One last question b4 I hunker down at
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Old September 7th, 2006, 10:19 AM   #1
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One last question b4 I hunker down

I took a quick FCP lesson yessterday and got an extremely large amount of information on my edit. As a new user, I learned a lot of the basics and where to go to get some answers. One question that wasn't answered though I'd like to ask here. I'm just looking for some direction from the manual. Anyway, I have a 3 camera edit going on and on one angle, there is an annoying spot(small, nonetheless annoying) on a wall. How can I color correct it out? I was hoping to mask the spot and change it's color to the same as the surrounding wall. It seems to me that it should be done throughout the whole clip vs. only the scenes where it shows up after the multiclip edit. Thanks,

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Old September 7th, 2006, 10:41 AM   #2
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Hey Jeff,

Color correstion isn't exaclty what you're looking for. CC is for adjusting the whole frame/shot's color balance to either correct for bad white balance or to add a 'feel' eg. cool blue for nighttime or warm red for a love scene.

The technical term for wht you want to do is Rotoscope.

Is this a locked off shot and does anyone or thing ever pass in front of the spot you want to get rid of?

If it's a non moving camera and nothing ever passed in front of the spot plus it's on a solid color wall kind of thing you can crete a solid in FCP, lay it over your shot on a new timeline, then crop and blur the edge a little bit to cover over the thing your're trying to erase and color it to match the wall.

If you come to the DFW FCPUG meeting someone can even show you exactly how!

On the other hand, if you have something/someone that passes in front of the shot or the camera moves at all, you're looking at a LOT more work and quite possibly might not be able to do it in FCP.

Good luck!
~~~Adam Oas~~~
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Old September 7th, 2006, 10:55 AM   #3
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Thanks for the reply. It's been a while since the footage was shot and I looked at the entire clip. The angle that shows it was shot on a moving Dolly. As far as I remember, during that sequence, it's always a background shot. Since the dolly moves, so does the spot. It seemed to me that in Vegas, I could mask the spot and keyframe it as well and change the color to that matching the rest of the wall. My short experience with FCP is showing me how much deeper into editing I can get but Vegas is still really pretty cool. If it weren't for me having to work with others, ie color correct, hd output etc., I might have stayed with Vegas. I hate learning curves!

Jeff - P.S. When and where is the next meeting. I heard it was the 14th, but where?
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Old September 7th, 2006, 12:40 PM   #4
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you can keyframe position in FCP as well, so if it's simple moves you might be able to pull it off in FCP.

We had been meeting at the Apple store, but since they ripped out their theater and put in a Genious bar we moved to

AMS productions at 16986 N Dallas parkway at 7 pm

& yes the 14th should be right as the date is the Second Thursday of every month.
~~~Adam Oas~~~
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