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Old September 13th, 2006, 04:24 AM   #1
Regular Crew
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HD aspect ratio conversion

Damn, Drat and Blast.
(more effluent expetives deleated for the sake of the children)
I have recently had a low budget HD project delivered to me as both a HDcam tape and a .MOV file. the problem is, I know that the original aspect ratio the film was shot in is 16:9 and the .mov has been captured in 4:3.

Oh you say, go back to the place that captured it and get them to do it again, humm, not that simple, I wish it was.

So, should I open a 16:9 sequence and stretch the 4:3 picture?
Should I do open a 4:3 sequence and then output it as 16:9?
Or something else?
I am not going to do anymore editing to the footage, it is meerly to burn DVD's and the like.

Thanks in advance.
If any one knows a good on-line ordering facility for dunces caps; I'll take 20.
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Old September 13th, 2006, 03:51 PM   #2
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by John Jencks
Damn, Drat and Blast.
(more effluent expetives deleated for the sake of the children)
I have recently had a low budget HD project delivered to me as both a HDcam tape and a .MOV file. the problem is, I know that the original aspect ratio the film was shot in is 16:9 and the .mov has been captured in 4:3.

Oh you say, go back to the place that captured it and get them to do it again, humm, not that simple, I wish it was.

So, should I open a 16:9 sequence and stretch the 4:3 picture?
Should I do open a 4:3 sequence and then output it as 16:9?
Or something else?
I am not going to do anymore editing to the footage, it is meerly to burn DVD's and the like.

Thanks in advance.
Assuming that the picture is squeezed (anamorphic) I suggest bringing the file into FCP and bringing up the "Item Properties" box for the file. There you should be able to check a box labled, "Anamorphic". Drag the file to a standard 4:3 timeline and it should automatically letterbox if that's what you want. Bring the file into a 16:9 timeline if you want to create a 16:9 DVD track.

I once handed a partially edited music video to finish on DV tape. It was done with Premier and the editor apparently didn't know how to get a 16:9 video back on tape so it played all squeezed without the signal that alerts programs like Final Cut that this is a 16:9 tape. The raw footage was shot in 16:9. I did the process I just explained and it worked perfectly. I was able to mix raw footage with the previously edited video.
William Hohauser - New York City
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Old September 14th, 2006, 05:08 AM   #3
Regular Crew
Join Date: Jun 2005
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Thanks a bundle.
A bundle of thanks
If any one knows a good on-line ordering facility for dunces caps; I'll take 20.
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