Questions with regards to Sony HDR-HC1 in Final Cut Pro 5 at
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Old January 15th, 2006, 03:37 PM   #1
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Questions with regards to Sony HDR-HC1 in Final Cut Pro 5

I recently bought a Sony HDR-HC1 High Definition videocamera. I have shot some test footage and tried to import it in Final Cut Pro 5. I managed to import the footage quite easily but I have some questions.

My settings in the Audio/Video settings dialog box:

Sequence preset: HDV -1080i50
Capture preset: HDV
Device Control Preset: Sony HDV 100i50 FireWire
Video Playback: None
Audio Playback: Default

The clips in the bin have the following details:

Frame size: 1440x1080
Vid Rate: 25 fps
Compressor: HDV 1080i50
Data Rate: 3.2MB/sec
Aud Rate: 48khz
Pixel aspect: HD 1440x1080

1. The bit rate that Final Cut display in the table is 3.2MB/sec. The camera is supposed to capture at a bitrate of 25mbps. 25/8 = +/- 3.2MB/sec right?

2. If I want to export one of the clips I have captured, which coded do I select? I can select "export quicktime" or "export using quicktime conversion". If I select the last one, I can select a whole list of different formats. So which one is the best to use to playback some of your footage on other computers? Please be as specific as you can be, also with regards to quality settings and other options I have.

3. The Audio/Video settings dialog box lets me choose between the following two capture presets: HDV and HDV (using Apple Intermediate Codec). Which one is the preferred option of choice by you?

I really appreciate your help.
Floris van Eck is offline   Reply With Quote
Old January 15th, 2006, 06:26 PM   #2
Regular Crew
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 30
Hi Floris,
In regards to your questions:
1) I am using NTSC, but I have the same settings (obvious differences 60i vs 50i, ect) on my system, and it works just fine
2) depends on what you are doing; could you be more specific ?
3) Well here again, it depends on what you want to do; however, if you can, stay away from AIC; it is a degrading, lossy codec.( AIC has been posted in the earlier threads from last year, when us MAC users were trying to find a work around).
Lou Squitieri is offline   Reply

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