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Old August 6th, 2002, 07:41 PM   #466
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Here's a link on the Apple enabler story The enabler violates Apples software license and mfgs. are leary to provoke Apple.

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Old August 7th, 2002, 01:58 AM   #467
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iDVD is not included on the OSX 10.1 CD, but it is pre-installed on your Mac if it's equipped with a Superdrive.
Media Kobo
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Old August 7th, 2002, 02:02 AM   #468
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Yes, I am now in 10.1.5 and cannot any semblence of iDVD nor can it be downloaded for free from anywhere. Man, I haven't been in OS X in a loooooong time. I'm bored. I think I'll boot back up to OS 9 now since there is nothing to do here. :(
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Old August 7th, 2002, 03:02 AM   #469
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iDVD isn't offered as a download due to the huge size of the application (the templates and tutorial take up a monstrous amount of space). If you have a new Mac with a superdrive, it should be installed already. Otherwise, you have to pay for the CD from Apple.
John Locke
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Old August 7th, 2002, 12:54 PM   #470
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'Enabler' Software Going Away

Turns out that Apple has used its enfluence to end the new drives 'enabler', the enabler will be discontinued after the current stock is sold out. The drives will still be compatible with DVD Studio Pro, iTunes, Toast and such, but no longer with the consumer software iDVD. This was posted at today. Man, that stops me from buying it...
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Old August 7th, 2002, 02:07 PM   #471
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iDVD ships on a DVD

To build on what John said about iDVD being too large for download -- it ships on a DVD, not a CD...
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Old August 7th, 2002, 03:34 PM   #472
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I'm new at all this... I have a G3 Blue and White. I bought a A04 Internal IDE drive and put it in in place of the stock CD ROM. I only just did this and am still messing with it. I haven't had much luck getting it to work. I was going to try Toast, or iDVD... I'm also new to mac, so I'm still learning Mac-hinese

I'm not sure I understand you all, but does this mean I'm doomed.

Why do Macs have to be so hard...

-Kyle (typing this on a PC.)
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Old August 7th, 2002, 04:52 PM   #473
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Welcome Mac and DV Filmmakers!

Greetings to all,

My name is Daniel Berube and by way of Chris Hurd I am happy to become the new moderator of the Non-Linear Editing for the Mac forum here on Chris and I know each other from our working together on the road as consultants and spokespeople for Canon USA and CanonDV.

Here's a little bit of info about me. I'm an Apple Certified Instructor for Digital Video and owner of noisybrain. Productions, specializing in digital video production and training for Business, Education and the Arts. I teach classes on Final Cut Pro at The Maine Workshops in Rockport, ME, and I have just co-established Tech Superpowers on Newbury Street in Boston as an Apple Center for Technology to offer Apple authorized classes on digital video and DVD authoring.

I am also a member of the Apple Consultants Network and founder of the Boston Final Cut Pro User Group (BOSFCPUG), the second largest FCP UG in the country. BOSFCPUG meets monthly and with over 800 members, we have quickly become the best source of DV filmmaking in Massachusetts. BOSFCPUG is a grassroots community of filmmakers, and I am very happy to bring that sense of community here to this forum.

As you may guess I'm very passionate about the DV Revolution and Apple and I will do my best to answer your questions about non-linear editing for the Mac. I'm looking forward to communicating with you on this forum and in the process learning new ways of digital storytelling.

Happy filmmaking,

Daniel Berube
Apple Certified Trainer
Member, Apple Consultants Network

noisybrain. Productions
(781)-740-5012 tel/fax
(617)-331-8991 cell
President/Apple Ambassador
Boston Final Cut Pro User Group - BOSFCPUG
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Old August 7th, 2002, 04:56 PM   #474
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Tell me a little more about your system. What size, type drives, memory, what OS etc. the more info the better. I doubt your doomed in any way. What software do you have and what will you be doing with your Mac?

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Old August 7th, 2002, 05:19 PM   #475
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I would like to create a similar type of users group in Houston. Any suggestions on how to start it?

Paul Sedillo
Houston, Texas
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Old August 7th, 2002, 09:43 PM   #476
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re: Welcome Mac and DV Filmmakers!

Hi Paul,

As far as starting an FCP UG in Houston, I very much encourage it and recommend that you first start by visiting This is the site where you can learn how to start and Apple User Group. Also, visit, and read the info there as well. You can also do a search there for Apple UGs in Houston. I recommend doing this because you can learn a lot from the UG leaders in your area before you consider moving forward.

I must tell you, running an FCP UG can be very time consuming yet very rewarding for you and your members. If you choose to be officially recognized by Apple, there are several benefits to that but there are also guidelines you must follow.

Please tell me more about what your experience is. Also, you may wish to connect with Apple Consultants in your area to further network and in doing so you may find volunteers who can help you get started. There may also be some Apple Consultants who are FCP enthusiasts/gurus, who may be able to present at your meetings or even better provide a regular meeting space for you to gather at. Collges and universities are also an excellent meeting space, and there are usually professors on site who would like to help move things forward.

So I again encourage you to go ahead if you do desire to create an FCP UG in Houston. When you are ready, I can do an email introduction between you and my contacts in the Apple User Group Program. Let me know offline and we'll move things forward.
Daniel Bérubé • BOSFCPUG
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Old August 7th, 2002, 09:51 PM   #477
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Purchasing Jaguar OS 10.2

That is an interesting point about the subscription fee. If you are considering that route, and you are using Macintosh in your business, I would recommend thinking about joining the Apple Consultant Network for $495 per year. You can learn more about this invaluable program by visiting:

This is a program that I recommend for those professionals who are using Macintosh in your profession and believe they can add to the community of Apple Consultants in the field. It's a great way to drive business and leverage the value of your experience and your Apple product.

On another note, MacMall and Club Mac and Mac Warehouse are all offering some sort of discount off the regular $129 purchase price of Jaguar.

As we all know by now, the Amazon deal is now closed.
Daniel Bérubé • BOSFCPUG
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Old August 7th, 2002, 10:06 PM   #478
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DVD Studio Pro

Some options:

PeachPit Press will be coming out with a DVD Studio Pro Visual QuickPro Guide soon.

Apple offers authorized training in several different parts of the country, one class being on DVD Studio Pro. For more information on these classes, visit: and click on authorized training centers.

Another option is to attend a Final Cut Pro User Group in your area. If you would like more information, please review the list of FCP UG contacts available at:

Apple also offers free seminars on DVD authoring, you can find out more info at:

In Boston, we regularly discuss DVD authoring in our FCP UG, BOSFCPUG (pronounced as BOSSY PUG with a silent "F"). FCP book author and Fitchburg State College Professor Charles Roberts and his Fitchburg associate Jeff Warburg are excellent resources.

If there is enough on an interest, I'll start a DVD Authoring thread in this forum.
Daniel Bérubé • BOSFCPUG
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Old August 7th, 2002, 10:22 PM   #479
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Choice of VTR decks for MiniDV

If I am correct none of the Video Walkman models do not offer analog OUT.

I would recommend looking at the JVC SR-VS10U, SR-VS20U or SR-VS30U VTRs. They offer both MiniDV and Super VHS compatibilty and they are available through Pro Tape at These decks would allow you to pass through to an external monitor, and they are very well priced at around $1100 or so, depending on which model you choose, with the SR-VS30U being the most recent version.
Daniel Bérubé • BOSFCPUG
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Old August 7th, 2002, 10:29 PM   #480
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Time for a new system

I do not recommend attempting to install and run OS X on your G3 iMac Special Edition. It is simply too under-powered for this new OS.

Take a little advice and save your money on updating your iMac SE and put that $$ towards a new Mac. FCP 3 requires a good deal of processing power under OS X, and with your system, it will be DOG slow and inefficient. I recommend either the new 17inch iMac or one of the G4 Powermacs. A new lineup of G4 PowerMacs are almost here, meaning that if you are on a budget, that you will be able to purchase one of the soon-to-be discontinued models at a discount.

The investment that you place in a new system will benefit you greatly in your FCP learning curve and in your workflow and productivity.

Hope this helps.
Daniel Bérubé • BOSFCPUG
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