FCP Crashes but only with ONE specific project file. at DVinfo.net
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Final Cut Suite
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Old September 23rd, 2006, 04:48 PM   #1
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FCP Crashes but only with ONE specific project file.

So FCP 5.1 (imac G5 1.86-1.5RAM) keeps crashing when it gets to "reading 86%" but only on ONE specific thread of project files. All related to a short film I did.

It opens EVERY OTHER file on my system just fine but won't open the film.

A little history: I gave this project to my friend to color correct for me. He's running 5.1. I was running 5.0.4 and the project ran great on my machine and subsequently his as well. The film was on two external firewire drives, shot with DVC Pro 50 HD.

When I got the file back from him, I upgraded to 5.1.

The file (his) won't open. And not only will it not open, it won't open ANY of the back up project files associated with the film I saved BEFORE giving it to him. So none of the project files, not even from the auto-save vault, will open. Every other FCP project file I have opens fine, just not the most important ones of course.

I have re-installed completely, deleted the preferences, done everything I should do and still nothing.

I tried to verify permissions on the two external drives, but disk utility won't let me. The repair permissions button is grayed out.

Anything you can do to help is appreciated.

Thanks so much.
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Old September 24th, 2006, 08:36 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Jake Hensberry

The file (his) won't open. And not only will it not open, it won't open ANY of the back up project files associated with the film I saved BEFORE giving it to him. So none of the project files, not even from the auto-save vault, will open. Every other FCP project file I have opens fine, just not the most important ones of course.

I have re-installed completely, deleted the preferences, done everything I should do and still nothing.

I tried to verify permissions on the two external drives, but disk utility won't let me. The repair permissions button is grayed out.

Anything you can do to help is appreciated.

Thanks so much.

Can your friend still open the files? Perhaps something was corrupted during the transfer back and forth.

The strange behavior of Disk Utility is worrying. Run Disk Utility off the install CD or an up to date version of Tech Tool or DiskWarrior. It's possible that the directory files of the external drives are jumbled or corrupted which is stalling FCP from finding the data files.
William Hohauser - New York City
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Old September 24th, 2006, 10:57 AM   #3
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If your friend can still open the project try having him save a brand new version and also try an export xml and then import that into your computer. Plus have him export a full quality quickitime movie just so you have something to work with if the above dosen't work.
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Old September 24th, 2006, 11:12 AM   #4
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Do a "Get Info" on the drive. It sounds like permissions on the project drives might be all screwed up.

If it's not already, check "Ignore Permissions On This Volume"
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