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Old November 10th, 2005, 04:49 PM   #1
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Minimum for FCP5

Hi Guys

I`ve tried to search this question but the search page keeps reporting an error on the page.

I am going to get hold of a 2nd hand mac to use with FCP5. FCP5 website says minimum is g4 500mhz or g5.

With your experiences :-) what is the real minimum I need to be looking at. I cannot afford a new unit, not just yet anyway. But want something that can a bit more than add titles to a family holiday shot.

Thanks in advance.
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Old November 10th, 2005, 05:21 PM   #2
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Mays Landing, NJ
Posts: 11,802
Hi Andrew,.Have a look at this thread if you haven't already:

Now since you're posting this in the "Final Cut for HD/HDV" forum does that mean you're going to edit HDV? If so then forget the spec you quoted, that's for SD DV editing. See the specs here:

HD features require 1GHz or faster single or dual processors

512MB of physical RAM; HD features require 1GB of RAM or more (2GB recommended)
I haven't upgraded to FCP 5 yet myself (soon!) but personally I wouldn't waste my time with anything lower than a G5 single processor if you want to edit HDV; dual processor will be much better.

If you just want to edit DV then perhaps a 1ghz G4 will be OK. I have done a lot of DV editing on my 1ghz powerbook with 1gb RAM. It is quite usable under FCP4.5 and I gather FCP5 may have even improved realtime performance. But rendering is going to be very slow. And there is just no comparison to my dual 2.5ghz G5 with 2.5GB RAM.

Try to find the money for some sort of used dual G5, maybe there's a 1.8 dual out there somewhere?
Boyd Ostroff is offline   Reply

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