Pixelated/Zig Zagged SD DV footage? at DVinfo.net
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Old February 26th, 2007, 05:16 AM   #1
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Pixelated/Zig Zagged SD DV footage?

Couldn't quite find an answer to this on past, similar threads.
Not knowing FCP entirely well as yet I haven't a lot to go on experience wise, but I get the feeling this is may be the inherent nature of the program...

When I've captured SD 25p (from the JVC HD100) into a sequence, on playback in the viewer and canvas, the footage appears 'pixelated' in parts - straight lines appear zig zagged and people (viewed from afar) have this blocky/computerised figure look to them.

All my settings match - DV PAL 48kHZ - anamorphic box isn't checked (this is 4:3).
I assume as this was shot in 25p then the progressive box in settings should be highlighted, though interlaced is defaulted (lower field dominance also). I remember be told on here that the timeline is interlaced..., if I'm honest, this is a bit cloudy - I assumed computer monitors and the new LCD/HD etc etc tv's were all progressive?

Video Track Pitch is not checked (though SP mode DV is in the box next to the check).

Anything to do with the dithering setting?
Fortunately it looks like when I export (either using the current settings or the DV50 pal codec) the zig zagging (is there a technical term??) has been eliminated. Is it merely a case of lower quality viewing when editing in the timeline?

David Scattergood is offline   Reply With Quote
Old February 26th, 2007, 12:56 PM   #2
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HI David,

If you only experience the drop in quality during playback then it's either down to your video playback settings or you need to render your timeline.

First up try rendering your timeline. If it doesn't need rendering try clicking on the menu bar;

Final Cut Pro>System Settings

Click the tab for playback control and select dynamic or high - this setting can also be accessed on the timeline by clicking 'RT' next to the timecode dialog box.

Don't forget FCP only shows one field in the canvas or viewer during playback
so you can get aliasing (ragged horizontal lines) issues that won't exist when you export.
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Old February 26th, 2007, 05:05 PM   #3
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Don't forget FCP only shows one field in the canvas or viewer during playback
so you can get aliasing (ragged horizontal lines) issues that won't exist when you export.
Liam, I think this is exactly what's happening. I never knew that - would this field be the lower field dominance box that is checked then?
Just trying to get my head around progressive footage being interlaced within the timeline, in fact I think it was you who mentioened this to me :)
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Old March 4th, 2007, 02:45 PM   #4
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Hmm, sorry to drag this one back up but this has to be in tomorrow!

I'm editing 25p footage from the JVC HD100 alongside some 50i shot on a handheld camcorder; now I understood the issues regarding aliasing described by Liam above. That's all fine on export now.
However, the 50i footage actually looks better in FCP (supposedly showing only field of the frame). The export on Quicktime now shows the aliasing, and it's pretty bad at that (black straight lines are now zebra lines).
Not only that, when you pause the footage you can actually see the two fields in many places?
On the video track (apple- j movie properties) should I be checking/unchecking the single field option? This does seem to eliminate the aliasing but at what cost? Slight adjustment to the footage but nothing like not having the High Quality tab checked.

...just to add, this never occured when I used this camera only whilst using premiere pro - I can't seem to find an export setting to single field only (the progressive stuff is ok).
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