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Old November 18th, 2006, 02:04 PM   #151
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Final cut won't recognize HD100

Hello there, This is my first post. I'm pulling my hair out here. First off let me start off with some particulars. I have digitized footage from my HD100 before. However, today when trying to digitize with the same settings log and capture says " VTR in local". I'm able to digitize with AVCVideo capture and when I put Final cuts settings in Apple intermediary. I'm using the easy setup for HDV-720p24 which used to work but now no luck. Any Ideas? The camera does read HDV-HD24 on play back. Help!


P.S. output switch is in HDV
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Old November 20th, 2006, 07:48 PM   #152
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Getting 24F ftg into FCP w HD Connect LE

Has anyone successfully done this? All I want and need to do is get the footage from the H1 to Final Cut Pro in DVCProHD. It's easy to do using the HD SDI out, but then you don't get timecode and are doomed if you need to re-load a project.

I borrowed a Convergent Design HD Connect LE this weekend, but it was very flaky. I hooked it up with RS422 and embedded digital audio into my Kona LHe system. Anyone had any luck with this HD Connect or the Miranda device that does the same thing? It kept stopping and restarting the capture and would miss 3-4 seconds of footage every time. It was at random places...not just at a camera start/stop. I tried using both the HV10 and the A1 and both did the same thing...some times only capturing a couple minutes before stopping. Argh.

Let me know if there are any other pioneers out there with experience with this setup.


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Old November 24th, 2006, 10:25 AM   #153
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AVI to MPG2 Conversion software

Hey people. We need some conversion software for our macs. We need to convert AVI Files from FCP into MPG2 Files or even better. Is there a plugin to export to MPG2 straight from FCP.

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Old November 27th, 2006, 04:06 PM   #154
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Editing avi of PC Screen Capture on a G5

Hi All

Would somebody be able to shed light on a very particular query?

I have a requirement to edit on my G5 an avi file captured on a PC using Camtasia Studio and the TSCC codec. I run 10.3.9, QuickTime 6.5 and FCP 4.5HD. The original avi file is 1024 x 768. When I have finished the edit, I need to export it in a format that will run on a PC in the same pristine condition from whence it came i.e. lossless.

I looked on the Techsmith website and downloaded the EnSharpen codec. This plays back the subject avi on our iMac (running 10.4.8 and QuickTime 7.1.3) perfectly, but does not appear to work on my G5, even though in theory my version of OSX and QuickTime support it. Even if I could edit the avi on my G5, I don't know what format I can export in that would provide the quality which will be required.

I am not about to upgrade either the OS or my versions of QuickTime and FCP on my editing computer. Is there any way to achieve what I require?

Many thanks in advance for any advice which can be provided.
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Old November 27th, 2006, 07:07 PM   #155
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Cut and paste between timelines and duplicating timelines a problem with 5.1.2

Here's a couple of related problems I've never had before in FCP.

I cut/pasted a credit sequence from one sequence to another. The end credit roll was wrong and I didn't need to redo the entire sequence for the DVD. The first oddity was a slow motion clip that works fine in the original sequence only would render as a still in the new sequence. I deleted the slo-mo clip and dragged in the original clip from the bin. This also went into still mode when I slowed it down. I gave up and let the clip stay in normal speed whch rendered and played fine. I exported the sequence thru Compressor. The resulting mpeg file goes black about 2/3s of the way thru although the audio is OK. Nothing would stop the sequence from rendering like this. I gave up (again) and exported from the original sequence with an in point set at the beginning of the credits. This worked perfectly. That was yesterday.

Today I was working on a series and as is my habit, I duplicate the previous show, retitle it, and replace the bulk of the show but leave the hard stuff like the standard opening, credits, etc. This time the theme music aif played back disjointed and strange. The audio waveform was correct. I threw out the audio clip and brought in the original clip from the bin which worked perfectly.

What's up here? I don't remember this problem ever before.
William Hohauser - New York City
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Old November 28th, 2006, 02:54 AM   #156
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Encode flicker problem

Anybody encountered this (and more importantly, fixed it?).

I export directly from FCP into compressor, encode at roughly the 90min 2pass (adjusted for about 100min), and the problem I'm having in darker scenes is that any solid chunks of color (though this is black and white), seem to pulse every second or so. Almost like the brightness is stepping down for an instant, then back to normal. The noise inherent in the video seems to be more pronouced as well. I've definitely narrowed it to the encoding process, as outputting it to a quicktime the footage is fine. I've tried encoding with the DVD studio pro encoder as well, with the same results.

Anybody got any ideas? Of course I have to be up against a few festival deadlines the end of this week too...
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Old November 28th, 2006, 02:55 AM   #157
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QT Uncompresed error message 2125

Hi guys,
I am trying to edit a concert that was shot on an Panny HVX (DVCpro HD), Canon HV-10 (HDV) and an XL1s (DV).
The workflow I thought would be best, is to transfer all of the footage into 8-bit uncompressed using compressor and then edit them, going back into the original files if I wanted to zoom in on any of the HD stuff.

My trouble so far is that whenever I try to export the HDV footage using compressor I get QT error message 2125.

I've done a google search and found nothing too helpful (or that I could understand), but could someone here suggest what the problem might be, or suggest a better workflow.
Thanks very much


P.S., System:
Dual Core G5 with 5G ram
1.3 Tb Raid
360Gb Firewire 800
Newest versions of Final Cut, QT and compressor
The footage is stored on the raid and the destination for compressor is the firewire 800 drive.
If any one knows a good on-line ordering facility for dunces caps; I'll take 20.
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Old November 30th, 2006, 06:48 AM   #158
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Conduit Nodal Comping in Motion

Mutts and nuts immediately spring to mind!

Nodal compositing inside Motion for a snip.

With Shake EOLed and Apple rumoured to be writing a realtime nodal compositor based on the Motion core, could this be a taste of the future?

Anyway it adds loads of power to Motion when you don't need all the horsepower of Shake. Software like this makes me so glad I ditched Avid Xpress Pro and moved over to the fruit side...

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Old December 3rd, 2006, 01:37 AM   #159
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30p sequence preset in FCP?

When I capture 30p footage from my new Canon XH-A1, do I select a 60i timeline or 24p? Why is there no 30p preset? My footage looks interlaced on a 60i timeline and needs to be rendered on a 24p timeline.
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Old December 4th, 2006, 10:04 PM   #160
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MacOpener v. MacDrive or .... ?

MacOpener v. MacDrive?

MacDrive seems to be the most popular Apple to windows solution. But is it the one to go with?

I did a furom search and found several different programs mentioned in other threads but never saw any specific endorsement for any app.

thanks in advance.
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Old December 7th, 2006, 10:48 PM   #161
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importing 24p 2:3:3:2???

Hey guys,
Here is the thing, I shot a short film on Canon XL2 in 24p, 2:3:3:2 advanced mode and I’m importing the image to FCP now. My question is, since I previously had captured and edited 60i footage (for different, previous projects, I mean) and my FCP is already set for 60i, do I need change some settings before capturing my new 24p footage or do I need to stay with old settings?
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Old December 8th, 2006, 08:28 PM   #162
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Problems conforming 1080i50 to 23.98fps with Cinema Tools

I need to conform my 1080i50 footage to 23.98fps but Cinema Tools doesn't conform it. <if I conform an SD 50i or 60i footage it works perfectly, but I need to do it with the HDV!>

The file goes to "skipped" folder instead of "conformed" one.

Does anybody now what's happening and how can I sort it out?

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Old December 11th, 2006, 01:24 PM   #163
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How well does FCP mix interlaced and progressive HDV footage?

Is anyone mixing interlaced and progressive footage on a FCP 5 timeline? Would you set the timeline up for progressive or interlaced settings? Would there be any loss in quality? I'm specifically wondering how well the true progressive of the JVC HD100 would combine with the "faux" progressive of the Canon A1.
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Old December 13th, 2006, 09:32 AM   #164
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Advanced Pulldown Problem in FCP 5.1.2

Using FCP 5.1.2

Capturing from a JVC BRHD50.

Footage is 24PA

The problem is this:

FCP will not allow me to remove advanced pulldown. I get the following error message when I try to capture with the advanced pulldown setting:

"Clips with broken VFR/Pulldown Cadence"

Which, afterwards does not even capture the clip. My logged clip remains offline.

And I get this error message after I capture NTSC Anamorphic and try to removed pulldown using Tools>Advanced Pulldown removal:

"! Break in Advanced Pulldwon Cadence (pattern) found near t."

All of my un pulldown removed footage after capture looks like it has some dropped frames and every so often there appear to be digital hits (which are not on the tapes because they are inconsistant).

Does anyone know what's going on?
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Old December 14th, 2006, 08:01 PM   #165
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Does anyone know a good filter rig to get rid of Vertical Banding ?

Life Sucks!!!

I'm on After Effects btw...


sorry i got confuse, i thought it was call "vertical smear"

Last edited by Roberto Lanczos; December 14th, 2006 at 09:30 PM.
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