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Old June 13th, 2007, 01:16 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2007
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I Really Need Your Help!!!

I have a Sony HD Video Camera HVR-V1U, and this is the first time we record on it, but we didn't use a tape with the camera...my question is the following? do we need a tape to actually record?? we are also using the external hard drive that can be attached to the camera...so i though that we didn't have to use the tape...but when i try to get the video in Final Cut Pro i'm not getting any kind of images???

I really need help...my project is due tomorrow at @7 a.m.
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Old June 14th, 2007, 02:00 AM   #2
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Have you viewed the footage at all (in the camera that is)? Did you copy the media files from the external to your computer?


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Old June 14th, 2007, 03:09 PM   #3
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Any Final Cut Pro Users that can help me???

Hi Yeo Wee Han, thanks for replying...well I finally got the footage on the MAC, and i had to convert the files to quicktimes to be able to load them on Final Cut Pro...(By the way my deadline got extended 'cause they are behind themselves, so i have more time to work on the project) anyways...my problem now is that either i don't get any audio when i import the files to final cut pro, or if i get audio the image is slow when i try to play it FCP (final cut pro) my files are not big at all...so i don't know what's going on....!!! i can't edit the footage like that!!! The original footage is in M2T, and that's why i had to convert the files...so i don't know why when i bring them in the footage plays funky....i rendered the footage and still it's not working. Any suggestions???
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Old June 14th, 2007, 03:53 PM   #4
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A little more specific info would be helpful.

I assume you're converting the M2Ts in MPEG streamclip? If so, does the footage look (and sound) correct when watching your footage there?

"my problem now is that either i don't get any audio when i import the files to final cut pro, or if i get audio the image is slow when i try to play it FCP"

Some of the shots have audio, and others don't? Is it just an audio sync issue that doesn't match the footage, or is the video portion actually playing at slower speed than normal?

Obviously you should be converting your footage using the same frame rate that you shot it at, and in a sequence with the same codec as what you're footage is being converted to.
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Old June 18th, 2007, 03:26 PM   #5
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when i watched the footage either, I didn't get audio while seeing the image and it was playing normal, OR i would get a good audio but the footage was super delayed and choppy. But that was when i was converting files to aja konan to make them work with Final Cut Pro...I guess my question is: How can i make M2T files work on FCP???....i tried different convertions as suggested by a friend but still it seems to not work on FCP. So there, lets forget about my first question, and refocus on what i could do to make these files work on FCP...I hope this is better!!
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Old June 20th, 2007, 07:17 PM   #6
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Yeah, converting the M2T's to quicktime is the definitely the best (if not only) way to work with them in FCP right now.

It could be a couple things:

1. Are you using MPEG streamclip? http://www.squared5.com/ Check that your M2T's all look and sound good when viewed in MPEG streamclip.
For one shoot, I had some corrupted M2T's that the video and audio would periodically freeze on some clips, coming from the DR-HD100. That's why it's generally a good idea to shoot simultaneously to tape as well, I was able to capture those sections.

2. Make sure you're converting the footage using the HDV codec, and placing it in the same type of HDV timeline. (1080i/24p?) But this wouldn't affect the audio at all.

3. Your system isn't fast enough to play it back at full quality. Try turning Unlimited RT off, and set the video playback to dynamic. Try lowering the audio quality playback as well in preferences.

Um, that's all I can think of... good luck.
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Old June 21st, 2007, 06:38 AM   #7
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first of all, if u were using something besides FCP, your problems might be less complicated.
secondly, if you're using a firestore DTE, be aware that this hardware is notoriously unreliable and will randomly and unpredictably drop frames. ALWAYS back it up with a tape record.
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