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Final Cut Suite
Discussing the editing of all formats with FCS, FCP, FCE

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Old September 8th, 2006, 09:51 AM   #121
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Is Apple at IBC...

If so... can someone run over and find out when FCP will work with both the Canon and JVC... how long has it been since NAB and its still coming...
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Old September 11th, 2006, 07:49 AM   #122
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Apple's Final Cut Pro to receive update next month


Moderator Note: Welcome to DVinfo Haitham. But please don't copy and paste content for another website here. It's a copyright violation. Instead, just post a link (like above). Thanks!

Last edited by Boyd Ostroff; September 11th, 2006 at 04:57 PM. Reason: removed quoted article from Appleinsider
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Old September 21st, 2006, 06:15 AM   #123
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Audio levels wrong and noise in frame

Hey everybody,

I have a weird problem. I printed my project on tape and everything seemed fine. The audio levels were fine while printing and on the tape when I play it in the camera it was fine too. But when I went to the tv station the levels where not matched, anybody had this problem? Also in the project two time there is a little noise (like a wrong frame) in the images when I play it on a broadcast machine, which I can't see while playing it in my HVX. Anybody knows what went wrong? Thanks in advance!

Niels Neeskens is offline   Reply With Quote
Old September 21st, 2006, 10:53 AM   #124
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Guys im using DVFIlm from Atlantis to convert 2 hours of PAL to NTSC. I basically saved my edited piece from FCP and dropped it in Atlantis. Its been now processing for the last 5 days and is only 3/4 done?? Is this normal?? Am I doing something wrong. Im using a G5 with one gig RAM. Please help.
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Old September 26th, 2006, 06:51 PM   #125
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Undo Command Functions Improperly

Hello, I am having a very irritating and odd problem with Final Cut Pro 5. For some reason, when I hit cmd+Z or select the undo command from the Edit menu, it does not always undo the previous action. Sometimes it deletes clips and sometimes it throws other clips and edits out of sync. It is not consistent in any way and sometimes it even works normally. I trashed preferences twice and that did not work, does anyone know of a solution that doesn't include updating/re-installing the software? Thanks!
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Old September 27th, 2006, 07:24 PM   #126
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Final Cut Pro 5.1.2 supports JVC GY-HD100 ProHD 720p24

Late-Breaking News About Final Cut Pro 5.1.2

Final Cut Pro 5.1.2 addresses effects compatibility issues and video format compatibility, and resolves long-standing issues with video scope performance and audio output. For updated information about format support, choose HD and Broadcast Formats from the Final Cut Pro Help menu.

The Download Only option in Software Update is disabled for the Final Cut Pro 5.1.2 software update package.

HDV Format Support and Easy Setups

Final Cut Pro 5.1.2 includes native support and corresponding Easy Setups for the following HDV formats:

720p24 and 720p25 (JVC GY-HD100 ProHD camcorder)

1080p24 and 1080p25 (Canon XL H1 HDV camcorder); also called 1080F24 and 1080F25
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Old October 3rd, 2006, 11:52 AM   #127
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Real-time encoding to mpeg 4

What would be the best software to do real-time encoding to an mpeg4 file format on a Mac? I'm not as familiar with Mac software. Here is my situation:
I have some medical classes that they want to record the video/audio from their lectures and have it available to download almost immediately after the classes are over. We are talking 6-8 hours of classes daily. I'm looking for easy to use software on a Mac, that ables the operator to pause the recording during breaks , if possible. We want to go with a smaller file size, so that's why mpeg4. Any suggestions would be helpful.


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Old October 6th, 2006, 07:11 AM   #128
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mod files, mpeg2 playback component and fce hd?

I have been given a disk of footage which is in the form of .mod files which i cannot playback or use in fcehd3.5 on my intel imac.
I have concluded from old posts on the forums here that i need a thing called 'Streamclip' to convert them so ive downloaded and installed that.

When i drag the .mod file onto Streamclip it gives a message saying i dont have the mpeg2 playback component installed.

Before paying $20 for it i just wanted to check if i'm going in the right direction with this?

Ultimately im just after getting this footage (sound and image) into a timeline on fcehd3.5 to edit along with fx1 footage which was shot 4:3sd.

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Old October 6th, 2006, 03:59 PM   #129
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Six tracks of audio when I only recorded two???

Had some difficulty when trying to capture some footage the other day. Major problem with FCP Capture locating the time code for in points, followed by an error message that went something like, "can not capture because there is no video". Wrong! There was plenty of good video.

Anyway, I was in a hurry and didn't want to try and figure out the problem. Instead, I imported the footage into iMovie. When finished, I imported the iMovie project into FCP5.

Then, when I had selected the clips I wanted and moved them to the timeline, there were six identical audio tracks on the audio timeline. Deleting four cleaned up the timeline, but why six in the first place?

There were two cameras in use during the shoot. A Canon XL1s and a GL1. both were set to record in frame mode. Audio was, as always for me, 16 bit, 48k. Other than that, nothing special.

Any ideas as to what is going on?
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Old October 7th, 2006, 11:54 AM   #130
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Capturing 720/30p?

I am trying to capture HDV 720/30p from my JVC HD CU-VH1 player through firewire. From easy set-up I sellect HDV 720/30 for capture, but FCP does not communicate with the player. It seems the only way I can capture the footage is if I sellect HDV Apple intermediate codec, and it still cannot control the player, I have to press play and then sellect capture.

Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong? The footage was shot with the GY-HD100 in 720/30, and my FCP is up to date.

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Old October 9th, 2006, 03:51 AM   #131
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Final Cut Pro / 720p/25p import problems?

Final Cut Pro/GY-HD111E import problems?

Sorry for the cross post, I posted this in JVC area, but in hindsight this is probably a better place to post it.

Shooting in 720p/25p PAL HDV in the UK on JVC GY-HD111E camcorder I'm experiencing problems.

With a brand new Mac Pro and very latest Final Cut Studio complete with updates I'm having a little problem trying to import footage directly from a JVC GY-HD111E (yes I'm in PAL land, UK) via FireWire into FCP.

Footage is 720p/25p and timeline is set up in FCP that way.

I'm doing a 'capture now'. The first clip I'm trying to import is about 45 minutes long with no cuts/breaks whatsoever.

What happens is after about 60 seconds or so, it FCP automatically breaks the clip for no reason and starts a new one, trouble is, when it does this I lose about 4 seconds of footage at that point.

It continues to break clips randomly, sometimes after 40 seconds or so, sometimes after 95 seconds, but usually between 30 seconds and 2 minutes and each time it starts a new clip I lose between 1 and 6 seconds.

As I say, there are zero breaks or cuts in this clip, I have a 45 minute clip that was shot in one take, not even a pause anywhere.

Is this a JVC issue or a Final Cut issue?

It's a pain as it simply means I can't import my 9 hours of footage hence I can't get on with this project.

Any ideas why this phenomenon is happening?

Thanks guys.
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Old October 10th, 2006, 07:29 PM   #132
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Anyone having issues with Z1 and OS X 10.4.8?

Because both my friend and I can't do anything. Not sure if OS X 10.4.8 is the issue or if it might be the Z1.

My Final Cut Pro X blog
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Old October 19th, 2006, 09:43 AM   #133
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Moving Compression Markers in the timeline

Here is what I'm looking to do: I have a program I need to edit a portion out of in FCP. The problem is, having already ascertained where I needed compression markers, the timeline after this deleted chunk is littered with them. Now, once I connect up the remaining portions of my program the clips will all move back in the timeline, while the markers while stay at their assigned times on the timeline. Anyone know of a way to move clips and the markers above them all in one swoop keeping all the compression markers where they need to be?

One other question someone may have experience with; how much of a quality difference are we talking with the sequence settings for motion filtering quality rendering under the video processing tab? I believe it defaults to normal, but the "best" option is there as well as fastest (linear)...
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Old October 24th, 2006, 02:33 AM   #134
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FCP and Sony DSR-DU1 Firmware issue

Hi everyone, i'm new to the forum. I work at a production company that require a quick turn-around, so we record onto Sony dsr-du1 hard drive units.

Are old DU-1's work fine with final cut pro (both the latest updqated verion, and an older 4.5). However, we purchased a new DU1 from sony, set it up exactly the same, and final cut does not recognise it as a DU.

The DU can be accessed as a hard drive, and the files manually removed from each folder, but this is time consuming.

I rang Sony prime support about this, and after lengthly discussion, tracked it down to a firmware issue- new DU1's have a revised firmware, which they think might be the issue. They're expert solution- remove the files manually, one by one each time, or use the DU as a tape deck to play the video, and capture that way- both are unacceptable and are time consuming, defeating the point of using it. With the old DU1's, we could just plug in, click on import DU data, and 10 mins later all the clips are captured in final cut.

Has anyone else had this issue? And if so, is there a viable workaround to get final cut to capture all the clips?
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Old October 25th, 2006, 07:12 AM   #135
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Any Final Cut Pro 5.X users in the Kansas City area?

Hi all. . .

I'm looking to hire an experienced FCP user in the KC area to help get me up and started on editing a few music videos. Pay is negotiable. I'm guessing we're probably talking about a few hours to start with and then just occasional (paid, of course) visits from that point forward. I live in Overland Park.

For reference, I'm using shooting with the Panasonic HVX-200 camera.

Please send emails to:

Thanks so much!

Stephen Pruitt
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