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Old February 22nd, 2015, 01:04 AM   #1
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Log and transfer crashes while previewing files

Hi all,
Sorry , newbie question! I've read a lot about AVCHD crashing in L&T, but it works fine for me unless I try to preview a clip in the log and transfer player. I'm running FCE on a 3 yr old Imac and if I drag the clip into the box, it uploads fine but if I drag it into the player and play it , I get a green bar halfway up the screen and then the spinning ball of death appears!! Now this only happens if I shoot in 1080-50i (I'm in Pal territory) but if I shoot in 1080-25p , I can play the clip in the viewer, trim it and then upload it no problem. So I should be happy I suppose, but in 25p, the viewfinder is a bit jerky (sony HXR- NX3) but in play back the picture is fine. So is it possible to fix the 50i problem or is FCE not fast enough to handle the 50i files in preview? Or should I just upload the whole file and be happy the damn thing works..LOL

Thanks , Gregg
Photography...the one thing I can do OK with one eye!!
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Old February 23rd, 2015, 02:32 PM   #2
Join Date: Jan 2006
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Re: Log and transfer crashes while previewing files

Be Happy the damn thing works and make plans to upgrade to FCP X if you stay in the Apple software world. I didn't think FCE was usable. FCP 7 is still pretty useable
Daniel Epstein is offline   Reply With Quote
Old February 24th, 2015, 01:38 AM   #3
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Re: Log and transfer crashes while previewing files

Hahah.. Yes Daniel , the more I read the more I realize I'm pushing my luck as it is..LOL I forget how long I've had FCE, time flies when you reach 40!! I was thinking about upgrading , and will probably stay with Final Cut, so I guess It's Pro X pretty soon. But i'll get used to the camera first and get a bit more of my money out of FCE!! Thanks for the reply.
Cheers Gregg
Photography...the one thing I can do OK with one eye!!
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