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Old December 20th, 2006, 02:14 PM   #1
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Multicam "bug"...

Hi all,

I am on somebody else's computer right now and on a Mac and I am pretty green with Mac's so I can't include screenshots with this post. I will try to explain the situation as clearly as possible.

I am editing with four cam right now. I get the basics of it and was able to precut my entire project. Now i am at it again (and working with the multicam buttons also) but I can't preview the four cams anymore.

i will only have the main window active if I press play. Thought it was because my edit was not "open" so I opened it. Now the main window and the preview window will display the same image but all of the sudden will also display it in multicam mode and I will be able to see my cuts (with the blue box switching from one shot to another) and then back to showing the same shot on both windows.

If I "close" the edit only the preview window will be active and I'm back to square one. Obviously this has something to do with opening up the edit to allow multicam mode. Just to be sure you guys get me on this, when i say "open" I mean the option at the top of the multicam window. There is an option to sync, open or gang.

Any pointers will be greatly appreciated, good day to you all.


********** Edit *********

If i pause the playback the multicam window will properly display the four shots and the current shot will also be properly boxed. I can move around the timeline and it will still display it correctly but as soon as press play it's back to the same image on both screens
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Old December 20th, 2006, 03:10 PM   #2
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Auto background render conflicts with multiclip...if you walk away and 30 minutes later FCP auto-renders your timeline, it will also render the multiclip bits to the active camera.

Go into Render Manager, and trash the render files for that sequence.
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Old December 20th, 2006, 03:21 PM   #3
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Thanks Nate,

Just before reading your reply i noticed that when i am able to be in multicam mode it is because the render line is green, as soon as it turns blue the multicam window switches to the same image as in the preview window so the render process came to mind right away.

As i said earlier i am pretty green with FCP and Mac's in general (on top of thati work with the french version of FCP), could you tell me where to find this render manager option.

Thank you for your time

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Old December 20th, 2006, 03:25 PM   #4
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The blue render line confirms the problem.

Render Manager is a little dialog available via the "Tools" menu. It allows you to toss render files by sequence or project.

Afterwards, you can go into User Preferences and turn off Auto Render so it doesn't happen again.
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Old December 20th, 2006, 03:42 PM   #5
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Got it...

except I can't trash the render files???

I am now forced to render the timeline, it should take another good 10 minutes, this is a long project.

I also found the user preferences you were referring to, I see 3 options that are checked and two percentages box that are set to 100%. Are these the options that I should turn off then?

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Old December 20th, 2006, 05:06 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Phil Gosselin
Got it...

except I can't trash the render files???
I have no idea what you mean. Why can't you trash them?

Originally Posted by Phil Gosselin
I also found the user preferences you were referring to, I see 3 options that are checked and two percentages box that are set to 100%. Are these the options that I should turn off then?
No. You're on the "Render" tab. Go to the leftmost tab "General". In the bottom right of that tab is "Auto Render". Uncheck it.
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Old December 20th, 2006, 05:25 PM   #7
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Sorry, turns out I was able to trash it. Just had to drop a check next to it in the render manager, didn't see a box to put a check into so I was confused at first but once it was trashed I saw the difference right away.

Also found the option for auto-render and unchecked it.

Thank you very much for your time Nate, you saved me a lot of troubles :)

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Old January 17th, 2007, 05:18 AM   #8
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Thank you Nate, you helped me too with the same problem! Great help!
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