Hd201 and Final Cut pro Capture probs - Page 2 at DVinfo.net
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Old February 8th, 2007, 01:31 AM   #16
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Hi, not sure how to do the link thing. Hope this helps

Regards, Heather

Originally Posted by Bill Ravens
by the time your source material gets written to the HD100 hard drive, it's already been compressed by the camera's codec into an m2t file. anything that's gone out over the firewire port has already been compressed into 4:2:0.
In order to capture 4:2:2, 14 bit, you need to capture directly from the camera sensor and out the HD-SDI connection. Playback of the m2t file back thru the camera coder and out the HD-SDI connector has already seen a loss in conversion twice.
and another

Originally Posted by Steve Oakley
as Bill said, capture of tape via HD SDI will net you nothing in most cases. Just capture via FW and you'll save a decompression step. all that said... with upper end sony DVcam decks, they do some chroma smoothing to make for what some people feel is a better picture. Thats SD however. If your plan was to capture to uncompressed, thats a lot of HD space. There are times when it might be useful, like when pushing color correction. From experiance, I can tell you that you really need to be on the money when you shoot. While small corrections to change color temp of the image and basic contrast adjustments are ok, you need to avoid major under/over exposure. uncompressed may net you something here in 10 bit, but thats a very specific case.

you could capture the HD SDI live signal and skip tape - that should yield you the uncompressed 10bit camera signal. I'd only be doing that for chromakey work. again, big space requirements.

finally the last thing you want to do is take in the HD SDI signal and save it as DVCpro100 - its a un-needed compression hit, and a loss of resolution - 960 pixels vs the native 1280 from the camera or tape in the first place

Steve Oakley
x2 Dual Core AMD Opteron 275, Microsoft Window XP (32bit) 3GB RAM, Blackmagic Multibridge Pro, Adobe Premiere Pro2, MAC Pro, Final Cut Studio, Black Magic Multibridge Extreme JVC GY-HD251E
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Old February 8th, 2007, 01:46 AM   #17
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Thanks Heather. That clears up the confusion. They're referring to instances where the signal has already been captured to tape (and therefore already been through an MPEG-2 compression), whereas I was thinking purely of the live signal being output through HD-SDI. Thanks for clarifying.
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Old February 8th, 2007, 03:01 AM   #18
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my thoughts exactly about capturing at a higer quality codec. I dont have too many issues with editing HDV, my main editing is done with XDCAM HD, but I just hope Apple update Final Cut soon so I can capture stuff recorded at 720p50. I am assuming I can shoot 720p50 and set the capture preset at 720p25 and it will work fine?
Philip Bloom
Cinematographer, Director, Filmmaker www.philipbloom.net
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Old February 8th, 2007, 04:26 PM   #19
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Wait a minute!

I'm really sorry about this, i'm waaay behind the times...but really?

The latest FC can't capture 720p50?

I'm going to capture for the first time off my BR-HD50U tomorrow. My footage is 720p50. I was under the impression that switching the IEEE 1394 switch to DV downconverts the HD to SD?...even though i've recorded in HDV.....Does this down convert for capture or am i completely off the mark?

Apologies for jumping in like that! i'm spending 1800pounds tomorrow on a mac pro and i've now just suddenly got the fear!

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Old February 8th, 2007, 04:48 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Neil Rostance
I was under the impression that switching the IEEE 1394 switch to DV downconverts the HD to SD?...even though i've recorded in HDV.....Does this down convert for capture or am i completely off the mark?

Neil, I'm 99.99% sure that this will not work. The deck will downconvert the signal out of the analog connections for you, but not the firewire.

Your solution will still work by using a third party software digitizer (something like HDVxDV) via firewire to capture the M2T file, and then convert to quicktime using MPEG Streamclip (free).

I have to get back to editing right now but the details of this workflow are all over this board. Just search HDVxDv.

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Old February 11th, 2007, 11:54 AM   #21
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I am getting "stream problem" on every stop and start of a shot when capturing 25p. I have read loads of old threads talking about this, but also about this happening in the middle of a shot, I have not had that problem.

If I set prefs to make new clip at timecode break rather than warn after capture I get the 4 second problem before it picks up the next shot.

I tried capturing using the apple intermidiate codec yet this captures at 50fps so everything is too fast when played back and every shot is a different file which is very annoying!

This seems rather odd. I thought the stream problem error was something on the older 100 and 110s and was fixed by JVC, why am I getting it on the 200?
Philip Bloom
Cinematographer, Director, Filmmaker www.philipbloom.net

Last edited by Phil Bloom; February 11th, 2007 at 12:51 PM.
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Old February 11th, 2007, 10:24 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Phil Bloom
I thought the stream problem error was something on the older 100 and 110s and was fixed by JVC, why am I getting it on the 200?
Hi Phil. It's good to have you on this forum.

I personally think that the HDV 720p25 capture problems can only be properly fixed with an FCP upgrade. It's got something to do with the way FCP perceives the incoming transport stream. This would need to be changed somehow.

I have seen posts from users in the UK where a "JVC technician" confidently proclaims (maybe it's just the same technician each time?) that each latest firmware or camera upgrade will fix their FCP capturing problems. But I can't recall seeing any of these same users post back later that their problems are now all fixed. The fact that you are having problems with your 200 tends to confirm for me that it is a problem with FCP.

As far as capturing in AIC, I had the exact same problem that you described. I think that FCP will only capture 720p30 footage successfully with AIC.

If you want to capture and work in AIC, the best way is to capture the footage with DVHSCap and then convert to 720p25 Quicktimes with MPEG Streamclip. There are plenty of old threads outlining the full procedure.

Although personally, I'm currently setting the TC GENE switch on the camera to REC when shooting 720p25 and I find that (on most occasions) I can capture very successfully and easily through FCP in HDV 720p25.
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Old February 12th, 2007, 02:43 AM   #23
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thanks David,

I did try both rec and regen on timecode and had the same problem. But I will try again!
Philip Bloom
Cinematographer, Director, Filmmaker www.philipbloom.net
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Old February 13th, 2007, 04:59 PM   #24
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this really needs to be fixed. I dont want to have to digitize externally and then bring files in. Takes too long
Philip Bloom
Cinematographer, Director, Filmmaker www.philipbloom.net
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