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Discussing the editing of all formats with FCS, FCP, FCE

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Old August 9th, 2006, 09:15 PM   #106
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Migrating to FCP - UK User - PAL

I am about to take the plunge and move from PC to MAC.

My camera is a Canon XL H1. I wish to edit my HDV material and archive it as HDV whilst outputting my projects in SD for the time being.
I have been liikung at a G5 with Quad cores, FCP Studio and a 1-2gb raid array.

My question is. What is the best method of getting my HDV footage into FCP and back out again? It appears that I can't just input my footage via firwire and pump it back to a recorder or the XL HD1.

Is there a site where I can find out more or, can anyone help?
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Old August 13th, 2006, 03:08 PM   #107
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Can FCP 5 and an Alesis multimix 8 be friends?

howdy all,

I am considering the purchase of an alesis multimix 8 firewire <> and would love to use it to capture 6 discreet channels of audio using fcp 5. I have been unable to obtain a response from alesis about this. From what I could find, the computer recognizes the multimix as a sound card. I know I can do this using dedicated audio editors, but I prefer to streamline the workfolw and do it all in fcp. Any input would be much appreciated.

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Old August 13th, 2006, 07:16 PM   #108
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Premier into final cut?

Is there simple way of opening a premier timeline in final cut?
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Old August 13th, 2006, 10:08 PM   #109
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Changing capture from '1V, 2A' to '2A'

In FCP 3, if I logged some clips for batch capture and decided to just capture the audio, I could click on the 'Tracks' column of that clip and change '1V, 2A' to '2A.'

But if I try the same thing in FCP 5, I get the message 'No shortcuts.' The only option is to re-log clips. Yuck!

Is there a way to change this, to activate 'shortcuts'?

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Old August 16th, 2006, 03:10 PM   #110
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60i - 24p in Final Cut Express?

I never really though of this until last night, but I know Final Cut Express does not support 24p so if I were to take 60i footage and covert it to 24p using Magic Bullet in after effects...then I would not be able to bring it back into FCE. Is this correct?
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Old August 20th, 2006, 02:55 PM   #111
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Audio monitoring during editing HD

Hello all, first post with (hopefully) a simple question for all you FCP users out there. Could somebody please confirm that FCP can output audio via firewire during editing HD footage. I'm currently using FCE, which cannot output audio via firewire during editing HD footage. This doesn't suit my needs, so I'm gonna go for Final Cut Studio, once I've received a definite answer to this, of course! I intend to use my MOTU 828 MkII to monitor the audio. Thanks, in advance, for your help.
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Old August 21st, 2006, 02:36 PM   #112
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Have anyone experienced (and perhaps know what to do with) last-frame-freeze?

I have a 1920x1080 timeline, MotionjpgA@75%. Suddenly i have some last-frame-freeze! Playback stops at last frame, and starts one or two clips later! Why is that? Someone know what to do? It's OK when exported to QT.
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Old August 21st, 2006, 07:20 PM   #113
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Apple DVCPROHD 1080i60 to Windows Friendly Format

What would be the best way, if any. that I could convert Apple DVCPROHD 1080i60 to a Windows friendly format?
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Old August 22nd, 2006, 09:33 AM   #114
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Is it possible to Compress .DIVX - to same quality but smaller size

Hey mates,

This is my file:
It was edited all in FCP - but just having a hard time with the compression...

my issue is the following...

I use Sorenson Squeeze, to compress my clips...

I want to compress this small 30mb DIVX file to something smaller but still nice quality.... I tried to compress to MPG1 - MPG2 so I choose the CD format and put that video data rate @ 1000kps and it compresses to 47mb, but it looks too dark you cannot even see the tennis court or me playing tennis!!!! and I brought down the data rate to 500kps and still didnt' do anything but the file size was 27mb

Now Im tried compress @ cd MP4 and video rate 1000, so the file size is 24mb and less darker but still not 100% visible...

ahhh here is a screenshot of all 3 video clips...

from right to left

mpg4 = 24mb/1000kps video rate
mpg1 = 47mb/ 1000kps video rate
DIVX = 30mb

So the DIVX looks more clear then the others... just wondering if there is away i can still get that look...

Any other suggestions mates?
Many thanks for your reply mate,
Joey Dee
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Old August 23rd, 2006, 05:29 AM   #115
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sync problem recorded music track

I did a couple of recordings which have to be sync with a music track: We played a music track on a cd-player while recording. The actor is singing with this track. When i capture the takes there is a proportional sync difference (about 18 frames in 2 minutes).
I shot with a JVC HD100 in dv 50i mode. Captured it with another camera.

Is it possible there is a difference between these camera's or is it more likely the cd player is not the right speed?
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Old August 24th, 2006, 01:24 PM   #116
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fyi - QT 7.1.1 causes capture problems

I was tearing my hair out trying to downconvert HDV from a Sony A1U camera into Final Cut 5.1.1. It would control the playback and go through the motions of capturing, but nothing would be written to disk. HDV capture worked fine, but downconvert (which I hadn't used in a while, but worked in the past) would not work.

Finally updated to QT 7.1.2 and problem was solved.

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Old August 30th, 2006, 08:03 AM   #117
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Trying to delete this post

How do I delete a post?

I am trying to delete this one... sorry!

Last edited by Matias Baridon; August 30th, 2006 at 08:39 AM.
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Old September 6th, 2006, 04:43 AM   #118
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A/V not sync in FCP


After capturing clips with FCP from XL2 the audio and video is not into sync.

the audio is first for about 2 seconds.

what should I do?

thank u
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Old September 6th, 2006, 06:57 AM   #119
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jvc hdd and capty failure

i'm trying to install capty, which cme with this jvc everio camcorder i'm usein g, and it keeps saying "librarry not foundd" or some crazynes like that. anyone have same problem or know nything about it?
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Old September 6th, 2006, 07:39 PM   #120
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Capture problem with DVCPRO 50

The video plays fine in the log and capture window, but when I hit Capture Now (or try to batch capture), the clip preview is a freeze frame (as opposed to motion when it’s working properly) and only three seconds are imported, then I get the error message: encountered a problem reading the data on your source tape… It’s DVCPRO 50 footage from an AJ-SD93 to FCP via firewire. I’m using the Easy Setup “DVCPRO 50.” The mac is a dual 2 G5 and captures MiniDV from firewire fine. The deck and the these specific tapes run and can be captured by a PC based AVID system, but not by this mac. Spent two hours on phone with Apple and reinstalled and checked everything on the computer side and they swear it’s a problem with the deck. I’ve been through and through the decks menu and have varied all the options for 1394, and the input video button is set to 1394 as well. Anyone seen something like this/ have a suggestion?
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