FCP 6 Capture Problem (Deck Control) at DVinfo.net
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Old June 11th, 2007, 09:37 AM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2005
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FCP 6 Capture Problem (Deck Control)

Ok, in a nut shell, here's my problem. I can preview (JVC monitor) via Firewire from FCP with no problem. But can't capture via FW (no preview in Log/Capture or deck control).

This is my setup.


The JVC 3U is plugged into my Canopus ADVC100 converter box (via firewire IO on back of deck).

JVC 3U is also plugged into via Video/Audio out on back to my JVC "10" monitor for color correction.

When working on PC (or on MAC via Bootcamp) with Sony Vegas I would simply plug in a Firewire cable from the front of my JVC deck to the front of my ADVC100.

Then my PC Windows wourl recognize a second Firewire source and I can then monitor my media being captured and Vegas would allow me deck control via firewire while I'm capturing.

As I said, I have bootcamp installed on my MAC and can capture in the above way with no issues.

However, when I try to use FCP's Log/Capture I don't have deck control or a preview in the FCP window. Capture (deck control) tries to play when I push play (get spinning color whel of death) then it switches back to stop.

I have tried two FW setups.

1. Plug FW cable from front of JVC deck (via FQ I/O) into 2nd ADVC100 FW (I/O).

2. Straight FW out of JVC deck into the front port of my MAC PRO.

Capture is setup for FW

Neither yield good results.

The only other FW interface that I have running on my MAC is a external FW800 1TB Raid atht is being fed out to my MAC and other PC system.

Could this be the source of the problem?

Is there a good affordable FW capture/preview option for the MAC and FCP?
I was looking to the Blackmagic Deckling card (as I'm looking to go HD in a year or so), but it seems that it only captured via HDMI.
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Old June 15th, 2007, 11:10 PM   #2
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: austin, tx
Posts: 300
it sounds like you might have some A/V settings buggered up in FCP. I'm not familiar with the cam or deck you're using, but try going to the easy setup in the FCP menu. pick the corresponding setup for your media and then try again. you might have to tweak some things in the audio/video settings... under FCP menu if the easy setup doesn't solve the issue. something else to check out might be the output options which are controlled in the view menu the bottom under video playback.
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Old June 16th, 2007, 07:08 AM   #3
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I don't think final cut can deal with two simultaneous firewire video sources -- you need to take the Canopus out of the chain. (I have to choose either my Canopus or my deck but I can't have both on at once.)

In Final Cut, do an easy setup for your video format, close the open project and open a new one (new settings don't take effect until you open a new project.)

You might have to set your capture settings to 'firewire basic' instead of sony firewire if you can't control your deck. In worst case, you'll have to choose uncontrolled device and do a capture now -- but I doubt it.

You should have no problems previewing standard dv in the capture window real time.
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