FCP Export Problem - Clip is Skipping at DVinfo.net
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Old February 13th, 2007, 03:02 AM   #1
Regular Crew
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FCP Export Problem - Clip is Skipping

Hey all, small, but deadly problem:

I have a 3 minute short I'm attempting to export from FCP. The original is in 24P (from a canon xh-a1) and I'm using Quicktime Conversion to export it. The problem is that the beginning of the clip (after the short title) is skipping a few times, much like an old record player that repeats a few notes over.

It only does it for the first 20 seconds or so, out of the 3 minutes, so I'm not sure what's going on. It plays perfectly in the time line, but 3 different exports (two .movs and a mpeg4 at different sizes) all produced the same error in the same spots. I tried moving the clip around up a track on the time line, which had the effect of changing when and how often it skipped, but again only in the same general time frame. I'm at a complete loss as to why it would have a problem in the first place, let alone this section.

Any thoughts?

(Btw, I'm using FCP 5.1.2 and I would use Compressor, but I'm experiencing that "cannot connect to source" error AGAIN, so I'm just going to wait a little bit to get that sorted)
Byron Huskey
Rhapsodist Productions
"Film as dream, film as music. No art passes our conscience in the way film does, and goes directly to our feelings, deep down into the dark rooms of our souls." - Ingmar Bergman
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Old February 13th, 2007, 09:30 AM   #2
Regular Crew
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Location: Kansas City, MO
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Well, I'm not sure what was going on, but I fixed Compressor an used that, and the clip no longer skips!
Byron Huskey
Rhapsodist Productions
"Film as dream, film as music. No art passes our conscience in the way film does, and goes directly to our feelings, deep down into the dark rooms of our souls." - Ingmar Bergman
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Old February 13th, 2007, 11:18 AM   #3
Inner Circle
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Next time try exporting to a QuickTime File first. Then export from Quicktime Pro.
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