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Final Cut Suite
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Old January 30th, 2006, 01:47 AM   #16
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24pA rendering in FCP

is it different than other formats? im asking cuz my options for Unlimited RT, Dynamic, etc... are all gone, now i have to render every clip.
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Old January 31st, 2006, 05:42 AM   #17
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Anybody using Eizo S2410W monitor with FCP?


Is there anybody out here using the Eizo S2410W or S2410WK monitor with Final Cut Pro and Macintosh?
How does it stand up compared to Dell 24" or Apple 23"?
Is the color and picture quality that much better to justify the cost?
Is there any issue with the vertical frequency of only 60 Hz as it could be with the Dell 24"? (Updating less than 75 Hz could slow down the playback according to Apple as written in another thread here.)

Thankful if you have any information! / Johan
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Old February 3rd, 2006, 06:51 PM   #18
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2:3 24p on FCP

why does my 2:3 24p showing up as a interlaced in FCP? i have my sequence at 23.98 and turned off "fields" but im getting nasty interleaved images on my videos. whats wrong?
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Old February 9th, 2006, 11:18 PM   #19
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Apple has announced Universal Crossgrade pricing
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Old February 10th, 2006, 06:23 AM   #20
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Soundtrack Pro Loops vs. GarageBand Loops

i didnt know if this was the right place for this or not. But I was wondering how do the included loops in Soundtrack Pro relate to the Jam Packs available for Garageband? I was looking into buying a jam pack, but I dont want to buy something for loops that I already have with SoundTrack Pro.

Anyone know? Or know a better forum to ask in?
Panasonic HVX200, JVC HD-100U, Canon GL-2, Dual 2.7 G5, MBP 2.2, FCP Studio 2
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Old February 11th, 2006, 09:41 PM   #21
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FCP 24P emulation compared to others + Film

Is there any huge advantage to using an expensive 24P software package compared to doing a blend de-interlace in post, and exporting/re-importing as 24p? I just did this to some footage I shot today with my Sony A1U, and really like the way it looks. Also, for future reference, I don't really know what this is doing to my frames, but would that output work well for film? I've read that some in camera progressive modes are horrible to to use since they're so film unfriendly. I bought my A1 because I've read HD resolution is close to 16mm, and might some day want to put my better projects on film.
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Old February 14th, 2006, 11:21 PM   #22
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FCP - uncompressed to DVD and as master


This question has been asked many times, and I know there is a debate wether or not one should use uncompressed if the material originated on regular dv. However, I don't want to go back to dv at the end (which would be indeed a waste of time), but to DVD, and to possibly save my short projects on a digibeta tape as masters. So maybe it would make sense.

OK, my very quick questions:

- I shot on minidv. I captured as minidv, editied in minidv, and my picture is locked. I only have to do the titles (simple 3d titles in FCP) and color correction. Now: before I encode, should I render out an uncompressed version of the project? BOTH to get a better mpeg2 file, and to have an uncompressed master for future use (one on the drive, one as a backup on a digibeta tape). I have heard that if you plan to finish on DVD, going uncompressed would be better than straight minidv.

- which uncompressed mode should I choose from the FCP export output? I also just bought a Blackmagic HD dual link card, so I also get Blackmagic Uncompressed in the options, besides the regular FCP ones.

- and finally, is it worth the trouble?

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Old February 16th, 2006, 10:40 AM   #23
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Resizing issue

I just have started using the HD100 and when I capture footage (shot at 720/30P) into FCP (Easy Set Up - HDV 720 30p), the clips come in smaller than the frame and I have to zoom in to fill the screen, losing information. Otherwise, I have the black bars above & below. I've set the sequence settings in FCP at - aspect ratio HDTV 720P (16:9), 1280 x 720 frame size, Pixel Aspect Ratio NTSC - CCIR 601, Field Dominance Lower. I've played around with different variations with no improvement. I'm obviously doing something wrong and I hope obvious. Any ideas?

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Old February 21st, 2006, 06:40 PM   #24
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Monitor hue flashing

My NTSC video monitor's hue changes from normal to greenish and back - rhythmically about every 3/4 of a second... anyone have any ideas as to what's going on?

This monitor is a Sony Trinitron (set up for clients to view). Here is how it's run: G4 firewire > breakout box > VCR (again, only for the client) > Monitor.

Here's what I've tried:
- When playing footage from the computer, the hue changes rhythmically.
- When I record this footage on the inline VCR and play it right back over the same monitor, it looks fine (doesn't flash).
- When hooking up another monitor at the end of that chain, it looks fine (doesn't flash).
- When I reset the breakout box, it comes back on and flashes faster for a while... and settles back into the slower rhythm.

Thanks in advance!
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Old February 23rd, 2006, 12:30 PM   #25
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Hi, Just a quick question, anyone using Automator to help speed up their editing process, and if you are would you mind sharing some of that info with me? I've never really been able to take advantage of it like Apple says you can. TIA Nate
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Old February 23rd, 2006, 11:00 PM   #26
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24p editing

I am using Final Cut Pro and am trying to capture footage shot in 24p ( not advanced) for editing in a 24p timeline. Apparently advanced mode must be used or it will be captured at 29.97. My question is how can I convert to use this footage with all my other 24pa (23.98) footage in my 24p timeline? Thanks.
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Old March 1st, 2006, 06:03 PM   #27
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Closed Captioning

Can someone point me in the right direction of a product that can capture CC info and digitize it? For example, when I use my mini DV camera to capture video form the TV or a VCR, I know the analog video has CC in it, but I don't think it is part of the Mini DV format.
Nevertheless, I would like to capture the CC info and add it as a feature in a DVD (strictly for home use). Does DVD Pro support captioning?


Ron J.
Portland, OR
Ron Johnson
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Old March 8th, 2006, 08:20 PM   #28
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5th Annual FCPUG Supermeet at NAB06

I'll be there. Anyone else?
Tim Dashwood
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Old March 18th, 2006, 07:29 PM   #29
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Soundtrack Pro not seeing a .mov as a video file?

Hi all,

I'm doing a tutorial for FCP studio. it's my first time using a Mac and FCP and it's studio programs. So far I love it and it is a lot more easy to use than my Avid. However, I'm doing a tutorial now for Soundtrack Pro. I'm trying to have a video track in it, and for some reason it's not seeing the video track as a video. It says my video is "offline". I've tried to "reconnect media files" but when I steer it to the .mov file, it's giving me this error message - "The file you have chosen cannot be used because it does not contain a video track."

Any ideas why this would be happening? I've updated Soundtrack Pro to the latest version as well.
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Old March 25th, 2006, 06:50 AM   #30
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DVD burner/player problem

Hi there,

My ibook G4 doesn't want to play or burn dvd's anymore. Has anyone else had this problem and if so, what should I do?

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