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Old April 22nd, 2007, 06:52 PM   #1
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Lace external hard drive


I have a Lace external hard drive that was working with no problems. This past week the hard drive do not show in my sytem which measn I cannot open the Lace external hard drive in my system which is MAC G5. I had no problems in the past connecting my external drives.
Can anyone help me?

My question: Why one day my drive was working with my system with no problems at all and now I cannot open my drive. I have two more drives and no problems with the others and they are not Lace. I have been working with the Lace drive for the past year and nothing of this nature happened before. I'm thinking about the possibility of a back up on my MAC system with the original back system that came with it.

Thanks you for your help...
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Old April 23rd, 2007, 07:30 AM   #2
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Not to come off as a jerk, but this happens to me all the time and drives me up a wall. Make sure all your cords are plugged in securely. If that is all set, then:

Is there stress on the usb and/or firewire that goes from the drive to the computer? That has happened to me in the past. B/c Lace has a weird setup in the back of the drive the cord tends to get alot of stress on it and bends at weird angles

aside from those minor mistakes I haven't had a problem with my Lace drives. Have you tried linking your drive that isnt mounting to one of the drives that are mounting?

hope this helped a little.
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Old April 24th, 2007, 08:48 PM   #3
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Check Power Supply Cord

Hi Janete,

I had a similar problem a couple of months ago with my 1.2 TB LaCie Bigger Drive. At first, it started to work inconsistently, and then wouldn't work at all. As Nate mentioned, it seems that their connectors & cables are often under stress, and in my case, the intermitent connection was actually a bad power supply cable at the point it entered the adapter. I went on line to the LaCie website, made sure my drives were properly registered, and then phoned LaCie tech support.

After hearing my description of the problem, they immediately sent me out another power supply and my drive has worked perfectly ever since. It might well be one of those connections. Try wiggling the various cables and maybe you'll discover a cable that needs to be replaced.

Hope you get it up and running soon.

Michael Lafleur
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Old April 25th, 2007, 05:28 PM   #4
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Have your rebuilt permissions on your computer recently? Do you run this process once a week?

Like an anti-biotic prescription, which generally kills any living thing in its path, rebuilding permissions regularly on a MAC solves lots of problems you never knew you had.

Here is the process:
1. Start the computer and immediately hold down the SHIFT key until you get the ADMIN password screen.
2. Enter your admin password.
4. Click on the hard drive that cotains your SYSTEM FOLDER. This is by default called the Macintosh HD.
5. Click on the icon that says "Repair Permissions".

6. When Complete, restart your computer normally.

If this works, great. If you use Final Cut Pro, you may want to do a few other things, like trash FCP Preferences.

Never trash FCP Preferences if the application is working properly.

Never trash FCP Preverences if you have FCP open and running!

If you must trash FCP preferences, trash all that really matter. Those files are:
Userfolder>Library>Preferences>FinalCut UserData>FinalCutPro5.0Prof.cache

Having done this "surgery", all of your individual preference files will be gone, and you will need to revisit preliminary set-up menus when you start your next project.
Waldemar Winkler is offline   Reply With Quote
Old April 26th, 2007, 06:53 PM   #5
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Lace drive

Nate , Michael and Waldemar.

Thanks for you help.
Nate: You are not being a "jerk" I'm pretty crazy about this problem.
I disconnected and connected the drive again and still not working.

Michael: Thanks for your suggestion indeed it's a good idea to register and check with Lace for cable problems.

Waldemar: I will do what you what you say and I will contact back with the resolts.

I'll write back after I fix the problem.

Thanks again for suggestions.
Janete Taylor is offline   Reply With Quote
Old July 17th, 2007, 09:06 PM   #6
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Lace drive

Hi guys,

Thanks for your help.

Waldemar, your instructions worked pretty good. Thanks to all of the ideas and help.
Sorry but I have been busy but I have to "stop by" to say thank you.

I love this site.

Janete Taylor
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Old July 18th, 2007, 04:08 PM   #7
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Hi Janete,

I suggest you to check if your system tools are able to find the disk.

I don't know the exact English names on the items below so I guess by translating from Swedish in my OSX:

Find the Disk Tools program probably located in the Utilities directory inside Applications.

Start the tool and see which disks appear there. If that program cannot find it, neither FCP nor Finder will see it.

Is your disk connected via USB or FireWire? If it has dual (or more) interface; try another one.

If it is USB only: try another port. Connect it directly to the computer and not via any hub or other extension.

If it has its own power supply: Shut down the computer. Start the disk power supply. Then start the computer.

FireWire/USB cable can be broken. Exchange it with a known working cable.

Good luck! /Johan

PS. Perhaps somebody here with English OSX would like to help with the correct names.
Johan Forssblad is offline   Reply

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