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Old November 10th, 2006, 10:20 AM   #16
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I've just finished a project where I had to use a mix of widescreen and normal, this is how I got round it.
If you drop a widescreen clip into the timeline it will show the red render bar along the top of the clip. Highlight the clip and go to the top tool-bar and click on Sequence-Settings. A box will open. Check the box marked Anamorphic 16.9. The clip in the time-line should now show that rendering is not required.
I have noticed a problem when I've tried to mix both in the timeline. One way round this is to open a new sequence for widescreen or vice-versa.
I probably do things different to most like when I'm buring to DVD. I just play straight from the timeline to a DVD recorder, saves hours and hours.
Never had probs with audio, yet.
David Phillips
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Old November 10th, 2006, 02:44 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by David Scattergood
The 48khz bit is interesting - I'll be recording music via Logic Pro and was thinking of sticking to 44khz for most projects, I guess I should therefore use 48khz sampling rate (if I'm on the right track here?).
The 44.1 khz sampling rate is the standard for CD audio while most DV audio tracks are at 48 khz. The mini-dv spec also allows 4 channel audio, but at 32 khz sampling with 12 bit depth.

But yeah, if you use standard video setups in FCP, it's going to be looking for audio at 48 khz/ 16 bit.

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Old November 10th, 2006, 03:31 PM   #18
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Just to support Greg: there is no choice here - if you want an easy life in FCP audio (and in fact in any NLE audio) it HAS to be 48kHz.

David (Scattergood): DON'T be tempted to "stick to 44.1kHz for most projects" for any reason.
Martin at HeadSpin HD on Blu-ray
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Old November 11th, 2006, 05:40 AM   #19
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Thanks folks.
I'm converting specific audio/music tracks in iTunes/Quicktime to AAC - it's a really quick process. Slight concern that upgrading 44khz (or even less when talking about AIF/MP3') to 48khz might add a couple of gremlins (or at least waste space).
But from now on I'll be recording audio in Logic at 48khz...also realising I have a really nice DAT machine which is probably out of a job now!
I've just finished a project where I had to use a mix of widescreen and normal, this is how I got round it.
If you drop a widescreen clip into the timeline it will show the red render bar along the top of the clip. Highlight the clip and go to the top tool-bar and click on Sequence-Settings. A box will open. Check the box marked Anamorphic 16.9. The clip in the time-line should now show that rendering is not required.
I have noticed a problem when I've tried to mix both in the timeline. One way round this is to open a new sequence for widescreen or vice-versa.
I probably do things different to most like when I'm buring to DVD. I just play straight from the timeline to a DVD recorder, saves hours and hours.
Never had probs with audio, yet.
Cheers Dave - I'll give that a whirl - can I confirm that DV PAL is correct for 25p (SD) or should I use the 24@25 setting (not entirely sure what this means)?
Many thanks.
David Scattergood is offline   Reply

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