AM   #192
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How do something like a 15 game fx?

I would like to do something looking like a 15 game but 2x2 or 3x3 sequence.

I want puzzle parts consisting of small clips from the film. One new clip should push another one out and only affect that position.

I managed to use the motion tab and select 48% size and move each clip to its corner. But a push transition affects a whole row or column and not just one clip.

Anybody who know how to make this effect? I should appreciate some ideas ... thanks.
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Old August 6th, 2007, 12:33 PM   #193
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Final cut 6 dropping frames w/ SD?!

I'm trying to edit SD footage w/ the newest final cut, on an imac w/ 2gigs sd ram. And it's dropping frames during playback, in the same areas of the clips each time. I usually edit on my powerbook, and have never seen dropped frames in SD. The standard fixits don't seem to help, so I'll try to recapture. Any suggestions?
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Old August 6th, 2007, 02:23 PM   #194
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Trouble with mixed HVX footage in FCP 6 timeline

I have some mixed footage 72024pn & 720p60.( From HVx200, mov created with Raylight)
If I set my time line for easy setup 23.98 when I add my 60p footage it only shows black but the audio plays, the 24pn footage plays fine.

If I set my time line for easy setup 60p, the opposite happens, the 60p plays fine and the 24pn shows black with audio.

Am I missing something, I am using FCP 6.01



Equipment: Mac dual G5, 4GRam, 1.5TB array, OSX 10.3.9, HVX200, using Raylight
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Old August 7th, 2007, 03:59 AM   #195
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problam for vsfx

what is vsfx format ..? how can make or edit this..its used for tricaster studio (new tek)
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