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Old March 20th, 2007, 03:52 PM   #1
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Getting the most from Standard Def

Ok So I have shot some standard def stuff. Are there any techniquies for me to keep the optimal resolution after editing on to the final DVD?

I hear a lot of people on the forum talking about different codecs and ways of keeping the fooatge clean. I have FCP bring the footage in do the editing, add cc and filters then output via compressor. Is there anything i can do to make the footage better for the final burn via dvd studio?

Any comments very appreciated.

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Old March 24th, 2007, 09:41 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Andy Lunn View Post
Ok So I have shot some standard def stuff. Are there any techniquies for me to keep the optimal resolution after editing on to the final DVD?

I hear a lot of people on the forum talking about different codecs and ways of keeping the fooatge clean. I have FCP bring the footage in do the editing, add cc and filters then output via compressor. Is there anything i can do to make the footage better for the final burn via dvd studio?

Any comments very appreciated.

I film about 6-8 events per year in SD DV and have been using FCP, editing footage, Save as Quicktime (reference only), compress using 4:3 90 minute high quality defaults in Compressor, then do layout in DVDSP and have been very happy with the results. Since I don't edit day in, day out, I can wait for the long compressions to finish before I start editing in DVDSP. I'm using the latest version of FCS 5.1 and I'm doing it all on an Intel iMac with no problems. If I was doing editing for a living, I wouldn't be using the iMac, but it does work quite nice for "weekend" jobs.
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Old March 24th, 2007, 09:46 PM   #3
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Why do you export as a reference file? Why can't you export directly to Compressor from FCP? This isn't the first time I've heard this, which is why I'm wondering if there is some sort of payoff by doing it this way.
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Old March 24th, 2007, 10:00 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Chris Harris View Post
Why do you export as a reference file? Why can't you export directly to Compressor from FCP? This isn't the first time I've heard this, which is why I'm wondering if there is some sort of payoff by doing it this way.
I recall hearing with earlier (non-UB) versions of Compressor there were issues with export to Compressor from FCP. I used to work with FCExpress and DVDSP 4 (non-UB), so this workflow is from habit more than anything. I don't know enough about current versions if FCP to Compressor is improved, but when saving a pre-rendered timeline as reference file doesn't take very long anyways (a few minutes/hour of footage).
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Old March 25th, 2007, 01:27 PM   #5
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I'm using the latest version of FCS 5.1 and I'm doing it all on an Intel iMac with no problems. If I was doing editing for a living, I wouldn't be using the iMac, but it does work quite nice for "weekend" jobs.
You'd still use a mac right...just something a little more powerful than the iMac - mac pro etc? I ask as I'm just starting to get a little more heavy workload which requires a fair bit of editing.
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Old March 25th, 2007, 02:45 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by David Scattergood View Post
You'd still use a mac right...just something a little more powerful than the iMac - mac pro etc? I ask as I'm just starting to get a little more heavy workload which requires a fair bit of editing.
Yes. Sorry for the confusion. I'm just a lowly weekend editor and this works for me. I've read so many places by "pros" that an iMac won't work for editing (not expandable, not fast enough, etc..). For them it won't work, for me (and other entry level editors) it does.

I've made the reference that I get to the store in a 4 cylinder car and I can get to the store in a Ferrari, both will get me there, one just not as fast or as luxuriously. But I don't need fast or exandable, I need what I can afford and will get me the same end result.

I was really posting for the other potential "lowly weekend editors" :) to let them know that this setup will work and if you need high through put, more internal drive bays, faster capture cards, firewire on seperate buses, etc... get a computer that can do all that.

And to go to your original post, I'm getting high quality SD footage starting with digital Hi8 and ending with DVDSP (actually ending with a satisfied paying customer), using the tools I have and sounds like you have (in terms of software, so it can be done.

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Old March 26th, 2007, 03:59 AM   #7
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Yes - similar boat to you Grant. Running an iMac (2.33ghz, 2gb ram) and have had no problems whatsoever...I love the machine!
However I don't have a great deal of 'traffic' at the moment so I can't say whether anything heavier would fox it somewhat.
Down the line I think I'll go for a mac pro set up...but then I'd like a laptop for 'on the road' stuff. I'll be HDV'ing for a couple of years I reckon but it would be nice to link it to a HD connect box et al which is not possible with the iMac.
How are you backing up by the way...I'm struggling to make a choice between Graid...GSafe etc (see my barren thread!!).
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