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Old February 4th, 2003, 06:26 PM   #106
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24P footage using FCP 3

I have a new Panasonic DVX100 and would like to know if it's possible to dump 24p footage right into FCP? I read on another forum that 24P footage can be edited in a normal 29.97 dv sequence just as regular DV footage- but it somehow doesn't seem right- anyone know for certain if this is true- and if it's not- can someone explain how 24p can be edited without additional software?
Steve Nunez-New York City
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Old February 4th, 2003, 10:06 PM   #107
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Are you going to film or tape or DVD etc. with your footage? Remember that NTSC video is still 29.97 (30) frames per second. that's what every NTSC VCR plays, not 24p. What 24 frame mode are you using, p or a?
Jeff Donald
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Old February 5th, 2003, 07:10 AM   #108
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Hey Jeff,

I feel like we're old frineds with us posting here so's all?

I'm no pro- I'm just looking to produce videos for eventual output back to mini-dv tape or .mov files....definitely not transferred to film (however DVD is an option with my Mac) can I put recorded footage in 24p (not advanced mode- which is for evetual film transfer as I understand) into a standard 29.97 DV sequence in FCP3? Can it be treated normally?

Also, my DVX allows the option to record in drop frame and non-drop frame- which is the better method when going back to FCP? I just want to make things easy!

Thanks Jeff
(and to any whom answer)
Steve Nunez-New York City
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Old February 5th, 2003, 08:26 AM   #109
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Last things first Drop Frame (DF) and Non-Drop Frame (NDF) do not drop actual frames. Drop Frame, drops a frame number periodically so time code stays consistent with real time (29.97 fps vs. 30 fps) That small difference would throw all broadcast programing off over the course of a day. The spec for DV is drop frame, so I would recommend staying with drop frame.

I will suggest you read the following two links for a more complete understanding

Adam Wilt has a power point presentation that he did for MacWorld that you can view

"Digital Alliteration:Panasonic, Progressive, Pulldown and "Pretty Darn Cool"

By Charles Roberts

Adam's is a brief over view, but very concise and to the point. It will bring you up to speed in a hurry. The article by Charles Roberts is much more in depth and more of a how-to article.

If you have any questions after reading those articles, post back and I'll try to explain.
Jeff Donald
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Old February 15th, 2003, 05:21 PM   #110
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FCP3 Quits

I need some help on this. I did disk utility repair. Trashed Pref. still come up w/same issue; I run G4 DP533 1.2G Ram. I went to my OS 9.2.2 there FCP2 said I did not have proper Quicktime. I went to FCP2 CD downloaded QT version, then upon opening FCP2 it said that I had a missing or invalid software key and I need to reinstall FCP from the CD. Are the 2 issues related? The difference is that in OS 10.2.3/FCP3.04 it almost loads b4 I get the alert "FCP has unexpectedly quit". When I attempt to open FCP in OS 9.2.2 it doesn't even begin to load; the alert "Final Cut Pro requires a software key that is either missing or invalid. Reinstall FCP from the CD". I am in the worst case scenario. This happened b4 I was able to make a copy of my project. How can I save myself & my project and get this to work correctly?
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Old February 15th, 2003, 11:09 PM   #111
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I'm not sure what's happening but I am confused.

- Are you running FCP 2 or FCP 3?

- If the latter, why didn't you reinstall Quicktime Pro from the FCP 3 CD's?

- Are you running OS 9.x or OS 10.x?

FCP binds to an internal id of the Mac after successful installation. It cannot be copied or partially reinstalled without complete reinstallation.

Also, FCP on OS 9 is separate from FCP on OS 10. That is, you cannot invoke the same program file for either platform.

Your pre-problem project file will probably be fine, although you likely lost work in progress.
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Old March 2nd, 2003, 07:15 PM   #112
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How do you export an OMF audio file? If your project is longer than 2 hrs how do you split the file on to 2 cd's?
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Old March 2nd, 2003, 08:23 PM   #113
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Re: Omf

<<<-- Originally posted by Mandla22 : How do you export an OMF audio file? If your project is longer than 2 hrs how do you split the file on to 2 cd's? -->>>

From what application?
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Old March 3rd, 2003, 10:53 AM   #114
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Sorry I take things from granted. FCP3; I try to export to cd disk but it tells me I do not have enough space. How do put on 2 disks? Is this just a straight burn to cd process when I press export?
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Old March 3rd, 2003, 11:37 AM   #115
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OMF is just a file format. When you hit the save button in the OMF dialog box it starts the creation of the file. How you burn it will be up to you and the software on your system. OMF does have a 2 gig limit. If your file will be bigger than 2 gigs it will generate an error dialog box.
Jeff Donald
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Old March 3rd, 2003, 11:01 PM   #116
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Exporting audio-burn to cd

How can I export my dialog audio as wav file then burn to cd to give to as sound editor? FCP3 w/OS X. I also have Toast.
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Old March 5th, 2003, 10:26 PM   #117
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Sorry I missed your post. Import your file into QuickTime. Export the file (via QT) via export, change sound to WAV. Use Options to set Rate, bit rate, stereo/mono, and compression.
Jeff Donald
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Old May 21st, 2003, 05:51 PM   #118
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scroll wheel in FCP3 OSX?

I just got a Logitech trackball with a scroll wheel. It works in all apps except Final Cut (v3.02 OSX 10.2.5).

Anyone else having this problem? If I had to guess, I'd say it's the Logitech drivers.

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Old May 21st, 2003, 11:42 PM   #119
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I don't think scrollwheels have worked in any FCP product to date, and I don't expect them to work in FCP4, either (though of course I could be wrong). OS X supports scrollwheels and right mouse buttons natively (no drivers needed). But whether you have drivers or not, the screens ain't scrollin' in FCP. Tis a shame. Not sure why it is the way it is, but I've grown used to it.

PS - I use a Microsoft optical two-button mouse with scrollwheel.
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Old May 22nd, 2003, 06:46 AM   #120
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Same goes with Final Cut Express.

My MS Intellimouse Explorer's scrollwheel doesn't work in this app.
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