FX1 + Final Cut = Problems... HELP! at DVinfo.net
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Old May 11th, 2006, 03:18 PM   #1
Major Player
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FX1 + Final Cut = Problems... HELP!

I just got my FX1 two days ago and after shooting some cool stuff I wanted to capture some HDV onto my brand new Macbook Pro into Final Cut Pro 5.1, thought it would be a simple process, similar to DV video, just open the capture window and let it do the rest. This was not the case, my FX1 only says HDV/DV in and my MBPro says there is no device connected/cannot control device. This must have something to do with HDV, because if I tell the FX1 to downconvert to DV it works fine, and when I use iMovie HD, it captures fine.

So basically:
1) What are the steps needed to capture HDV into Final Cut
2) What settings should I have on my FX1 for capturing?

Any help would be much appreciated.
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Old May 11th, 2006, 05:52 PM   #2
Major Player
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Glendale, AZ
Posts: 691
I went through this whole process. Let me save you some time.

Basically after FC5 upgrade there are connectivity issues related to QT7.

1. Goto your system drive\Library\Receipts\Quicktime 7.xx Trash this file.

2. Put QT application file in the trash.

3. Empty trash.

4. Reboot

5. Reinstall QT http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/mac.html

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