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Old May 5th, 2006, 10:38 AM   #61
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keyboard short cut to solo a track

is there a keyboard short cut to solo a track? Rather than have to click on the headphones icon everytime.
i am the muffin man.
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Old May 5th, 2006, 02:36 PM   #62
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David Fincher on FCP

Hey all,

Thought you guys might like to see this if you haven't already. It's a short promo piece for FCP with behind the scenes/interviews with David Fincher, Post Production Supe. Peter Mavromates & Editor Angus Wall for the post workflow of Zodiak.

They shot on the Viper then converted to DVCPROHD 1080.

I never would have guessed that Fincher would go digital. Not sure why, but never guessed.

-CJ Roy
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Old May 8th, 2006, 12:25 AM   #63
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Final Cut Pro Uninstall

How does one completely remove FCP from one's system? What steps need to be taken. Without Magic Bullet I can not live, and it's not working so I must reinstall if worse comes to worse, how though can I reinstall thourougly effectively and completely, what files and "secret/hidden" files must I remove? Does anybody know?
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Old May 8th, 2006, 05:16 PM   #64
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Mel Tellis (stuttering)

2 different camera tapes tested. Both stutter on import, a good 1 to 2 seconds lag. Using FCP 5.04 DVCam tapes. Just started this, import last week was fine. HELP

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Old May 9th, 2006, 10:45 AM   #65
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Linux Media Server for Mac

I'm thinking about setting up a linux server with two raids on it. Kind of like an Xsan setup but using linux instead over a gigebit ethernet.

Has anyone tried this, or have any info on it. I have a few years expereince with linux, but the aspect I'm not particulary sure about is the intercompatibility of mac and linux over the network.

The reasons for this. Bought HVX200, wanting to migrate to FCP, and already own a computer that is capable of RAID on IDE and Sata. So the workflow would be, capture via FCP which uses SATA Raid on linux box as capture scratch over gigabit ethernet.

The only variable I'm not sure about is the Mac and Linux networking. Any ideas from anyone?


*edit I found this link regarding sharing files using AFP via Linux and this one discusses using Gigabit for editing.
i am the muffin man.

Last edited by Fred Finn; May 9th, 2006 at 11:30 AM.
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Old May 11th, 2006, 11:09 AM   #66
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Project file crashes 5.1 only on originating computer

For the second time this month, I've developed a problem where one of my project files crashes FCP instantly when I open the project. Normally I would think this is just one corrupt file, but here's the trick: it crashes FCP only on my main editing workstation, and it opens just fine on our other two Macs. Even worse, my archived copies of the project and the autosave files won't open either. The same thing happens - FCP crashes while it's opening the project file. No amount of running cron scripts or trashing preferences or reparing permissions will make it go away. I tried creating a fresh user account, and that didn't make a difference. Even if I resave the project on another machine, I can't open it on the original computer. Other project files function just fine. I can open FCP and work normally on anything except the project that just went down the tube.

I did fix it last time by exporting XML for the whole project on a second computer and importing that into a completely new project file. I'm assuming this is going to work again (it's running now), but this is obviously an unacceptable delay, and it's rather scary. Any ideas on what could cause this and how I could make it go away? If it only happens on one machine, what does that mean? Could I fix it by reinstalling the OS and Final Cut Studio?

For full background if necessary: the offending machine is a dual 2ghz G5 tower (one of the older PCI-X versions) with one piece of third-party hardware, an Atto UL4S SCSI host adapter. I ran FCP 4.5 on 10.3.9 with that adapter installed for more than a year without experiencing this problem. All three of our computers run OS X 10.4.6 and Final Cut 5.1 (I've read more than once that it's best to run FCP on the OS that was current at the time of release, so I updated to 10.4.6 before installing the universal crossgrade). I format the system disk and install the OS clean every time I upgrade. I run the cron scripts and repair permissions regularly. I typically edit from FW800 drives, and that's what I was doing both times when I experienced this problem.

I swear this just appears overnight, I'm totally stumped, and I would appreciate any help.
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Old May 11th, 2006, 03:03 PM   #67
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Multiple Framerates on FCP timeline?

Hey Guys,

I'm a recent Mac convert and am just starting to learn FCP5. Currently, I am in pre-production on a pilot for a comedy sketch series. Our current plan is to make each sketch look as much like what it is supposed to represent as possible, by using various aspect ratios and framerates. EG: If the scenario for the sketch is a Local Cable Access show, we would shoot at 60i with a 4x3 ratio. Conversely, if the scene was of, say, a man lost in the woods being hunted by Bigfoot, we sould shoot 24p at a 16x9 ratio. (we're using an XL2, btw)

My question is this: Is there any viable way to mix these various formats into a single timeline in order to form a complete, cohesive episode without any speed issues or any other undesireable side effects?

Thanks for any help you may be able to offer, it is greatly appreciated, as always.

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Old May 12th, 2006, 01:26 PM   #68
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exporting FCP subtitles as text

I've got a feature length doc with two versions of subtitles and festivals are asking for dialogue lists. The only tedious way I know of how to do this is by copy-pasting from FCP to a Word file, line by line. Is there another automated way??? thanks.
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Old May 13th, 2006, 02:44 PM   #69
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How do you slow down or ramp up audio over time

I did a search, no success. So I must ask: How do you either slow or ramp up audio over time in FCP 5?

I click on a clip, and when I go Modify>Speed, I see 'constant speed' grayed out. It appears to have clickable options if I can access it. How do I access it, assuming I'm on the right track?

elmer lang
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Old May 15th, 2006, 10:28 AM   #70
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viewer wont display 23.98 correctly

ok i have some 24pa footage and i captured and setup correctly to edit on a 23.98 clip plays fine from the timeline and displays properly in the canvas but it still reads as a 29.97 clip in the viewer with no audio to be heard while playing.

i even opened the clip in cinema tools to make sure it was 23.98 and it was
maybe i missed a setup step along the way?
any suggestions???

FCP 5.0.4
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Old May 16th, 2006, 07:46 AM   #71
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Macbook is Available

Hey, I don't know if this has already been announced here, but the new home page on is about the new Macbook with intel taking the place of the iBook. You can get it in black looks like too...
Matt Ludwig
MSL Productions -

Last edited by Matt Ludwig; May 16th, 2006 at 01:33 PM.
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Old May 22nd, 2006, 09:27 AM   #72
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editing HDV and DV, to SD DVD-possible!?

I had HDV and SD footage to mix in the same project/ timeline.
That's my workflow:
Captured HDV clips through AIC. Captured SD.Put HDV and SD clips in the same SD timeline. After rendering everything seem to be OK, I made Mpeg2 and DVD, it looked good on computer, put it through DVD player, too much jitter....
I realized two sources have different field order, SD is lower, even, HDV is upper, odd. SO I separated them and made two Quick time mov, uncompressed. Then put through compressor to make Mpeg2 for DVD

Is this workflow right? Regards, Oleg.
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Old May 23rd, 2006, 09:54 AM   #73
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Converting from 60i to 24P audio sync problem

I've been doing some tests for an upcoming project that is going to be shot 60i and then converted to 24P (23.976 exact). The tests I've done take a 60i clip and convert it to 23.976P. My understanding is that using 23.976 frame rate should keep the video in sync with the original audio from the tapes recorded at 48HZ. But this isn't the case. With a 30 sec. test clip the video is running slightly longer then before the conversion (27.31 secs for the 23.976 video but the original ran at 27.29 sec.) This is just enough of a difference to make the gap noticable once a few minutes pass. Any ideas on what I am messing up?

Ideally, I'd like to be able to capture this project in HDV and do all of the editing in HDV at 60i. Then when we've locked the picture I'd like to take all the footage used and convert it to 23.976P uncompressed. And finally rejoin the uncompressed video with the audio that has been mixed and finished and then do color correction and effects work at uncompressed 23.976P. But this won't work if the 24P video isn't going to sync with the 48HZ audio.
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Old May 23rd, 2006, 03:43 PM   #74
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Quality of upconverted DVCPROHD in FCP MEDIA MANAGER vs Kona capture

I am trying to get timecode onto my dvcprohd footage for my feature.
I have canon xlh1 / kona lhe / FCP.
1. Capture HDV in FCP - uprez with media manager and viola I now have timecode
QUESTION: Is this lower quality than if I go HDSDI out of canon xlh1 via kona lhe then go into FCP choosing DVCPROHD codec. If I use this method then I can not get the timecode from the camera as there is no device control. Or is there a way I have not found?

2. Sound difference: I seem to get a much better level of sound using HDV option as described below compared to the kona option. In the kona optionI am forced to use the analogue audio in as udio is not embedded in the HDSDI on the canon camera.

Anyone got any thoughts on how to improve the audio ?

Many thanks for your thoughts.
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Old May 25th, 2006, 07:07 PM   #75
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"Apt. B" Music Video playing at IFC Media Lab

I just recently finished this music video and now have it posted up at IFC Media Lab. I would love for people to check it out and post back here in the forum about what you think. And feel free to register at IFC Media Lab and put in a vote. Information on the production is listed on IFC Media Lab but the short list is this: shot on an FX1 with Cine24 and Cinegamma on. Edited as AIC on Final Cut Pro.

Thanks and I hope you like:)

Direct link to the video:
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