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Old October 20th, 2006, 07:21 AM   #31
New Boot
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Posts: 9
Hi Nigel
Don't know if this helps but I am editing native JVC HDV720p 25 in FCP on a native timeline. I have a Kona LH card fitted in my G5 which I am using to monitor via component out to my HD monitor. Although native HDV720p 25 monitoring isn't supported by the Kona card yet, DVC Pro HD 720p 25 is via the Kona card settings. I have had no problems so far and although I haven't used it to monitor for colour grading it looks pretty good to me.

David Cubbage
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Old October 20th, 2006, 07:31 AM   #32
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David, are you getting full moving images from this, or just a static freeze frame?
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Old October 21st, 2006, 05:55 AM   #33
New Boot
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Hi Nigel
I am getting full moving images in real time. I originally had the Kona card fitted to keep my workflow HD before Apple came up with the codec for HDV720p 25 and thought that it would make the card redundent when they finally supported it. However although I am now capturing JVC HDV720p 25 natively through the firewire instead of component to the Kona, and editing it natively, it does enable me to view my work on an external HD monitor using the DVC Pro HD 720p 25. My timeline is still JVC HDV 720p 25; it's just that the Kona card converts it to DVC Pro HD720p 25 for monitoring purposes. I am using the JVC BR-HD50 tapedeck for capturing into the Mac.

David Cubbage
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Old October 21st, 2006, 12:35 PM   #34
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Hmmm, Decklink HD Extreme card does not support this either. It would appear that Decklink are way behind Kona in the card codec and technology department :(
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Old October 21st, 2006, 04:52 PM   #35
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I'm a little bit confused as to what exactly you're thinking isn't supported by Blackmagic. I use my video monitor as a 3rd desktop monitor and Directly in FCP.

Final Cut Pro>Audio Video Settings>A/V Devices (Tab)

Change your "Playback Output" to the correct Blackmagic setting for whatever type of video you're edit timeline is set for. You should see full frame, realtime video then.

When you switch off to a different program it should automatically switch to an extra desktop screen. It should aslo show up in your System Preferences>Displays>Arangement Tab.
~~~Adam Oas~~~
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Old October 22nd, 2006, 03:16 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by Adam Oas
I'm a little bit confused as to what exactly you're thinking isn't supported by Blackmagic.
720p/25p is NOT supported by Blackmagic, Blackmagic even told me themselves that they have no intention of supporting it in the near future. I'm PAL UK remember. BM does support every equivelent in the USA and the rest of the world. They just chose to ignore England. Check it out for yourself, you will only see 720p/50, not 25p.

Trust me, I've been to the ends of the earth and in touch with everyone at BM, it is not a feature they support hence I can not grade with moving images, all I can get is a freeze frame by choosing 720x576 RGB PAL 8-bit.
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Old October 22nd, 2006, 01:44 PM   #37
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Oh... I see. NTSCenticism rears it's ugly head again.
~~~Adam Oas~~~
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Old November 3rd, 2006, 10:38 AM   #38
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I've seen this firewire option mentioned on these boards -

I'd like to use a Sony 9" PVM as a second monitor (as a preview window for Final Cut), and if the Apple DVI to S-Video adaptor works (using Digital Cinema Desktop and editing HDV) then for $20 it looks like a pretty good option.

Tim, you mentioned the gamma issue, and I'm wondering a if a firewire connection into the ADS Pyro convertor would A) be able to handle the HDV to SD conversion in real time (or is that more a function of the computer?) B) give you accurate color on the 9"? and C) work with HDV at all?

I don't own any of this yet (including the Mac) so I'm trying to figure out all the equipment on paper before buying and experimenting. Thanks!
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Old December 9th, 2007, 09:28 PM   #39
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Eugen Helmbrecht, Central Oregon Media Department

Greetings Nigel,

I have been looking through many of your articles and found them outstanding! Thank you very much for all information that you provide at and other sources at Internet for the people as me.
I am sure that you are very busy, however would be you please find a few minutes to give me advice with choosing camcorder for my work.
I started to do videography 15 years ago, hiking in Tean-Shan Mountains of Kazakhstan with my good friend Ian McWilliams from London, BBC. Currently I live in the USA, Oregon and recently was invited to the Central Oregon Community College (COCC) to start video and photo services from scratch (no budget, only desire to work). Currently I use my own equipment. I am owner of JVC GY-HD100 camcorder and from the time I bought it its gives me thousand problems. I need to sell it ASAP and to choice a new one; however I don’t have much experience with other camcorders and can’t afford to buy a wrong one.

My requirements on my work are the following:
I responsible for creating programs for our COCC cable channel (we have channel, however College still doesn’t use it at all).
1. Being expert in wild life and nature I started program “Travel with COCC” (travels, wild life, geology, meteorology, botany, etc.)
2. Art of Central Oregon (all concerts, painting exhibition, programs about talented people)
3. Promo videos about COCC and its different departments.
4. General video coverage for the College

I am interested with the following cameras: JVC GY-HD200, Canon XL-H1 and Sony PMW-EX1, however I don’t know what camera would be the most applicable for whose broad variety of videography which I am responsible for.

I would be very appreciate if you could give me you personal opinion what camera can be my best choice.

Thank you very much for your time!


Eugen Helmbrecht

Last edited by Eugen Helmbrecht; December 9th, 2007 at 11:19 PM.
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Old December 10th, 2007, 01:03 AM   #40
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have you tried placing your 720o25 footage into a TL set to 720p50 ? that should work. especially in FCP6. all it does is double the frame out put. from there, set the card to downconvert and all should be good.
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