Final Cut Pro Tutorial DVD...render pains... at
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Old January 25th, 2007, 09:13 AM   #1
Major Player
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Final Cut Pro Tutorial DVD...render pains...

Hi, I'm currently working through the DVD tuturial DVD supplied with FCP Pro as I feel this will get me moving alot quicker than trial and error/manuals (for the basics at least).
Slight hiccup (already!) in as much as I'm getting asked to render the small clips of which I'll make into the sequence. This was working ok for a while but I changed settings due to the sequence running in NTSC (30 frames) rather than PAL @ 25 (tutorial advises PAL users to change easy set up).
I've altered the Capture settings/Sequence settings and also the Easy Set up in a variety of combinations, yet still the red line appears when vid clips are added to the timeline (hasn't been a problem when I've added my own footage for editing - made sure the settings matched).
Is there anything blatant I'm missing out here?
Apologies for the basic nature of this query folks but it's really frustrating and I feel I can't continue until this is cornered!

Many thanks.
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Old January 25th, 2007, 09:31 AM   #2
Major Player
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Manchester, UK
Posts: 755
Tried this:
Capture/Sequence Settings - DV PAL 48Khz Anamorphic
Easy Set up - DV PAL Anamorphic

Wasn't sure whether the footage being recorded in NTSC would throw things out a little...
Thought I'd already tried that combination, but perhaps not - still it seems ok now - sorry folks!

Anyway, that's rendering/easy set up learned then!
Did notice I couldn't save the project where the tutorial wished me to point it to though (under FCP Training - Edit - Projects) it just won't allow me to place it there for some reason (had to save it in my own documents)? Scratch files and render files are going to be fun...the quicker I get the RAID the better!
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