FCP to STP Problem at DVinfo.net
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Old February 15th, 2007, 01:40 PM   #1
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FCP to STP Problem

I was working in FCP and exported all my audio to a Soundtrack Pro multitrack project. I then opened the first track in the STP editor. I'm guessing this edited my source .mov file because all of a sudden I look at FCP and that .mov is offline. I back out and lose all my changes, but it's too late. Now I can't open my .mov source ("error opening movie") or my STP project file.

Anyone have any idea what happened? Is this fixable or am I going to have to recapture and start over?
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Old February 15th, 2007, 02:16 PM   #2
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I haven't seen that happen, but I've had something like that happen on many occasions. I'll export and then nothing will happen. My experience basically forced me to reconsider using STP for mixing. It's a very powerful piece of software, but in my opinion it's not that many steps above Garageband, or at least not enough for me. Sorry to give the ol' quack advice ("It hurts when I do this." "Don't do that.") but STP has just given me more probalems than decent output. And, I don't know how Apple got this wrong, it really doesn't communicate well with FCP.

Anyway, my workaround when I hit that snag was simply to copy my audio from my FCP timeline and paste it at the head of my Soundtrack project file. Then just import the video from a quicktime of your cut line. Then go out and buy protools or digital performer and smile for years to come.
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