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Old June 20th, 2007, 10:08 AM   #136
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Open timeline issues

Has anyone else noticed how 60p plays back quite a bit choppier on a 24p timeline? It looks like an exaggerated 24p effect.

To me it looks like it's FCP trying to figure out the conversion as opposed to poor system performance.

Input anyone?

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Old June 20th, 2007, 12:37 PM   #137
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720 24pn Workflow Questions

I have been shooting all my footage in 720 24pn, now it time for the "workflow check" to make sure I doing in right.

P2 to HDD (no problems)

Film to FCP 5.1.4 or the laesst befor Studio 2 (no problem)

Three outputs: DVD, Web , and some stock clips.

1. DVD:
I'm using the hvx200 @ 720p 24pN. I know in FCP the first step to making the 24p dvd is to export using current settings, then bring into compressor then finally dvdsp and you have 24p dvd, which will look great I hope played on TV 's using DVD player.

Can anyone add to this like bit rate info etc or other problems I might face.

2. Output from FCP to QT for web movie:
After going bind here reading a lot of post, I came close to an answer but the thread stopped.

Again hvx200 @ 720 24pN out of FCP using QT, which is a requirement of the job, but the end product looks like crap even using High Bandwith settings for Download. I need some good export setting for QT for export of 3-5 min video download not streaming in the 50mb range.

3 Stock Footage Clips of 30sec to 60 sec shot again at 720 24pn in 24p timeline FCP output should be for normal delivery based on your experances with agencys?

Your help to clarify and confirm a lot of this will be greatly apprediated.

Thanks in advance
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Old June 20th, 2007, 09:23 PM   #138
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10.4.10 DV dropped frame fix?

from the faq:

Originally Posted by apple
Addresses a specific issue in which users importing video from a DV camera may experience dropped frames.
I hope this let's me turn the dropped frame warnings back on in FCP!
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Old June 21st, 2007, 03:25 AM   #139
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Jumping to FCP, but have some hardware questions

I am ready to step up to FCS2, will be buying a mac pro to edit a low budget film that will be shot in october, I will be shooting with a Canon A1 (24F). I plan on learning FCP in the next few months, I currently edit on a pc with PPro 1.5.
The mac I plan to get:
Two Dual-Core 2.66GHz Intel Xeon processors, 1GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT graphics with 256MB memory, 250GB hard drive, 16x double-layer SuperDrive.

I am getting the basic model to try and save some money by up grading the hardware myself. I Want to upgrade the memory by 2gb, up grade the graphics card and get an external hard drive. As far as the memory, I am not sure which brand to go with, I dont want any compatability issues. Is there a good brand thats not to exspensive? Which ones could I go with?

Do I really need to up grade the graphics card? I dont know anything about motion and color, so I wont be using them much for the next few months. Can I get by with the standard card for now? Or do I need to just upgrade now, I found ATI Radeon X1900 XT for 214.99, a cheaper price than apple sells it. Can I ask where I could find it cheaper

For an external hard drive will a 500gb be enough? Which brands should I look at? Where can I look?

Will this set up that Im looking to get work for what I going to do? Shoot a feature film on HDV. I cant wait to get my mac pro and play with it.
thanks for the help.
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Old June 21st, 2007, 06:21 PM   #140
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Soundtrack Pro sync issues

So I recorded a drum track, and played a guitar track overtop of it.. and when I played it back the guitar track was off at least a second or more, you have to manually line it back up, which can never sound the same way you played it. Anyone else have this problem?

I've experienced it in other programs on my PC, but usually when you're working with a ton of tracks, but with a brand new 2ghz iMac with 2gigs of ram... with only two tracks recorded? Crummy deal.

On another note it was also happening in Garage Band, which I gurantee doesn't take up as much memory as a program like Soundtrack.
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Old June 21st, 2007, 09:10 PM   #141
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Experiencing media manager nightmares in FCS2?

Hi all,

I prefer to capture footage in several large chunks, then break them down into subclips in FCP, before using the media manager to discard the chaff.

This was no problem in FCP5, but since migrating to version 6, the media manager deletes my entire clips and subclips when I use "use existing" - either making them vanish completely or throwing them in the trash. It's okay if I use the "copy" or "move" functions, but "use existing" has become positively homicidal.

Is anyone else experiencing this - is there a fix? As I say, I had no trouble performing identical tasks in FCP5.

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Old June 22nd, 2007, 07:03 AM   #142
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HV20 24 p FCS2 workflow

Now that FCS2 has been out a while, anyone want to post their best and easiest workflow to input HV20 24p footage and then mix it with Canon Xh-a1 foot (24f) and edit on same timeline.
With the open timeline the two work together well for me, but I assume you have to convert the HV20 footage (captured at 29.97) to 23.98 for it to output right.
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Old June 25th, 2007, 09:15 AM   #143
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JPEG quality difference in Viewer & Canvas

Reading through the numerous posts on the subject it seems fairly certain that the path to text enlightenment via FCP titles isn't a smooth one (in all senses of that word).
I've just imported a jpeg logo into FCP and have placed into onto the timeline.
There is a fairly distinct difference in quality between the two - the Canvas image is less sharp and has a more pixellated appearance.
I haven't moved/resized the image yet and as with text I believe if I need to do this I should use the control x and y's rather than picking up and dragging the image in canvas? I know that video footage appears pixellated in the canvas (showing only one field?) and that on export (to say quicktime) the appearance is much sharper.
Slightly concerned over the drop in quality from the viewer and the canvas (which doesn't seem to occur with video footage only with jpegs and text).
Any ideas folks?
David Scattergood is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 25th, 2007, 04:55 PM   #144
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FCE HD on a MacBook with a Sony pdw-f330?


My first post here on this forum...

I was wondering if Final cut express HD works well with the Sony PDW-F330? I want to do some editing on my MacBook (2 ghz core2duo 2 gig ram).

I hope some one can help me out!

With kind regards,

Bjorn Schumacher is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 27th, 2007, 12:22 PM   #145
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FCP 4.5 and clips captured via firewire in FCP 5

Here's my situation I have some video that was captured in FCP 5 (firewire DV) that I want to use in 4.5 however when I import the clips not all the audio is there. This could be a quicktime issue I'm not sure.

When I import the clips into 4.5 it tells me the audio is a mono and there is no audio on that mono channel. When I open that same clip in quicktime (7.1.6) it plays fine and all the audio is there. When I go under properties I see the clip has a video track, a timecode track, and sound track 1 and sound track 2. When I highlight the sound track and look under the audio settings it says 1 channel assignment mono. It says the same thing for sound track 2.

When I open a clip that was captured in 4.5 in quicktime and go under properties I have a video track, a timecode track, and a sound track. Under sound track audio settings I have channel 1 assignment left and channel 2 assignment right.

For some reason I don't think FCP 4.5 is seeing anything other than one sound track property. Is there any way of getting them to import correctly?

I also have some clips with 4 channels of audio that I media managed to DV and when I import those into 4.5 again I'm getting mono 1 channel audio.

The files play fine with the audio in every app (AE, IMovie, soundtrack pro) except FCP 4.5

FCP 4.5 running on a G4 1ghz 1.12g ram. (Yeah it's an old machine, but it cuts DV just fine). OS 10.4.10, quicktime 7.1.6. Running version 1 of FCS except FCP because version 5 wouldn't run because I don't have a quartz extreme graphics card.

Any suggestions
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Old June 27th, 2007, 09:28 PM   #146
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NAB07 FCPUG Supermeet Podcast now online

If you weren't able to attend in person you should take a couple hours and watch the podcast.
Walter Murch is truly inspiring.
Tim Dashwood
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Old June 28th, 2007, 12:37 AM   #147
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How do you tell FCS2 where to find the template media?

When I installed FCS2 I used an external FW drive to store the 50GB of templates, soundtrack loops, livetype fonts, sample media, etc.

I recently copied the whole folder to a different drive and I want to tell FCS's applications where to find it in its new location.

Do I need to do this in each separate app, or is there one simple way to do it?
Tim Dashwood
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Old June 28th, 2007, 08:26 PM   #148
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H.264 out of FCP

Hello, Im haveing a problem with exporting a project out of FCP in the H.264 codec and any suggestions are welcome. Heres what I have:
As far a the system-Macpro 2.6 gig Quad core- FCP 5.1.4 with 3 gig of Ram and 900 gig hard drive space-o raid
I have a 4 minute 39 second project thats 660 meg in 720HD 30p output from compresor as a Quicktime movie. I want to compress this down with a H.265 codec to make a smaller file with good quality.
If I try to export or if I change my render settings to H.264 and try to render all I get is "codec error". I dont care how I go about doing this but I want the output to also be 720 HD .
I can drag the 660 meg file into Imovie and output it ...but so far all I can get that way is a 420 size file.

I used a trial version of sorenson squeeze and got a nice 195 meg file but Im trying to not have to buy the squeeze software

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Old June 30th, 2007, 04:58 PM   #149
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FCS2 - FCS1 = how much actual space taken up?

Having installed everything I wanted from the previous suite, and will install the same ones this time too, and since all previous apps are to be erased, including gigs and gigs of STPro (Loops, et al), GarageBand and DVDSP, I expect the actual increase in space used won't be that much.

Does anyone have any idea how much more space will be needed in total? (I did not and will not install Motion this time either.)

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Old June 30th, 2007, 05:06 PM   #150
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FCP 2 Audio channels L&R out of sync

So here is my issue I am hoping someone has found a great work around. I have multiple video clips with only one audio track and for some reason one of the channels just starts playing in slow motion speed and one plays in normal speed. I looked at my audio levels I can see one of the channels running slower. I have no clue. I have tried converting my audio from aiff, wave and even QT mov and all still do the same issue. I am hoping someone else has run into this and figured how to make it work.

I am running 24p footage.

jose fonseca
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