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Old January 4th, 2006, 02:50 PM   #1
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NLE Mac / Final Cut questions from 2006

I'm involved in a project where we plan to mix footage from a DVX @24P and DV PAL. The DVX footage will be edited using AVID and then exported to Final Cut Studio for the rest. Final output will be 24P DVD

I have purchased nattress film effects which I'm looking forward to testing it out.

I have read articles on ken stone's website as well what the manuals have to say. It can get pretty confusing. Advanced pulldown removal seems to be an issue with final cut, anyone finding this?

Are there pitfalls/tricks that I should watch out for when mixing codecs?

thanks for the help
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Old January 5th, 2006, 05:48 PM   #2
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G Film and FX1 1080i60 footage in FCP 5.0.4

I've been attempting to de-interlace a 10 second 1080i60 clip using Nattress G Film plugin. I still see interlacing in the clip after its completed rendering. I have Film Frames per Second set to 24p, Media Field set on upper... Blending type 2 field... Pulldown Pattern WWSSW. I'm wondering where I could be going wrong in the setting. Any help on previous successful settings with HDV content in FCP would be appreciated. Been googling and searching through the forums... but haven't seen anything related to detailed HDV settings for this plugin.
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Old January 6th, 2006, 03:37 AM   #3
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Can I edit HD on my Powerbook G4?

I just bought a Sony HDR-HC1E videocamera and am not sure if I am going to use my Windows or Macintosh for editing.

I know that none of my setups are ideal for HD, but they will have to do for know. Otherwise I am going to convert down to SD.

I have a Powerbook G4 with the following specifications:

Power PC G4 1,5 Ghz
12" version with 19" external Samsung Syncmaster 930
1,25 GB DDR SD-RAM (maximum amount)
60GB 5400rpm Harddisk
nVidia GO 5200 64MB with DVI
Western Digital Extreme II 320GB USB/Firewire disk
Western Digital Dual-Option 160GB USB disk

I am planning to use Final Cut Express HD to start, and the move on to Final Cut Pro when I am getting the hang of it.

My question is, is my system good enough for HD editing? For now, the minimum I expect is that I can capture my HD footage to my computer and transfer it back, do some basic editing and rendering. I do not plan to do all kinds of advanced special effects for now.

I will buy a new computer (PowerMac or PC equilivant) in April or something, when I have the money I want to spend on it (like $1400).

Thanks for your feedback.
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Old January 6th, 2006, 01:09 PM   #4
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Final Cut Extreme

10K with support for 4520x2540 rez images? Anyone heard anything?
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Old January 8th, 2006, 01:12 PM   #5
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Codec not found

If someone could help me with this I will be deeply grateful. I just changed scratch disks, put my material on a bigger one, and now when I try to open my project I get the error message " Codes not found. You may be using a compression type without the corresponding hardware card. "
The sequence only opens about 50% and then nothing.
Thanks for you help
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Old January 11th, 2006, 04:15 PM   #6
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Where to take HD Masters for DVD Encoding...

I'm working in FCP 5 on a dual 2.7 powermac,...I will be onlining a project with 4 1 hour segments to HDCAM...The client is looking for some recommendations on some DVD Encoding Facilities to achieve the most ideal encoding...while I'm pretty sure compressor can do a good job, I figure a professional facility can get the most out of the encoding process...

Any recommendations on facilities that will take an HD Master and do this?
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Old January 13th, 2006, 07:02 PM   #7
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PSP Video

Does anyone know what settings to use to export video from FCP that would work on the PSP?
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Old January 15th, 2006, 04:00 PM   #8
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Does Anyone Use and Know Commotion Pro?

I use Commotion Pro as one of my applications and I'm having an odd, or seemingly odd, thing occur when I create simple animations. I import frames as layers from PS at 852x480 to be used in a 16:9 clip. They look fine, clear and smooth, but sometimes when I perform a function, say: make a duplicate layer of the figure, the dupe looks a little jagged. I'm not sure why this is happening since the layers come in looking fine.

I've never had this happen before, but then I worked in 4:3 before. Last Summer I got an XL2, so I'm working in 16:9 now. This might have something to do with my issue.

If anyone knows about this or where I should search on this Forum, I'd greatly appreciate the help.

Lucinda Luvaas
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Old January 16th, 2006, 08:42 AM   #9
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720P DVCProHD Performance on G4 1.67 PB?

What kind of performance can I expect with 720P DVCProHD on a G4 1.67 Powerbook? I mostly do cuts and dissolves with some CCing. No major effects or anything like that. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Old January 18th, 2006, 01:29 AM   #10
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Batch capture problemos

From my pal fx-1 I can capture clips as I go but if I log them all at once as FCP recommends then batch capture them at the end, I get an error message. Does this happen to anyone else? Is there something simple that's tripping things up?
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Old January 19th, 2006, 08:29 AM   #11
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Intel-based iMacs are fast, but gains don’t match Apple’s claims

our tests found the new 2.0GHz Core Duo iMac takes rougly 10 to 25 percent less time than the G5 iMac to perform the same native application tasks, albeit with some notable exceptions. And we also found that applications that aren’t yet Intel-native—which must run using Apple’s Rosetta code-translation technology—tend to run half as fast as the same applications running natively on the iMac G5.
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Old January 19th, 2006, 01:18 PM   #12
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dual g4 or powerbook

Ok I have a dual 1.25 g4 and I'm thinking of getting rid of that and getting a 1.67 15" powerbook or the 1.5 12". My friend had the 1.25 g4 12" and said it lacked alot as far as speed goes when editing. He was very dissapointed in it and got rid of it. What im wondering is if I should expect the 1.5 and the 1.67 to be noticeably slower then my dual 1.25?
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Old January 20th, 2006, 03:38 PM   #13
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Eyetv 200 converter box

Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew of any hacks for the eyetv 200 firewire converter box. I would really like to be able to make FCP see it as a capture device even if I had to be running a program and FCP together. Currently to capture anything for use in FCP I have to use the included program, capture in real time to its own special format, and then export it to DV stream to be imported into FCP. Sometimes a one hour tape will take 3.5-4 hours to get into FCP. Any help would be greatly appreciated. John
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Old January 26th, 2006, 02:04 PM   #14
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FCE to Soundtrack Pro workflow?

I'm a novice trying to move up in the world. I'm working on my first real short. I imported and edited in iMovie HD. I wanted to then move to FCE to do CC and convert to 24p with Nattress filters. FCE wouldn't open my complex iMovie project so I exported as full DV, created a new project in FCE and imported the DV.

One of the many problems I've had is that about 30% of my footage has 60hz hum. So, I upgraded from Soundtrack (included in FCE HD) to Soundtrack Pro to fix the hum.

I was manually exporting audio, one clip at a time, from iMovie to then fixing in Soundtrack Pro, then replacing the original clip. Now that I'm done with iMovie I'm looking for a better workflow.

It seems to me that from FCE I can only go directly to Soundtrack. Is this correct? Is there any way that I can either export small audio clips to STPro? In iMovie I could just select one clip and then export only that clip as a quicktime movie, AIFF, WAV, etc. Can I do this in FCE?

Or better yet can I open my entire FCE project in STPro? Or does STPro only work with FCP projects?

Sorry if these are in the manual. I've been trying different methods and not getting anywhere.
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Old January 30th, 2006, 12:27 AM   #15
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weird 24p problem in FCP

okay, when i go scrub frame by frame i dont get interlacing but when i pla in real time, i get really bad interlacing...whats going ON?
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