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Old May 22nd, 2003, 12:15 PM   #121
Retired DV Info Net Almunus
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You would have to have a way to program the wheel's actions to match the FCP key commands corresponding to how you want FCP to behave. Once done, you would have to have a way to save that application's settings. I don't know if the mice you're using have such capabilities but I suspect they do. This is basically how the Contour Design ShuttlePro operates.
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Old May 22nd, 2003, 01:20 PM   #122
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Or Apple could design the windows in FCP to behave like the OS windows. That would work.
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Old May 23rd, 2003, 07:24 PM   #123
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low res prior to DV ?

Hello FCP'ers....

quck question for your FCP3 experts....

I capture all my footage as DV without compression (raw DV) and edit in FCP as such.....but with my 933 machine i find myself waiting long times for certain effects or composites to render out- is there a way to edit in a lower res mode to speed up the "non rendered" footage to finalize the edit then change the sequence back to raw DV for export back out to tape? I know the entire sequence will need to be rendered out where needed- but I'd like to edit and composite the footage first in a lower res mode to assemble the edits then preview it for effectiveness prior to commiting to a full DV sequence.

I'm aware of the "Offline RT" but that's not a good solution for people who have their footage archived as raw DV and wish to work with it natively......any recommendations? I'm also aware of the other "res" modes when building sequences- but was wondering if there's another prefferd method.

Thank to any and all whom can help.
Steve Nunez-New York City
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Old May 23rd, 2003, 08:09 PM   #124
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That's too bad. It definitely slows me down.
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Old May 24th, 2003, 11:18 AM   #125
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Scroll wheels do now work in FCP4. Just saw the first UK demo last week and the scroll wheel can be used in certain areas, maybe more, but we didn't see eveything.

If I remember right the scroll wheel was used to control a slider.

FYI the a scroll wheel can be used to control the play head in QT Player.
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Old May 24th, 2003, 06:13 PM   #126
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No realtime effects

Hi there,

I just realized that none of my realtime effects are actually working in FCP3. I mean I even need to render a cross dissolve. I have the dual g4 1.25 powermac running FCP 3.04 and the latest version of quicktime. My realtime audio mixing is set to 4 and audio playback at low. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.
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Old May 25th, 2003, 10:00 AM   #127
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Hi Steve,

I don't know of a practical way to achieve what you want. The built in method is the best way to achieve what you want. I don't know if FCP 4 will offer any additional features in this regard or not.
Jeff Donald
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Old June 2nd, 2003, 12:28 PM   #128
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Audio/Video sync problems FCP3

I have a Powerbook 17", 1gb ram, LaCie 200gb FW800 external and FCP3. When I try and capture from my GL1 to my external drive, I get audio/video sync problems. The video is off by a good 2-3 seconds. My drive's plugged into the FW800 and the camera's into the FW400.

When I capture to my internal drive, there's no problem.

Should I daisy-chain my camera into my FW800 drive, then into my FW800 port in the Powerbook?

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Old June 4th, 2003, 11:59 AM   #129
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I don't actually have a solution, but I have read that by putting a Firewire 400 devices on a Firewire 800 chain you limit the speed of the Firewire 800 to Firewire 400. Unfortunately, the site I saw this posting on, BareFeats, appears to be having some problems right now. I cannot confirm this is what I actually read.

Does your audio sync problem happen right off the top of your capture, or after a few minutes (the GL-1 requires the Sync Adjust Movies... Preference to be checked).

As well, the Quicktime 6.3 update claims to help with audio/video sync issues. However, as the problem only happens when capturing to your FW800 drive, it maybe that is the issue.

I really should just let someone who has the equipment and knowledge answer this one rather than indulging in speculation.
Duane E. Martin
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Old June 5th, 2003, 12:49 AM   #130
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couple of things...

first do the simple and obvious things. defrag the drive with your choice of tools. I use speed disk from norton after an OS9 boot. There are others.

if that doesn't do it, replace the cable with a high quality cable.

get the latest quicktime for sure.

be sure your audio is 16 bit. QT 6.03 is supposed to help with 12bit audio import.

if you have optimized the drive and updated the software then you have to wonder if the drive is good enough for external capture. Many aren't.
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Old June 9th, 2003, 08:15 AM   #131
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FCP3 and OS 10.2.6: exporting M2V files

Anybody out there had this problem:

I'm using FCP3 in OS 10.2.6. Everything's properly rendered and ready for export to M2V. When I go to the M2V options dialog box and see that there are no estimates of file size listed, only "--", I KNOW from experience there is a problem. It's usually at tiny piece of unrendered footage. BUT NO, everything is cool on that end.

SO, I re-boot in OS9.2, try the same thing, and in the M2V options dialog box everything is completely normal. I proceed with the export and everything goes normally to completion.

Now, I know that I have exported to M2V while in OS 10 earlier in this project, so what is different now. Is there any possibility that working on the same file in FCP3 booted in the different OS's could be an issue?

Inquiring minds want to know!

Richard DuPree, Manager
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Old June 10th, 2003, 12:45 AM   #132
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I think the problem is OS X. I have had nothing but troubles trying to edit for DVD in OS X using FCP3 and DVD Studio Pro. I haven't had the problems exporting to M2V that you have, but I have had problems with FCP3 itself and many many problems with A.pack. Everything works perfectly under OS 9. OS 9 is simply better than OS X when it comes to working with video.

Hopefully FCP4 and DVD Studio Pro 2 will change this.
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Old June 24th, 2003, 06:40 AM   #133
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FCP 3 error at launch

I couldn't find anything in the archives on this and Google didn't help much either, but I'm getting an error upon launch of FCP 3 due to the program not finding "IsochronousDataHandlerLib", whatever that is. Any ideas?

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Old June 24th, 2003, 01:56 PM   #134
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That's a new one on me, Dave. You'll probably be best served trying Apple's support site for this one, perhaps even browsing their support discussions if nothing turns up in their knowledge base.
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Old June 24th, 2003, 09:17 PM   #135
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I finally figured it out after searching Apple's site (no hits) and it turns out that my updating Quicktime to the latest version hosed my QT inside of FCP. Apparently FCP was looking for the older version and got confused when it found v6. This kinda ticks me off. I just recently bought a Mac so that I could get away from this kind of app conflict nonsense. I thought I got away from this kind of "Windows nonsense" but I guess not. I still use my Win machine and I'm REALLY trying to love my Mac too.


....oops, forgot to add that I had to trash all of QT6 and reinstall FCP to get it working again

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