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Old May 14th, 2007, 04:46 PM   #1
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Apple 8-Core and Final Cut Studio..?

Hi All,

Anyone using this setup? Just curious to know if you're benefiting from the additional cores with Final Cut Studio (rendering, compressor..)... Also, please let me know if you are editing HDV native..


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Old May 14th, 2007, 06:53 PM   #2
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I would assume that if the threading didn't specifically use the extra processors, you could setup a local Qmaster farm for compressor and/or shake to use...not sure if FCP actually uses Qmaster at all.
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Old May 14th, 2007, 10:27 PM   #3
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Statistics have shown that the 8-core Mac Pro doesn't really work that much faster then a Quad-Core processor, mostly due to applications not being used to threading across 8-cores. I suggest waiting for Leopard to come out because most of the pro applications will be redone for better 8-Core usage.
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Old May 15th, 2007, 04:30 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Kevin Laster View Post
Statistics have shown that the 8-core Mac Pro doesn't really work that much faster then a Quad-Core processor, mostly due to applications not being used to threading across 8-cores. I suggest waiting for Leopard to come out because most of the pro applications will be redone for better 8-Core usage.
I heard that it had to do largely with the amount of RAM as well since the Cores can get "Bottlenecked." I heard the 8-Cores do work in Compressor and FCP in regards to rendering though. Apple is already releasing a new Pro update (hopefully later today in fact, if the rumors are true) so I don't see how Leopard will change anything.
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Old May 15th, 2007, 10:28 AM   #5
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Do you mean releasing a MacPro update today....? If yes, where id you read that? I've seen potential updates on almost eveything else but not macpro's since they just released the 8 Core....

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Old May 15th, 2007, 10:38 AM   #6
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Ditto, Scott. The 8-core advantage won't come into play until Leopard jumps out of the bush country. I suspect there will certainly be a performance jump with the 8-core/FCP6 combo, but that will have to wait to be seen.

My experience with larger processors is that there comes a point where increase the number of chips doesn't really make all that much of a difference. For instance, going from a PowerMac G5 dual to a quad would show some benefit, but not too much, depending on the applications. Now jumping from a quad to a oct...uhh...8-core will most definately offer radical improvements in SOME areas, but not all the way across the board. As for rendering and editing in FCP, I can almost bet Apple has some sort of special specs that would wow people when the app/8-core combination is used.
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Old May 15th, 2007, 11:32 AM   #7
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I think it depends more on what type of performance you are talking about. Rendering performance should dramatically increase, while things like opengl performance will not as they are strictly dependent on your video card. Motion is one area that will not see too much performance gain until you render. Speaking of which, why doesn't apple ever update their video cards... jeez.

I want 8800 GTX's available directly from the store. Or anywhere for that matter. Does anyone know where I can pick up that card for a mac?
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Old May 15th, 2007, 12:29 PM   #8
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I just ordered my 3.0 Quad as per the apple tech saying that the new os is written to use 1g (up to 2g) of ram per processer and final cut 6 will take full advantage of this, I hope this wasn't a line of bull
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Old May 15th, 2007, 02:20 PM   #9
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Haven't used it yet, but AE CS3 should blaze with the 8-core as it scales itself to the different cores or some other mumbo jumbo. Anyone out there want to explain that business? I imagine Motion should fly with it as well. But there's not much actually within FCP that would benefit from the 8-core, except when referencing embedded motion files or maybe using the new motion templates for lower thirds and such. Waiting to see how Color works with different systems. I hope the scopes look a bit nicer on live refresh than within FCP, but I imagin one may need faster processor's for that? Unfortunately, I just know how to turn the things on and use them, but I know a ton of folks on the forum can really explain the inner workings. Anyway, I can't wait for FCS2, which apparently should be shipping May 22, according to my order at PCMall. Can't wait.
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